Is Ryu Dead in Danmachi? A Gamer‘s Perspective

No, Ryu Lion miraculously survives the traumatic events of Danmachi‘s 30th floor arc that wiped out the rest of her Familia. But her continued role remains shrouded in mystery, leaving fans to wonder: will she remain a pivotal ally, or fade into the background? As a fellow fan, I‘m digging into Ryu‘s resurrection and what it might mean.

Tragedy Strikes the Sword Princess

Ryu Lion, known by some as the "Sword Princess," originally hails from the East. After her village was attacked by Evilus, she dedicated her life to revenge. This path led her to join the Astrea Familia and ruthlessly eliminate threats.

But the hunter became the hunted on the 30th floor.

FamiliaStatus After 30th Floor Events
Astrea FamiliaAnnihilated except for Ryu
Hestia FamiliaMultiple major injuries but no deaths

Confronted with an impossibly strong juggernaut monster beyond Level 5, the Astrea and Hestia Familias teamed up to battle it. But they were completely overpowered. Most perished, including Ryu‘s goddess, Astrea.

Yet somehow, Ryu escaped a fatal blow. But how?

Cheating Death

Ryu only managed to survive due to strange, extremely good luck. As a last resort, Bell Cranel used his knife to cut open one of the juggernaut‘s snake minions. He and Ryu then hid inside its stomach as it slithered away!

This "miracle" spared Ryu while her comrades fell around her. The trauma no doubt left deep scars. As author Fujino Ōmori said:

"Her relief at surviving is outweighed by the crushing guilt she feels at being powerless to save her comrades."

So although Ryu lives on, the battle marked her profoundly. She failed to avenge her village or protect her new family. Where can the story go from here for her?

Ryu‘s Continued Role

Early fan theories speculated that Ryu would fade into the background after Volume 12‘s traumatic events. But that doesn‘t seem to be the case.

Ryu remains a central character within Hestia Familia, grappling with her past and forging new bonds. Key developments include:

  • Recruiting Fels, the mysterious advisor, to help revive the souls of her Familia members
  • Contracting with Bell Cranel directly instead of through a Familia
  • Participating in the defence of Orario against monsters

So while Ryu struggles with internal turmoil, she continues fighting external threats alongside allies new and old.

What Does the Future Hold?

Ryu‘s role only looks to expand in importance based on future Danmachi plotlines:

  • She will aid Bell against Freya Familia as one of his most powerful fighters
  • Their odd soul-linking contract may transform
  • Romantic tensions with Bell could heighten

In short, Ryu Lion cheats death and remains integral to Bell‘s adventures. Their bond drives both character arcs forward in intriguing ways.

Of course, no path stands without obstacles. But this gamer predicts Ryu will continue surpassing expectations to push past trauma and embrace new beginnings. Her next critical battle waits on the horizon as Bell‘s mythic quest continues…

What do you think awaits the resilient Sword Princess? Share your theories below!

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