Is RDR 1 on PS5? No – But Here‘s How to Play Rockstar‘s Wild West Epic

As an avid gamer and industry commentator, the question I get asked most is: can I play Red Dead Redemption 1 on my shiny new PlayStation 5? And it pains me to continually share the disappointing truth – no, PlayStation gamers are plain out of luck when it comes to experiencing Rockstar‘s rootin‘ tootin‘ open world Western epic.

But does that mean PS5 owners resigned to never again hearing the gravelly voice of John Marston? Well luckily for you, I‘ve dug deep into options across consoles and potential re-releases to uncover all you need to know about getting your RDR1 fix.

Why Did RDR1 Leave PlayStation Plus?

This whole dilemma stems from Sony unceremoniously removing access to Red Dead Redemption from the PlayStation Plus Premium streaming catalog. Previously, PS Plus members could stream the PS3 classic on PS4/PS5 thanks to Sony‘s "Netflix-style" game library. But that availability vanished without warning in April 2022:

"Red Dead Redemption was available via PlayStation Plus Premium, allowing PS4 and PS5 owners to experience the game via streaming…That is no longer the case."

Why Sony yanked access is still a mystery, but signs point to expiring streaming licenses. Especially considering Rockstar‘s focus remains squarely on wringing every last penny from the massively popular GTA Online. RDR1 clearly isn‘t a priority.

Can I Play RDR1 on PS5 Another Way?

No dice. Unlike Xbox consoles which offer broad backwards compatibility, PlayStation‘s "pro-consumer" approach prohibits playing older gen games natively:

  • PS5 does not support PS3 (or earlier) game discs
  • Purchasing RDR1 via the PlayStation Store only works on PS3 consoles
  • Sony provides no other means of accessing or streaming the title

That leaves PlayStation gamers totally high and dry.

Meanwhile Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One owners can mosey on down memory lane via native backwards compatibility or Xbox Game Pass.

Will Rockstar Remaster RDR1 for PS5?

With PlayStation owners essentially blocked from playing Rockstar‘s rootin‘ tootin‘ open world cowboy epic, all hope lies in an eventual remaster polished up for modern machines. Previous rumors indicated new-gen upgrades for both RDR1 and GTA IV were in the works.

But hopes were shot dead when Rockstar botched the recent GTA Trilogy "remaster" effort:

“Following reports of plans for PS5 and Xbox Series X enhancements of Grand Theft Auto V, we have now also heard from sources that remasters of Grand Theft Auto IV and Red Dead Redemption were on the table a few years ago, but they did not move forward.”

Considering the disastrous rollout of the half-baked GTA Trilogy, I‘d bet my horse that Rockstar canned any further remaster ideas (for now).

When Will We Get RDR3?

With RDR1 fading into the rearview, our only hope is Rockstar eventually saddling up to deliver Red Dead Redemption 3. But sources attest that any new Western epic sits years away:

“One plan that management has laid out for the years ahead is to work on Grand Theft Auto VI until it’s ready for release, then attention can turn to the next Red Dead Redemption game.”

Considering the gargantuan size and scope expected for GTA 6, we‘re likely looking at a 2026 or 2027 release. Then tack on another 3-5 years for full focus to shift back towards a new Red Dead chapter.

It could be 2030 before we get another open world Wild West simulator from Rockstar.

What About Red Dead Redemption 2?

As mentioned before: Xbox owners can get their full Red Dead fix via backward compatibility options to play both RDR2 and RDR1.

But for PlayStation fans, your only option is to saddle up with 2018‘s epic prequel: Red Dead Redemption 2.

The game racked up over 175 perfect review scores for its jaw-dropping open world, immersive atmosphere, and emotional 60+ hour story campaign:

Critic ScoreUser Score

You‘ll cry "yeehaw!" as you guide sharpshooter and fan favorite Arthur Morgan towards his tragic yet honorable fate.

And while not covering the full arc started by RDR1, the epilogue allows a glimpse at John‘s life leading up to that fateful day at the farm.

So while not a direct link to RDR1, PS5 gamers can still experience Rockstar‘s unique Wild West world – and soak up an unforgettable story to boot.

Will PlayStation Block Red Dead Forever?

Considering Sony‘s arrogance towards properly preserving legacy PlayStation content, there‘s warranted fear they could permanently blacklist fantastic last-gen exclusives like Red Dead.

But thankfully for fans, market forces should prevent them deliberately locking down support forever:

  • Xbox continues investing heavily in backward compatibility and Game Pass streaming
  • Services like PlayStation Plus Premium rely on sating subscriber demand for top-tier legacy content
  • Sony faces mounting pressure after Microsoft‘s massive Activision Blizzard acquisition

While PlayStation leadership remains frustratingly anti-consumer with legacy content access, losing flagship IP like Red Dead from subscribers could light a fire under them.

After years of glossing over and even removing iconic legacy games, fan and media backlash forced Sony‘s hand into launching a competitve response with PlayStation Plus Premium.

So it might just take further uproar from PlayStation gamers longing to relive Marston‘s revolution to push Sony into securing streaming rights once again.

Heck, even an official PlayStation PC port could satiate folks. After all, that approach has minted millions for once exiled PlayStation classics like God of War!

The Red Dead Redemption Legacy Persists

Like any passionate gamer, locking away pivotal interactive entertainment experiences paints a dire picture.

Hardware generations continue to divide amazing artistic works into fractured legacy silos – out of reach from fresh audiences due to corporate apathy.

But Red Dead Redemption‘s phenomenal storytelling, characters, and world-building persist in the gaming zeitgeist for good reason.

As pressure continues mounting on Sony, opportunities for new generations of gamers to experience Rockstar‘s raw heartland epic draw closer by the day.

And Red Dead Redemption 2 provides an alluring opportunity to dive into the series rich atmosphere and emotional narrative – even if the Van der Linde gang‘s full journey remains obscured.

Because hardware may fail and corporations falter, but exceptional interactive art perseveres thanks to the passionate fan communities who champion it.

So while the short answer remains "No, Red Dead Redemption is not playable on PlayStation 5", the story lives on through discussion. And someday, both past and future gamers shall ride again!

Let me know your thoughts on Twitter via @GameInsiderRP! Do you think Sony needs to step up legacy game support? What‘s your most anticipated Rockstar sequel?

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