Is Red Dead Redemption 2 Better Than Skyrim? A Deep Dive Analysis

As a passionate gamer and creator who closely follows the gaming industry, one of the most common questions I‘m asked is: "Is Red Dead Redemption 2 better than Skyrim?"

These are two of the most beloved, best-selling and critically acclaimed open-world action-adventure games ever made. But they both offer very different experiences.

In this deep dive analysis, I will compare these iconic games across six key areas to help you decide which one is "better" based on what you value most in a game:

World Size and Exploration

  • Skyrim‘s world of Tamriel measures approximately 14.3 square miles . This includes all of the cities, villages, dungeons and wilderness areas across the snowy region of Skyrim.
  • In comparison, the explorable map of Red Dead Redemption 2 spans a massive 29 square miles – making it over twice the size of Skyrim.

So if you want to spend hundreds of hours traversing a rich, expansive open world brimming with locations and terrain then Red Dead 2 has a superior world in terms of sheer size and scope.

However, Skyrim compensates through verticality – its snow-capped mountains, dark caverns and Dwarven ruins offer lots of depth to explore. Mods also bring new lands into Tamriel further expanding its scale.

Graphics and Visual Presentation

As an Xbox One/PS4 title, RDR2 is a technical showcase that pushes the boundaries of what was thought visually possible in games.

  • Every inch of its 1899 Wild West world overflowing with unbelievable levels of detail from mountain peaks and dense forests to dust clouds swirling about desert towns.
  • Characters and animals also look shockingly realistic – facial animations, fur, muscle movements all help immerse you into its grounded version of the Wild West.

By comparison, Skyrim‘s visuals look dated as an early Xbox 360/PS3 title. But stunning art design featuring diverse landscapes and architecture gives Tamriel its own fantastical flavor.

So while Skyrim has an artistic charm, RDR2‘s advanced realism and cutting-edge technology make it a much more gorgeous, visually immersive experience overall.


The stories in these games aim for very different things:

  • RDR2 delivers a mature, character-driven narrative focused on themes of loyalty, morality and the death of the Wild West way of life. Well-written dialogue and performances combined with impactful choices make it an unforgettable, emotionally resonant tale.
  • Skyrim goes all-in on classic high fantasy and epic adventure across Tamriel. As the prophesized Dragonborn, the freedom to determine your own path and roleplay precisely how you want allows you to make your own stories organically.

Both games use their narratives incredibly well to realize their respective worlds and priorities.

I believe RDR2‘s poignant tale backed by award-worthy writing and acting make it superior in terms of outright storytelling quality and depth. But Skyrim‘s flexible approach also works wonders by letting you live out so many stories big and small at your own pace.

Gameplay Mechanics and Systems

Red Dead Redemption 2 strives for immersion through various complex, interweaving systems that simulate a real living world:

  • Arthur must regularly eat, sleep, clean weapons, groom his horse and manage cores to survive while exploring the wilderness or taking on daring heists and gang conflicts.
  • A trusty horse is your most loyal companion for traversing the world or even bonding in quiet moments at camp.
  • An honor system dynamically shapes Arthur‘s personaility shifting relationships and unlocking certain outcomes organically.
  • Diverse wildlife, dynamic weather, towns bustling with life and NPCs all help the world feel remarkably alive.

By contrast, Skyrim offers classic RPG mechanics that empower fantasy wish fulfillment:

  • Fluid, real-time combat with melee, magic and archery against mythic foes like dragons and undead.
  • An intricate skill tree system enables you to customize your battlemage/archer/assassin build.
  • Questlines let you specifically become guildmaster of groups like the mages college or thieves guild.
  • Robust crafting system to forge potent weapons and gear to complement your playstyle .

While RDR2‘s realistic mechanics make its world feel more grounded and alive, Skyrim offers more flexibility through traditional RPG systems. This lets you truly inhabit whatever fantasy hero you wish to be from dashing swordsmen to masters of magic.

Content and Replayability

A core part of the Elder Scrolls DNA passed down since Morrowind is providing hundreds upon hundreds of hours of content and continuously playable value:

  • Hundreds of handcrafted dungeons across Skyrim awaiting treasure hunters from ancient Nordic tombs to Dwemer mechanical cities.
  • Infinite radiant sidequests procedurally generated for unlimited content.
  • Outcomes impacted by player choices throughout questlines alter NPC reactions, available rewards and roleplaying opportunities.
  • Mod Support enables PC players to exponentially add even more fan-made content expanding possibilities.

By completing all this content, one dedicated player invested over 700 hours to attain 100% completion of Skyrim!

While mighty impressive in its own right, Red Dead Redemption 2 is ultimately designed for more contained, directed play:

  • Sizable open world filled with strangers to help, rival gang hideouts to assault, side businesses to run and legendary animals to hunt.
  • Around 179 hours for completionist players to see everything.
  • Linear narrative reduces replay incentive though alternate endings based on key choices.

Skyrim‘s nigh endless array of handcrafted + radiant content paired with vast mod support vastly exceeds RDR2 for gameplay longevity and replayability.

Critical Reception

Both games were incredibly well-received by critics and fans as generation-defining open world masterpieces:

  • RDR2 earned 97 critic average on Metacritic – one of the highest ever – praising its technical and narrative achievements.
  • Skyrim matched that with a 94 critic average for wonderfully realizing the pure escapist fantasy promised by the franchise since Elder Scrolls began in 1994.

Commercially, both games have shipped tens of millions of units:

  • Skyrim – over 30 million copies sold
  • RDR2 – over 45 million copies

By both critical and commercial metrics, RDR2 appears to have a slight edge over Skyrim. But TESV‘s continued sales 11 years later exemplify its legendary status.

The Verdict: It Depends What You‘re Looking For!

So what‘s the final answer – is Read Dead Redemption 2 better than Skyrim?

If you prioritize jaw-dropping graphics, realistic game systems and an impactful narrative – Read Dead 2 is arguably superior.

If you want almost limitless content freedom and flexibility in an epic fantasy world to escape reality – Skyrim remains untouched.

For many modern gamers expecting the most cinematic, movie-like experience – RDR2 is likely more appealing. But TESV endures over a decade later for good reason.

In my opinion – these are both all-time greats pushing the open world genre forward in different ways. Red Dead 2 represents an unprecedented achievement in immersive world building and interactive storytelling. Yet Skyrim grants a timeless escapist fantasy realized with incredible attention to detail that we may never see matched again.

I believe lucky gamers owe it to themselves to play both all-time masterpieces to appreciate two brilliant interpretations of the living open world concept. Each provides hundreds of hours of memorable adventures – why not embark on both?

Let me know in the comments what you think – hope this analysis helps compare two incredible titles!

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