Smooth As Silk: Settling the Debate on Sekiro‘s Frame Rates

If you‘ve been following recent discourse around FromSoftware‘s ninja epic Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, you may have seen rumblings about frame rate performance. Should it run at 30 fps or 60? Is there a major competitive difference? As a hardcore fan since the early Souls days, I‘m here to break down the frame rate situatation on all platforms and settle the debate once and for all.

Platform Breakdown: Granular Detail on Framerates

First, let‘s analyze the caps and average performance you can expect on each system:

PlayStation 4

  • Frame rate cap: 30 fps
  • Average fps in gameplay: 28-30 fps
  • Dropped frames in busy sections

PlayStation 5

  • Frame rate cap: 60 fps
  • Near rock solid 60 fps throughout
  • Even busy scenes maintain fps

Xbox One

  • Frame rate cap: 30 fps
  • Struggles in dense areas (25 fps)

Xbox Series X

  • Frame rate cap: 60 fps
  • Almost identical performance to PS5


  • Frame rate cap: 60 fps
  • Can sustain over 100 fps average on high end rigs
  • Unlockable to extreme frame rates with tweaks

So in summary – last gen consoles are stuck at 30 fps, while next-gen and PC can hit 60 fps or higher. But what does this mean for the actual gameplay experience?

Perceptual Difference Between 30 and 60 FPS

According to a study published in the Journal of Vision, test subjects were able to identify differences in smoothness and responsiveness all the way up to 500 fps. However, the biggest perceptual gains happened in the jump from 30 to 60 fps.

At 60 fps, animation is much more fluid. Fast motion like sword swings or grappling moves retain clarity and control. Timing-focused deflects also gain precision at higher frame rates.

To illustrate this point, let‘s compare some representative gameplay sequences:

Genichiro Ashina Fight

  • 30 fps: Frame skips on bow draws, light blade flurries
  • 60 fps: Buttery smooth flows between moves

Chained Ogre

  • 30 fps: Delay on first perilous grab cue
  • 60 fps: Instant read on grab windup

Lady Butterfly Illusions

  • 30 fps: Phantoms stutter across screen
  • 60 fps: Clean motion as they swarm

So while 30 fps is playable for veterans, 60 fps provides a clear competitive edge with improved reactions.

The Competitive Edge in Fast-Paced Combat

Higher frame rates confer tested advantages in quick-decision combat scenarios. Look at esports titles like CS:GO, Valorant or Fortnite – all tuned to run at extremely high refresh rates to enable peak performance.

A 2020 study by Almoctar et al tracked gamer accuracy across 60, 90 and 120 hz refresh rates. The average headshot % improved from 44% at 60hz to over 54% at 120hz display settings. That massive jump shows how hyper-responsive frame delivery translates to better player control.

While Sekiro isn‘t as twitch-focused as an online FPS, precision and reactions are paramount. As the above examples illustrate, an extra 30 frames per second provides a real edge to handling hectic engagements.

Unlocking Frame Rates on PC

For those on PC, you can push performance even beyond the standard 60 fps cap using mods and utilities like the handy Sekiro FPS Unlocker.

Popular streamer LobosJr tested extensively with an unlocked frame rate, managing to hit 190 FPS in some areas with his rig. However, these extreme rates provided less and less noticeable returns:

Frame RateNoticeable Gains
60 fpsHuge leap in responsiveness
90 fpsSlight added smoothness
144 fpsDiminishing returns kick in
190+ fpsNegligible upgrades

So while unlocking can grant slight advantages, the jump from 30 to 60 fps conveys the most dramatic improvements by far.

In summary, while Sekiro is playable at the last-gen standard of 30 fps, clear improvements in smoothness and reaction times come with the new 60 fps standard on PS5, Xbox Series X/S and PC.

Competitive players looking to push rank should definitely invest in hardware that can sustain 60 fps minimum. The responsive frame rate aligns perfectly with FromSoftware‘s signature precise combat flow.

For those on PC, utilities to unlock fps can squeeze out further gains, but see steeply diminishing returns past 144 fps.

In the end, buttery 60 fps captures the true magic. So if you‘re still stuck at 30 fps, I‘d strongly advise upgrading to fully enjoy Sekiro‘s deadly dance! Let me know if you have any other questions in the comments!

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