Is Saitama Really Universal Level? The Epic Debate Rages On

Gamers and anime fans alike have endlessly debated the upper limits of Saitama‘s strength – the epic heart of discussion around One Punch Man‘s caped hero. Does his signature one-hit-kill punch truly make him a "universal" threat? Let‘s weigh up the evidence and theories in Saitama‘s first real contentious battle – the fight for cosmic scale!

The Clear Answer: ???

As much as we love conclusively judging the power levels of favorite fictional characters, the blunt truth is that Saitama‘s full capabilities remain ambiguous. While many claim confidently that he demonstrates universal destructive capacity based on recent feats, others point out the lack of concrete proof. Until series creator ONE settles this in canon, the debate continues burning with passion in the fandom.

But that won‘t stop us analyzing what we know and eagerly speculating on this billion dollar question!

Saitama‘s Raw Strength – The Stats and Feats So Far

First, let‘s quantify Saitama‘s observable power with some good ol‘ fashioned stats:

**Best Strength Feat**Serious Punch^2 colliding with Garou‘s Gamma Ray Burst nixes centillions of stars
**Destructive Capacity**At least Multi-Solar System Level (Centillion x solar masses)
**Striking Strength**Dragon Ball Super‘s Beerus exerts universe-busting strikes. Saitama ?? Beerus

Saitama‘s best quantifiable feat so far is his double-handed Serious Punch^2 which overpowered Garou‘s Gamma Ray Burst attack, calculated at Centillions x solar system scale. He also effortlessly one-shots planet-busting threats like Boros.

This demonstrates cosmic levels of attack potency, albeit still a far cry from instant universe erasure of DBZ‘s Beerus. But the point is – Saitama seems to just keep exponentially getting stronger.

Saitama Removed His Limiter – Infinite Power Growth?

A core aspect of Saitama‘s character is his self-imposed training regime was so extreme, he somehow removed his innate human growth limitations. Like breaking the limiter cap in a video game, he can constantly upgrade strength without ceilings.

The fact that no enemy has come even close to challenging Saitama so far lends credence to his energy levels scaling perhaps infinitely over any obstacles the plot throws his way.

Official Statements and Creator Commentary

Analyzing author statements gives further clues to Saitama‘s upper limits:

  • ONE stated in 2012 interview that a fight between Saitama and Superman "would be a really close match" – implying planet+ tier minimum.
  • Official 2021 marketing labels Saitama‘s abilities as "immeasurable power".
  • Director Makoto Furukawa calls him an "invincible hero" who will always win.

These comments indicate that from a narrative perspective, Saitama is intended to portrayed with limitless, undefeatable strength.

Saitama vs The Almighty Zeno – A Godly Gap?

When weighing universal claims though, fans often compare Saitama to the literal gods of anime – Dragon Ball‘s cosmic deities. Could even a serious punch phase a fighter like Zeno? The Omni-King effortlessly erases universes in seconds, dwarfing current Saitama feats.

The difference highlights that while virtually unbeatable in his own world, Saitama still hasn‘t surpassed every fictional benchmark. The caped hero remains dangerous to poke in Reddit threads though!

What If Saitama Trained Like Goku?

An interesting thought experiment is to speculate – if Saitama utilized Goku‘s progressive training ethic rather than abruptly removing limits, how exponentially might his power evolve over time? Apply a Saiyan Powerball amped serious punch down the line?

The stonger the threats Saitama faces, the exponential gains could perpetually shoot upwards without limit…

Theories – Is Saitama Actually A Monster?

Given his anomalous ability to vaporize obstacles far stronger than regular humans, the obvious question is…what is Saitama exactly? The leading theory among fans is that to achieve such impossibly accelerated growth, his self-imposed training broke not just human barriers, but the boundaries between man and monster too.

There are clues that Saitama may in fact have become the very thing he battles against – albeit remaining mentally intact with hero ethics still firmly in place.

But when you shatter all known models of mortal limits, it opens up debate whether Saitama sits comfortably even amongst god-level classifications…

The logic continues – perhaps Saitama IS still ascending – which is why we are yet to see his peaks stretched. And if so, does this theoretically project towards infinity?

Conclusion – Saitama‘s True Power Still Unknown, But Ultimtely Unlimited

Like a real RPG protagonist, Saitama incrementally levels up battle by battle. With his broken limiter essentially granting unlimited boost potential, applying multipliers to already extraordinary stats, we likely cannot comprehend his ultimate capacity. While not confirmed as a universe-buster presently, Saitama transcends usual scales.

In summary, while the candle burns hot debating current evidence, the caped baldy‘s one punch is simply beyond measurable metrics – much like his series to gently mock them in parody! Saitama cracks knuckles awaiting planet-juggling feats. The debate rage continues!

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