Is Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2 the same story?

The Short Answer

No, Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2 do not share the exact same story. Red Dead Redemption 2 serves as a prequel that takes place before the events of the first Red Dead Redemption game. It explores the origins of John Marston and the notorious Van der Linde gang he used to ride with.

So while the two games feature overlapping characters and are directly linked in continuity, they focus on different protagonists and plotlines set years apart. Red Dead Redemption 2 shows the gang in its heyday, while Red Dead Redemption 1 shows the consequences of its downfall years later.

Connecting the Timelines

To provide some quick context on the chronology:

  • Red Dead Redemption 2 – 1899: Follows Arthur Morgan and the Van der Linde gang as they go on the run across the American frontier.
  • Red Dead Redemption 1 – 1911: Stars John Marston years after the gang fell apart, as he hunts down his former partners.

So in terms of the timeline, RDR2 comes first and RDR1 follows after. But the first Red Dead Redemption game was released in 2010, before prequel story in Red Dead Redemption 2 was told in 2018.

This means that Rockstar Games told the story out of order, giving fans John Marston‘s perspective first in RDR1, then going back to follow the origins of the gang in a prequel.

Examining How the Stories Connect

While RDR1 was made first and RDR2 serves as a prequel origin story, the continuity between the two games is very tight.

In RDR2 we see a young John Marston as a prominent member of Dutch‘s gang. Getting glimpses of John‘s earlier outlaw days before the events of Redemption 1 adds richer context.

And many characters from the gang in RDR2 have direct ties to the later storyline in Redemption 1:

  • Dutch van der Linde – The leader of the gang struggles to keep the gang together as they go on the run. We find out what finally drove him over the edge before he reappears later in RDR1.
  • Javier Escuella – John hunts down this former gang mate in RDR1.
  • Bill Williamson – Another prominent gang member who John tracks in RDR1 to settle an old score.
  • Uncle – He joins John Marston‘s ranch years later.

Furthermore, the epilogue in RDR2 leads directly up to the intro events of RDR1, making the continuity feel tight.

We see glimpses of John trying to go straight and provide for his family after the gang breaks up. This sets up the opening scenes of RDR1 when government agents threaten John‘s family to force him to hunt former gang members.

So the two games are intimately connected even though the focus of the storyline shifts.

Comparing the Central Characters: Arthur and John

Since RDR1 and RDR2 feature different protagonists, it can be helpful compare and contrast John Marston and Arthur Morgan to see how they fit into the larger story:

Arthur Morgan

  • Member of Dutch‘s Gang
  • Mentor figure to John
  • Sees the gang start to unravel
  • Age 36 during events of RDR2
  • Suffers from Tuberculosis leading to eventual death

John Marston

  • Prominent member of Dutch‘s gang
  • Lost faith in gang later on
  • Tries to go straight with his family after
  • Age 26 during the events of RDR2
  • Seeks redemption years later in RDR1

While the two men come from similar outlaw backgrounds, their individual stories differ.

Arthur plays a leadership role in Dutch‘s gang at its peak. We see him start to doubt Dutch, showing cracks forming in the gang years before the events of RDR1.

Meanwhile, John Marston is a young gun in RDR2 still loyal to the gang. Only later does he lose faith after a botched robbery, try to go straight, before getting blackmailed into hunting former members in Redemption 1.

So together, their arcs complete the full picture of the gang‘s glory days to its eventual downfall years later. But each protagonist brings a different perspective to the tragic story.

Comparing the Impact of Major Characters

Besides the central characters, analyzing the arc of Dutch through both games provides great insight into the connected storylines:

The Rise and Fall of Dutch‘s Gang

Dutch van der Linde

  • Charismatic leader
  • Philosophical yet ruthless
  • Held gang together in youth
  • Grew increasingly unhinged over time
  • Killed himself in RDR1 ending

In many ways, the story of the gang is a tragedy of Dutch‘s undoing.

In RDR2 during the gang‘s prime, Dutch acts as a charismatic father figure keeping tensions at bay. But as the wilderness disappears and society encroaches, we start to see Dutch unravel with doubts, paranoia and a loss of control.

This builds tension that explodes once they get back from Guarma, kicking off some of the most memorable scenes in RDR2 as Dutch loses faith in Arthur and John.

Dutch goes fully over the edge in the years between games. By RDR1, he leads a ragtag bunch of Native Americans under false pretenses before ending his life. John sees that time has distorted Dutch‘s once inspiring vision into delusions that leave death and suffering in his wake.

Analyzing Dutch provides a critical lens to understand the broader themes connecting the two games. His tragic demise coincides with the death knell of traditional outlaw life as Old West society disappears.

Playing the Games in Order

While the chronology puts RDR2 first, the story order goes RDR1 then RDR2 as a prequel. So which way should you play the saga as a first-timer?

For story impact, going RDR2 then RDR1 allows the downfall arc to hit harder. Knowing Dutch‘s deity into violence and terror gives more weight once you see John have to hunt him later on in Redemption 1.

But RDR1 has a bit more refined gameplay. So playing the first game to get familiar with systems before diving into the ambitious open world prequel has merit too.

Ultimately both orders work great. The story stands beautifully on its own in each game. But you gain more appreciation seeing how events unfold chronologically from heyday to downfall by playing RDR2 first.

Visualizing the Story Timeline

To see how the events of Redemption 1 and 2 line up chronologically, this visual timeline helps give context:

1863Young Dutch rescues a teenaged Hosea from lynching
1873Younger Dutch and Hosea form the early Van der Linde gang
1874A teenaged Arthur Morgan joins up with the gang
1887John Marston joins the Van der Linde gang
1899Main events of Red Dead Redemption 2
1906Failed botched robbery. John leaves wounded and decides to go straight.
1911Main events of Red Dead Redemption 1
1914Jack Marston avenges father‘s death

Summarizing How the Stories Fit Together

While RDR1 and RDR2 offer some differing perspectives and gameplay, their narratives are tightly interwoven. We see the Van der Linde gang rise and fall over decades:

  • RDR2 shows the gang relatively strong but starting to fracture
  • John leaves the gang wounded after a robbery gone wrong
  • In RDR1 John hunts former members culminating with Dutch
  • Jack Marston avenges the death of his father John years later

So the full arc goes from the power of the gang to its dissolution to the legacy passing on with Jack Marston. We get the complete picture even though the games jump forward and backward in time.

This means RDR1 and RDR2 complement each other beautifully. But they tell stories set years apart with different protagonists and themes while keeping tight continuity throughout.

I hope this guide clears up whether Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2 share the same story! Let me know if you have any other questions and stay tuned for my next deep dive.

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