Is Risk of Rain 2 split-screen Xbox?

The answer is a resounding yes! Risk of Rain 2 proudly supports 2-player split-screen action on Xbox One and newer Xbox Series X|S consoles. This allows you to explore the chaotic planet of Petrichor V with a friend side-by-side, battling monsters and collecting loot in harmony.

Activating Split-Screen

Getting split-screen running on your Xbox console is thankfully simple:

  1. Connect two controllers to your Xbox
  2. Launch Risk of Rain 2
  3. Press "Menu" on Controller 2 and select "Join"
  4. Screen splits vertically to enable two-player co-op!

Once initialized, both players share progression such as levels, items and currency picked up. You can freely revive each other when downed, making split-screen a more forgiving way to experience Risk of Rain 2‘s roguelike brutality.

The Split-Screen Experience

In my extensive playtesting, Risk of Rain 2‘s split-screen runs smoothly with no noticeable performance hits or slowdowns even on base Xbox One hardware. The vertical divide is a clean separation that makes tracking your character easy.

Horizontal splits can cause left-right confusion but the vertical approach here works great, aided by the game‘s side-view camera perspective. Each player gets their own discrete section of the HUD too including health bars and mini-maps.

Players Supported2 player split-screen
OrientationVertical split
Performance ImpactNone observed
Loot SharingAll progression is shared

So in summary, it handles the key technical and gameplay aspects of split-screen nicely.

Split-Screen Player Base

Sizing the audience that can utilize Risk of Rain 2‘s Xbox split-screen features is difficult to pinpoint precisely…but we can estimate based on Xbox household penetration data:

  • At least 51 million Xbox One units sold (VGChartz)
  • Over 12 million Xbox Series S|X sold so far

Conservatively assuming an average of 1.5 gamers per Xbox household, that equates to a potential player pool north of 100 million friends that could explore Risk of Rain 2 cooperatively on the couch together.

And that‘s just counting Xbox gamers – add in PlayStation, Nintendo and PC owners that play Risk of Rain 2 via Steam‘s Remote Play Together feature and the social audience is even more vast. Exciting stuff!

Troubleshooting Tips

Occasionally during my Risk of Rain 2 split-screen sessions, I‘ve seen the Second Player fail to properly join the game first try. But a quick controller resync or game restart resolves it promptly.

If you encounter issues getting the split-screen started, try these troubleshooting tips:

  • Ensure both controllers are powered on
  • Re-sync the secondary controller
  • Reboot the game client
  • Hard reset your Xbox console if needed

With quality Internet connectivity that small hiccup should be rare and easy to bounce back from. Now let‘s venture through some teleporters!

The Road Ahead…

While firmly functional today, Risk of Rain 2‘s Xbox split-screen support has room to grow even richer over time. Namely, some fans have wondered whether 3 or 4 player local co-op could be feasible someday.

The developers have not announced concrete plans but remain receptive to community feedback per past responses:

"Good to know folks are interested in more local multiplayer functionality though, thanks for the tag!"

If couch play retains popularity, a triple or quad split configuration could arise down the road. Integrating online guests into local games might be another cool expansion for friends afar to cross-play together.

For now relishing Risk of Rain 2‘s refined 2-player split-screen couch play is plenty of chaotic fun. Surviving the interdimensional hordes alongside a partner in the comfort of your living room is a joy – especially when you unexpectedly luck into some OP item synergies!

The Verdict

In closing, Risk of Rain 2 delivers an excellent split-screen experience on Xbox platforms that lives up to the excitemen surrounding its addition. Performance is smooth, progression fully unified and that signature gameplay loop perpetually intoxicating.

So rally a comrade this weekend, call dibs on the Commando, sync up those controllers and let the lootin‘ begin. See you planetside!

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