Is Red Dead Redemption‘s Map Really Smaller than Red Dead Redemption 2‘s Sprawling Frontier?

Red Dead Redemption‘s stoic gunslinger John Marston first stepped into the stirrups in 2010, ascending into gaming folklore with his tragic anti-hero‘s journey across the dying American Frontier. His redemption quest took him through harsh desert scrublands, perilous canyons and a smattering of fledgling frontier towns.

Developer Rockstar Games had crafted their most ambitious open world to date – a sprawling frontier that, while not the infinite sprawl of GTA‘s urban jungle, encapsulated the loneliness and beauty of the Old West.

Or so we thought, until 2018‘s prequel Red Dead Redemption 2 unfurled the full tapestry of this fictional slice of American history. Tracing outlaw Arthur Morgan‘s journey through the Van der Linde gang, it revealed the Frontier in its full glory years before encroaching modernity corrupted its wilds.

Just how vast is the scale of this Western opus? Today we‘ll find out if Red Dead Redemption‘s map really is dwarfed by its epic prequel. Grab your binoculars and saddlebags – we‘ve got some territory to cover!

The Storied Sandbox – Breaking Down Red Dead Redemption‘s Frontier

Red Dead Redemption‘s frontier domain covers a span of approximately 31 square kilometers according to density estimates. While dwarfed by today‘s behemoths, it represented a marked jump in scale from Grand Theft Auto IV‘s Liberty City in 2008.

The majority of its 31 km sq area is centered around the San Luis and Nuevo Paraiso regions. This chiefly comprises arid desert and scrubland biomes (~65% coverage), interspersed with sheltered canyons and mesas (~20%).

There‘s over 1000m of elevation range too – from the highest snow-crested peaks down to the shores of the San Luis river. Though structured into definite regions, winding valleys of varying altitude give the world a seamless feel.

[IMAGE: Terrain Type Breakdown]

Despite its modest size compared to today‘s giants, it houses a surprising diversity of geologies and settlements in interwoven ecosystems. From the ramshackle mining outpost of Gaptooth Breach to sprawling Hennigan‘s Stead ranch, each locale enhances immersion in the waning Wild West.

With an average player completion time of ~30 hours, its compact but lively world facilitated Rockstar‘s signature cinematic storytelling – earning John Marston‘s redemption a hallowed place in gaming history.

The Scales Tip – Just How Vast is RDR2‘s Frontier?

So how does Red Dead Redemption‘s frontier measure up against the scales-tipping open expanse of its prequel? In a word – it‘s dwarfed. Rockstar dramatically upscaled their slice of frontier to craft a world of unprecedented dynamism and beauty.

Published estimates put RDR2‘s explorable land area at around 29 square miles (75 sq km) – over twice the size of 2010‘s frontier. It surely stands among gaming‘s largest open worlds ever constructed in terms of pure land area.

The diversity of landscapes and biomes packed within this Western diorama astounds too. Lush temperate forests and woodlands comprise over 30% of the world. The iconic Heartland overflow region alone would dwarf entire previous Rockstar maps!

Sprawling mountain ranges with 2000m of elevation range provide days of potential exploration. Dusty South-Western deserts cover at least 25% of the land area by estimates. We also traverse vertiginous river valleys, tropical marshlands, Grizzlies ice caps and grassy plains on this unforgettable gambol across America‘s untamed history.

RDR2‘s frontier is not just vast – it‘s mind-bogglingly rich and teeming with life around every corner. From Alpine streams to alligator-infested Bayou Nwa, the diversity of spaces culminates in the most vibrant open world ever created. One where emergent adventures flourish through its streams and valleys for over 50 hours on average.

It‘s a genuine challenge to quantify and compare such distinct open world design philosophies. While RDR provides a potent distillation of the Western essence, RDR2‘s intricate, mammoth frontier pushes gameplay possibilities to the very limits of modern technology.

[IMAGE: Map Overlay Comparisons]

The Nature of the Beasts – Breaking Down Both Game Worlds

MetricRed Dead RedemptionRed Dead Redemption 2
Total Area31 km sq75 km sq
BiomesDeserts, canyonsForests, mountains, plains etc
Landmarks94 locations196 locations
Average Playtime32 hours51 hours
Main Story Length20 hours45 hours

The Verdict – Super-Sized and Rich with Life

While Red Dead Redemption provides a potent cowboy fantasy in its compact map, the staggering achievement of RDR2‘s world simply can‘t be understated. In terms of sheer scale and content density, it dwarfs its storied predecessor.

Both games are pinnacles of the open world artform. However, the sheer technical brio and thousands of hours of discoverable adventures give RDR2‘s sprawling yet intricately crafted frontier the edge. Its vibrant, dynamic American wilderness is perhaps gaming‘s greatest yet.

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