Is Shadow Gyarados Any Good in Pokemon GO? An In-Depth Expert Analysis

As an avid Pokemon GO player and content creator, this is a question I get asked constantly within the gaming community whenever a new Shadow Pokemon enters the scene. So let‘s settle it once and for all – Shadow Gyarados is an absolute beast in Pokemon GO, making it one of the top attackers in the entire game.

Why Shadow Gyarados Has The Highest DPS

All Shadow Pokemon receive a 20% boost to their attack stat, at the expense of some defense. This alone makes them powerful, but for Gyarados specifically it elevates it to unprecedented levels.

Let‘s look at some key numbers:

PokemonFast MoveCharged MoveDPS
Shadow GyaradosWaterfallHydro Pump16.34
Mega GyaradosWaterfallHydro Pump15.60
Regular GyaradosWaterfallHydro Pump13.83

As you can see, Shadow Gyarados has over a full point of DPS over the next best option, which is the Mega Evolved form! And it leaves regular Gyarados completely in the dust.

This raw power makes it the single highest Water-type damage dealer in all of Pokemon GO. To put into perspective how insane this is, Shadow Gyarados even surpasses top Mega Evolutions like Mega Blastoise in terms of DPS output!

So when it comes to dishing out Water-type punishment, nothing else even comes close.

Optimal Moveset For Max Damage

Of course, movesets play a critical role as well. Based on my own testing and simulations, the objectively best moveset for Shadow Gyarados is:

  • Fast Move: Waterfall
  • Charged Move: Hydro Pump

Waterfall takes advantage of STAB (same-type-attack bonus) while also generating energy quickly to fire off those Hydro Pumps. And Hydro Pump offers the perfect blend of damage and energy cost to exploit Shadow Gyarados‘ sky-high attack.

While Crunch can be used instead for coverage against Psychic and Ghost-types, you miss out on quite a lot of DPS. Overall, I‘ve found Waterfall + Hydro Pump crushes just about everything you throw this beast against.

Ideal Counters For Raid Bosses

So what should you be unleashing your Shadow Gyarados on? Here are some of the top contenders:

  • Groudon: As the legendary mascot of land and ground, what better revenge than washing it away under a tidal wave? Shadow Gyarados makes quick work of any Groudon raid.
  • Heatran: With 4x weakness to water, Heatran melts under torrents of Hydro Pumps. It never stood a chance.
  • Tyranitar: Another rock opponent daunted by water, Tyranitar‘s armor shows severe chinks against Shadow Gyarados‘ onslaught.
  • Mega Blastoise: In an ironic twist of fate, Shadow Gyarados beats the Mega form of another fan favorite water starter Pokémon!

And there are plenty more, but you get the idea. Whenever you need to overwhelm enemies with frightening firepower, Shadow Gyarados will answer the call.

Is Shadow Gyarados Better Than Mega Gyarados?

This is a question that gives even veterans some pause. Both are exceptionally strong in their own right. Mega Gyarados gains a lot of bulk, has higher overall stats, and of course gets to boost allies with its Mega Ability.

However, in a pure 1v1 battle, Shadow Gyarados inflicts higher damage per second. The numbers speak for themselves. So while Mega Gyarados makes the entire team better, Shadow Gyarados focuses all that power into devastating the opponent.

Now for raids, if your goal is the fastest clear time, I would actually run both Shadow Gyarados and Mega Gyarados together! Stack water-type bonuses as much as possible.

But in PvP or if limited to one, Shadow Gyarados will dish out more pain overall. It just hits ridiculously hard, too hard for most enemies to weather the storm.

To Purify or Not To Purify?

This is easily one of the most debated topics whenever acquiring a new Shadow Pokémon. Should you purify it for 100% IVs and cheaper costs, or keep it Shadow-enhanced?

In the case of Gyarados, the choice is clear: leave it a Shadow.

You are just giving up way too much raw damage output by purifying, over 20% of its attack stat. And the resource savings do not make up for that, not even close. Powering up a Shadow is well worth it when they reign supreme atop the DPS charts!

Unless you absolutely need a 4* Gyarados for your collection or a research breakthrough forces you to purify, I advise keeping the darkness infused within it.

In fact, find Team Rocket hideouts and battle them constantly, because Shadow Gyarados is so good that more copies with strong IVs are greatly welcomed! Bring an army of them to your next raid day and watch the boss HP bars vanish!

Closing Thoughts

I hope this deep dive has clearly showcased why seasoned players such as myself regard Shadow Gyarados as an elite attacker in Pokemon GO. It boasts unmatched firepower that can overpower virtually any raid or gym battle with ease.

Yet while phenomenally strong, it is still fairly rare, adding to its coveted status for collectors as well. So if you manage to capture one, consider yourself extremely fortunate. Cherish your fury-fueled sea monster!

That sums up my extensive analysis. Let me know in the comments your own experiences using this beast of a Pokemon! For my fellow content creators, feel free to use this information in your own guides and videos as well.

Now get out there, battle some Team Rocket, and unleash aquatic armageddon! This is JeffSigningOff, and I‘ll see you guys out there in the Pokemon GO arena!

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