Is Red Dead Redemption 2 on Xbox Game Pass in 2024?

No, as of February 2023, Red Dead Redemption 2 is not available via an Xbox Game Pass membership. Rockstar Games‘ wild west epic headlined the Game Pass lineup for a few short months in mid-2022, but has since been removed from the catalog. Let‘s break down the history behind RDR2‘s appearance, disappearance, and what the future could hold for its streaming eligibility.

The Saga Behind RDR2‘s Fleeting Xbox Game Pass Debut

Red Dead Redemption 2 galloped onto Xbox Game Pass in May 2022, marking the first time the highly acclaimed title joined Microsoft‘s "Netflix for games" subscription. But the honeymoon period faded fast, with RDR2 suddenly removed just 4 months later in September amidst mysterious licensing negotiations.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Xbox Game Pass Timeline

Why would Microsoft flex its spending power to land a blockbuster then let it slip away so quickly? Industry whispers suggest Take-Two played hardball around renewal terms. As publishers maximize profits in the expanding streaming wars, even giants like MSFT balk at sky-high perpetual licensing fees for non-owned IP.

With hits as big as GTA and Red Dead, Rockstar‘s parent company Take-Two holds all the cards to make huge multi-million dollar demands. We saw 2K Games remove the Bioshock trilogy from services too despite strong catalog performance. Securing and retaining true AAA content remains an ongoing battle amongst Netflix-like platforms.

The Verdict: Don‘t expect RDR2 to remain off Game Pass forever, but recycled short-term deals may continue until economic equilibrium is reached. For now, take advantage of retail discounts before any potential return.

Evaluating Standalone Red Dead Online for $5

Red Dead Online Revenue Split

With story mode access in limbo, curious cowpokes might be tempted by the radically discounted Red Dead Online offered at just $5 as a Game Pass perk (for now). This splits off the multiplayer component for those eager for rootin‘ tootin‘ open world action.

Revenue statistics reveal that only 29% of Red Dead buyers actually play Online…could this $5 gateway serve to convert more story-only fans? Let‘s discuss pros and cons:


  • Incredibly low buy-in to sample gameplay
  • Persistent content updates and battle passes
  • Beautiful open world backdrop to explore solo or socially


  • Widely seen as inferior to GTA Online
  • Repetitive mission design and sluggish combat
  • Rampant hacking and modders discouraging fair play
  • Microtransactions and grinding still prominent

If not for modder troubles, this could serve as an excellent entry point to the series and mechanics. As is I can only recommend for the most budget-conscious gamers who can laugh off the exploits. Virtual wild west tourism has merit, but story mode‘s where the real value lies.

Cost Per Hour Analysis of RDR2 Purchase Options

Let‘s crunch some numbers around the value ratio of buying RDR2 at full price, on discount, or hoping for that elusive Game Pass return…

Purchase MethodUpfront CostHours of GameplayCost per Hour
Full Price Purchase$59.9963.5 hours*$0.94
50% Off Purchase$29.9963.5 hours*$0.47
1 Month Game Pass$9.9963.5 hours*$0.16

*Average main story completion time

Key Takeaway: Buying at even a modest 25% off sale would still secure RDR2 for under $1 per hour of epic cowboy gameplay. And potential Game Pass access blows that value out of the water. Be patient and pounce when discounted! Even full price remains rather reasonable entertainment ROI despite sticker shock.

And this is all before considering RIAA readiness, with average completionist times skyrocketing to 163 hours for 100% side activity satisfaction!

Is 100% Completion Worth the Effort in RDR2?

Speaking of that coveted 100% completion milestone denoting a fully "mastered" game, just how realistic and rewarding is this for the average player? Let‘s investigate why only a measly 4% of gamers actually roll credits on RDR2‘s story THEN continue grinding away at all ancillary activities threaded throughout its sprawling frontier map.

The chief issues commonly cited:

Harsh Reality #1: 100% completion requires 80+ hr main campaign run THEN another 80 hours mopping up all side material. We‘re talking 160+ hrs total for The Best in the West trophy. That‘s longer than some players allocate across ALL titles in a given year!

Harsh Reality #2: Unlike achieving platinums in other games, RDR2 itself offers next to no actual in-game rewards, items, or abilities for your efforts. Just bragging rights and admiring that trophy collection. After almost 200 hours total.

Harsh Reality #3: Missable content and requirements like skin deep exotic animals make trustees unforgiving. Not encounter that 3 star moose along chapter 2‘s narrow window? No truly "perfect" playthrough for you!

The Verdict Perfectionists and trophy hunters need apply only. Expect a marathon month+ long grind with little payoff beyond personal satisfaction witnessing credits roll from 100% displayed in menus. Worth it? Debatable indeed…

Quick Fire Red Dead FAQs

Let‘s settle some common reader questions around Red Dead availability and hot topics:

Q: Is the original Red Dead Redemption from 2010 still accessible?
A: Yes! RDR1 remains purchasable and playable across Xbox/PlayStation platforms whether via backward compatibility or discs. Only catch is PS Plus Premium is currently the only streaming option.

Q: Whatever happened to rumors around development of a Red Dead Redemption 3 game?
A: After the smash success of RDR2, most fans expected Rockstar would flirt with continuing the series given absurd profits and demand. However insiders have confirmed a proper RDR3 is not in active development, with resources focused squarely on Grand Theft Auto 6 for this next console generation.

Q: Just how large is the RDR2 install? Can I play without Internet?
A: Saddle up for over 100GB required hard drive space! This epic truly pushes hardware. And yes after downloading updates, you can play the full story mode offline.

Q: Does Red Dead Online offer decent depth and gameplay loops if I only buy its standalone $5 access?
A: Simply put…temper your expectations severely at that entry point. Fun can be had messing around the open world, but mission variety, weapon options, mechanics quickly wear thin compared to GTA Online. You get what you pay for here.

Bottom Line – Buy RDR2 On Sale Now or Hold for Game Pass Return?

Let‘s cut to the chase with my personal recommendation after weighing all information and projections around Red Dead Redemption 2 availability options in 2024 and beyond:

Unless you have ample patience AND tightly budgeted entertainment funds, purchasing discounted digital copies that routinely hit 50% off is your best bet for diving back into Rockstar‘s wild west masterpiece.

Will RDR2 return to Game Pass someday? I‘m very confident that partnership will continue. But predicting when involves guesstimating the business dealings between $28B megacorp Microsoft and $19B industry titan Take-Two. Could be months or years.

And if you must scratch that Red Dead itch now now now and money is truly no object? Full price physical or digital copies still deliver reasonable entertainment ROI around $1 per hour. Just depends how much you prioritize aesthetic cowboys over fiscal responsibility!

So in summary for impulse buyers:

  • Best Budget Option – Buy discounted digital copy at ~50% off
  • Best Overall Value – Keep eye out for RDR2 Game Pass return announcements
  • Best Instant Access – Full price physical/digital purchase

No matter which avenue speaks to your style, spare no expense securing some way to experience Rockstar‘s wild west masterpiece. Hunting and roaming with the Van der Linde gang remains immersive ambience yet to be topped in gaming. Yeehaw!

Of course I‘m happy to address any other questions in comments below around the eligibility saga of accessing RDR2 in 2024!

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