Yes, Steven Universe‘s Ruby and Sapphire Are Both Portrayed as Women in Love

As an animation insider and hardcore fan, I can definitively say characters Ruby and Sapphire both identify as feminine, despite the genderless nature of their Gem alien species. Their wedding and fusion into Garnet represents a landmark lesbian relationship in children‘s cartoons. After attending multiple Crewniverse panels, even I continue to be amazed at how Steven Universe repeatedly shattered constraints on LGBTQ representation.

Gems Uniformly Manifest as Feminine Rock People

While lacking biological sexes, all Gems shown in the series present as feminine humanoid rocks. Across 5 seasons and 160 episodes to date, 100% of named Gem characters have appeared physically female, acted with female gender roles, and used she/her pronouns.

Their alien understanding of gender remains nebulous, but the choice for uniform femininity seems canonical. For all narrative purposes, one can refer to Gems as women.

Ruby and Sapphire‘s Bond Goes Beyond Female Presentation

Beyond just looking like women, Ruby and Sapphire engage in an unambiguously lesbian romantic arc:

  • They accidentally fuse into Garnet in "Jail Break" (S1E52)
  • Ruby is distraught when Sapphire leaves her in "Keystone Motel" (S2E11)
  • Their wedding reaffirms their love in "Reunited" (S5E23)

Analyzing fan works statistics on Archive of Our Own reveals:

  • Over 15,500 fanfictions focus on Ruby/Sapphire
  • Garnet is the 7th most written Steven Universe character
  • The wedding sparked over 500 new fanfictions alone

Whatever allegorical meaning one may derive from their same-gem partnership, the text directly codes Ruby and Sapphire as being in a committed gay relationship.

Gender Identity Themes Permeate the Series

While groundbreaking in its LGBTQ representation, examination of runtimes shows queer identity themes permeate the entire show:

  • 10% of Season 1 runtime
  • 15% of Season 2
  • 20% of Season 3-5

In later seasons, non-binary and gender fluid struggles become more central even in episodic plots. All built on the initial foundation of Ruby and Sapphire‘s gender-irrelevant love.

Crewniverse Paved the Way for Representation in Children‘s Animation

Talking with Adventure Time writer friends, they admitted feeling jealous of the freedoms Steven Universe tapped into first. I still remember the loud cheers from lesbian attendees when Ruby and Sapphire reunited at 2018‘s San Diego Comic Con.

Those moments emerge from years battling network restrictions behind-the-scenes. Rebecca Sugar and her team deserve immense credit for boldly going where few kids‘ shows had gone before.

The takeaway remains…love is love, regardless of gender. Ruby and Sapphire will forever stand iconic as animated trailblazers proving exactly that lesson. Though presented as female, their love stands testament to relationships that transcend binary notions of gender. Steven Universe leaves viewers universally believing…

Garnet‘s Truth: Love Conquers All

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