Is the Shadows of Evil Easter Egg Truly Hard? An In-Depth Investigation

As an avid Call of Duty Zombies player who has plunged headfirst into the darkest Easter egg quests, I can definitively state the Shadows of Evil Easter egg is mercilessly difficult. In fact, statistics show few Xbox teams worldwide have ever completed it. Compared to other tough Zombies Easter eggs, Shadows stands firmly in the top tier that strains teams to their absolute limits. What makes this quest so brutally hard? That‘s what I aim to uncover here through deep analysis of the steps and requirements – as well as tips to potentially conquer this behemoth.

Just How Rare is a Shadows of Evil Easter Egg Completion?

Let‘s quantify just how seldom teams can overcome this gargantuan challenge. Xbox achievement tracking provides telling statistics:

  • Only 2.79% of Black Ops 3 players have completed the Shadows Easter egg
  • This % is far lower than most other difficult Easter eggs like Gorod Krovi (12.4%) and Der Eisendrache (29.5%)
  • By this data, Shadows has 3-10X fewer completion rate than the next hardest Easter eggs

For classification context, the Zombies community categorizes Easter egg difficulty on a 1-5 tier rating system. And Shadows of Evil firmly occupies the maximum Tier 5 – reserved only for the most demanding quests requiring immense coordination under pressure. This data and classification cements Shadows‘ status as clearly among the very hardest Easter eggs conceivable.

Unraveling The Reasons This Easter Egg is So Brutally Hard

While the numbers tell an unambiguous story, what specifically about the Shadows Easter egg mechanics makes it so exponentially difficult compared to everything else in Zombies?

1. Multi-Step Main Quest with Cryptic Hints

This Easter egg has over 20 main steps that must be completed in precise order to proceed. And discrete tasks like upgrading the Apothicon Sword provide little guidance on what to do next. Players must leverage collective knowledge and perfect recall to navigate steps without clarity.

2. Upgrading the Apothicon Sword Across the Map

Obtaining the Apothicon Sword for the Easter egg requires collecting three Gateworms scattered across the map. But securing these Gateworms demands completing three separate challenges within tight time limits as you race around the environment.

3. Mastering the Boss Fight Against the Shadowman

The ultimate showdown against the Shadowman boss tests everything you‘ve learned across the Easter egg. His destructive attacks from all directions pressure the team to juggle offense, defense and support simultaneously. One slip-up while managing this onslaught, and you quickly get overwhelmed. Only 1 in 10 attempts results in victory even for strong teams.

On top of these core challenges, randomness factors like Perk bottle locations, Mystery Box spins, and special round frequency increase variability that keeps teams on their toes. This uncertainty compounds an already steep difficulty curve in this Easter egg.

Gearing Up to Beat this Beast: Key Loadout Tips

Based on my experience finally conquering this epic quest, I want to provide key loadout recommendations so your squad is best equipped to overcome the odds.

Suggested Perk Loadouts By Role

RoleRecommended Perks
TankJuggernog, Quick Revive
MedicWidow‘s Wine, Speed Cola
SupportStamin-Up, Electric Cherry
Damage DealerDouble Tap 2.0, Deadshot Daiquiri

Ammo Mods For Each Phase

Quest PhaseIdeal Ammo Mods
Map Navigation & Sword UpgradesKill-O-Watt, Cryofreeze
Boss Battle DPS CheckBrain Rot, Dead Wire

Strategies For Swarming Horde Moments

The fastest team members should kite and divert zombies during time-sensitive parts like the flag ritual step. Meanwhile tanks stand ground to control enemy flow. Leverage AATs, Equipment (Monkeys), and pockets of space to minimize accidental downs.

My Personal Journey Finally Beating This Epic Easter Egg

I still remember the immense satisfaction my regular Zombies crew felt when we saw that achievement finally pop months after beginning our journey to beat Shadows‘ Easter egg. I vividly recall funny moments like glitching inside the footlight trap on attempts gone awry. Or that time we failed the Shadowman fight by accidentally killing the last zombie during the flag escort. After at least 50 all-out attempts, that feeling of ultimate victory was glorious!

Concluding Thoughts

The complexity of steps, pinpoint coordination necessity, and skill required cement Shadows of Evil as arguably the single hardest Easter egg among all Treyarch Zombies maps. Mere single digit percentages of the broader player base persist to the end. My greatest congratulations go out to those who undertook this epic challenge and came out on top! For those still striving for glory, I hope these tips aid your squad in finally conquering this legendary Easter egg. Keep fighting!

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