Is Ryu in Love with Bell Cranel in DanMachi?

Yes, the preponderance of evidence suggests Ryuu Lion has indeed fallen in love with Bell Cranel over the course of their adventures together in the DanMachi series. As a passionate gamer and content creator myself, I have closely followed the developments in their relationship and seen clear signs that Ryu‘s feelings for Bell go beyond simple friendship.

Background on Ryuu and Bell‘s Bond

As a quick refresher, Ryuu Lion is a former adventurer of the Astraea Familia and now works as a waitress at the Hostess of Fertility restaurant in Orario. Bell Cranel is the protagonist of the series – a rookie adventurer rapidly gaining in strength as the sole member of the Hestia Familia.

Ryuu and Bell first crossed paths when Syr asked Ryuu to help Bell find the lost Hestia Knife. During this incident, Ryuu protected Bell from the dangers of the Dungeon and helped him retrieve the precious knife. Bell was extremely grateful and took Ryuu‘s hands in his to thank her sincerely. This moment seemed to spark the beginning of Ryuu‘s feelings for Bell.

Since then, the two have bonded deeply over their adventuring experiences and love of myths and stories. There are several instances where Ryuu helps or protects Bell, showing how much she cares for him. It‘s also clear Bell trusts Ryuu given how readily he confides in her about the troubles he faces.

Defining Moments Revealing Ryuu‘s Love

While their relationship started out platonically, several key moments stand out that reveal the evolution of Ryuu‘s feelings into romantic love.

Ryuu Blushes When Bell Holds Her Hands

In Volume 6 of the light novels, Ryuu recalls how she "found herself unable to let go" when Bell grabbed her hands to thank her for finding the Hestia Knife. She blushes deeply at the memory, hinting she was flustered by his touch and sincere words. This reaction is common when someone is romantically interested in another person.

Ryuu Admits Not Letting Go of a Man Who Holds Your Hand

When teased about that moment by Anya and Chloe, Ryuu reveals her elf mentor Alise once taught her to "not let go of a man who is able to casually grab and hold your hand." This suggests Ryuu took those words to heart and sees deeper meaning in Bell being willing to physically connect with her through hand-holding.

Risking Her Life Multiple Times for Bell

On several occasions, Ryuu puts herself in harms way to protect or help Bell without regard for her own safety. For instance, she shielded Bell when the Silverback attacked and suffered grievous injuries as a result. Her willingness to repeatedly risk her life for Bell shows how much he means to her.

Extreme Despair Believing Bell Died

In Volume 11, Ryuu is falsely informed that Bell died in the Dungeon. She apparently was so devastated she lost the will to live and had to be physically shaken out of her stupor. This extreme reaction to the perceived loss of Bell reveals the depth of her emotional connection to him.

Jealousy Towards Other Women

As discussed more below, Ryuu demonstrates jealous behavior on multiple occasions when other women get close to Bell or show romantic interest in him. Her jealousy is a clear sign she wants Bell for herself and sees these other women as rivals-in-love.

Ryuu‘s Elf Heritage Means Not Letting Go

Another angle supporting Ryuu‘s romantic love for Bell is how her elf upbringing shaped her perspective on relationships.

As mentioned earlier, Ryuu‘s elf mentor Alise taught her not to let go of a man who is willing to grab your hand. We also know from Ryuu‘s backstory that she struggled as a child to make connections due to being a half-elf.

As a result, Ryuu likely treasures the sincere bonds she‘s managed to form in her life. So when Bell demonstrated his willingness to physically and emotionally connect with her, it makes sense Ryuu would interpret that as a sign of an exceptional relationship not to let go of lightly.

There‘s also evidence that elves in DanMachi view intimacy and marriage differently than humans:

"Elves have different views of intimacy and marriage than Humans in the series." – Reddit user u/Local-Stay

So for Ryuu, moments of physical connection like hand-holding or acts of caretaking could signal deeper intimacy and love – especially coming from a kindhearted soul like Bell.

Jealousy as Evidence of Ryuu‘s Love

Ryuu Lion demonstrates jealous behavior in the novels whenever other women seem to be romantic rivals for Bell‘s affection:

  • Volume 6 – She was jealous of Bell spending time with Supporter Lily and afraid they might have a romantic relationship.

  • Volume 8 – Ryuu was upset seeing Bell and Sage Sanjouno Haruhime together at the banquet, worrying Haruhime might take Bell away from her.

  • Volume 11 – Similarly, Ryuu was jealous of Adventurer Ais Wallenstein dancing with Bell at the ball hosted by the Apollo Familia.

This recurrent jealousy illustrates that Ryuu sees other women as competition for winning Bell‘s heart. She clearly worries about losing her chance at love with him to these romantic rivals. Her possessiveness further indicates she has fallen deeply in love with Bell herself.

Subject Matter Experts Support Ryuu x Bell

Beyond the analysis above, subject matter experts in the DanMachi fandom also endorse the idea that Ryuu has fallen for Bell:

  • "It‘s been shown that Ryuu has feelings for Bell" – Anime/manga wiki DanMachi Fandom
  • "Ryuu does have feelings for Bell…she protected him a bunch of times despite danger to herself" – Reddit user Bob_Man-Myth-Legend
  • "I‘m still holding firm that Ryuu x Bell is endgame" – Popular DanMachi anime YouTube channel Epic Moments Media

So both close examination of the source material and expert opinion agrees that Ryuu does indeed harbor romantic love for Bell Cranel. The extensive evidence makes a very compelling case.

In conclusion, former adventurer Ryuu Lion has clearly fallen in love with rookie hero Bell Cranel over the course of their adventures together and bonding through danger. Key moments reveal the emergence of Ryuu‘s feelings as she protects Bell, blushes when he touches her, feels deep despair at his perceived death, and repeatedly displays jealousy over other women.

When you factor in the lens of Ryuu‘s elf heritage and upbringing to not let go of those willing to form a sincere bond with you, it adds further weight. Her romantic affection seems destined to grow as their fates intertwine unless Bell remains obliviously fixed on Ais Wallenstein alone. But with subject matter experts endorsing this ship, the possibility remains of Bell eventually returning Ryuu‘s love to unite this fan-favorite pairing.

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