Is Share Play Safe to Use in 2024? Let‘s Break Down the Risks

As your resident gaming guru always investigating the latest tips and tricks, I‘m here with great news – Share Play is generally safe to use if you follow Sony‘s usage guidelines. Share Play lets PS4 and PS5 gamers virtually share controllers and gameplay sessions. Read on as I dive deep into everything you need to know about safely using this awesome collaborative feature.

So What Exactly is Share Play Anyway?

In case you missed when Share Play launched back in 2014, here‘s a quick explainer. Share Play essentially enables long distance online couch co-op by letting you hand a virtual controller to an online friend through the PlayStation Network.

You can share your screen or gameplay in real-time and even pass your controller back and forth. It‘s like your buddy is sitting right next to you when you are actually thousands of miles apart!

The Awesome Things Share Play Lets You Do

There are three main Share Play capabilities you can use to sync up with friends online:

⭐ Remote Play Together

This lets a friend play games from your library as if with their own controller. You watch on share screen as they experience the game first-hand. Great for conquering tough levels together!

⭐ Share Screen

You remain in control while a friend watches your gameplay in real-time. They can‘t directly play but you can get their live feedback.

⭐ Share Controller

You temporarily hand off control of your game to a friend, swapping back and forth seamlessly so both get a turn. It‘s like hot seat multiplayer of childhood days!

Based on PlayStation research, over 9 million Share Play sessions take place every month on average. That‘s a whole lot of virtual couch co-op!

What Do You Need to Get Started?

To unlock the magic of Share Play, both you and your partner need:

✅ PlayStation Plus Subscription
✅ PS4 or PS5 Console
✅ At least 10 Mbps internet speeds recommended

Sessions can last for up to 60 minutes at one time. After that you‘ll need to restart – handy built-in breaks to grab more snacks!

Now that you know the basics, let‘s dig into the big question…is it actually safe to use Share Play or will it get you banned?

Can You Get Banned for Using Share Play?

This is a controversial topic that I‘ve seen debated endlessly on Reddit and gaming forums. So I want to give you an expert verdict after pouring through all the evidence.

Using Share Play responsibly is extremely unlikely to trigger any permanent account bans or enforcement actions.

Share Play is an officially sanctioned PlayStation feature designed specifically for this kind of limited, temporary game and screen sharing between friends. It even has restrictions like the 60 minute limit to prevent abuse.

That said, some risks for punishment do exist if misused. Let‘s break down what NOT to do if you want to avoid issues:

Don‘t Share Login Credentials

Letting others directly access or log into your PSN account, even friends, is still a Terms of Service violation.

Use Share Play streaming instead which doesn‘t require account sharing. This keeps access limited and temporary.

Don‘t Exploit Games or Share Extensively

If you mod or hack games with Share Play activated, that activity can trigger bans. Sony could also detect excessivesharing with many different people as cheating.

Stick to short sessions with trusted friends only. Don‘t push limits too much.

Following those common sense guidelines means Share Play should be penalty-free. Now let‘s go over a few other risks and downsides to be aware of even when playing fair…

What Are Some Potential Share Play Risks?

While account bans are very unlikely from the PlayStation side, legitimate safety issues around security and privacy exist. Be smart protecting yourself!

Beware of Account Theft

Once finished with Share Play, always revoke friend access immediately after on your end. Never give out main account passwords either.

If your friend had previous unchecked access and your login details, they could sneakily take over the account or erase your save files. ⚠️

A banned Xbox user I knew lost over $500 in purchased games this way. Don‘t let that be you!

Your Friends Can See Messages and Profile Activity

When Share Play is active, your friend has front row seats to view new messages popping up or see your profiles latest activity feed.

If you have embarrassing chat history with that person or basically live on PlayStation, beware that it may show up right on their screen. 😳

Bugs, Glitches and Connection Issues

With Share Play involving real-time streaming and control handoffs, lag or disconnects can also disrupt your experience. No fun when on a long boss battle run!

I once lost over 3 hours of progress thanks to a dropped call cutting the session right before a save point. Heartbreaking – but the risks you take playing games these days.

The below table summarizes top security issues and mitigations to protect your precious account:

RiskLikelihoodImpactPrevention Tips
Account TheftMediumSevereRevoke permissions after sessions, don‘t share login info
Privacy LeaksHighMildNothing too sensitive onscreen if possible
Losing ProgressMediumMediumManual saves before Share Play just in case

So follow those best practices, and don‘t say I didn‘t warn you! But now…onto more exciting things…

How Does Share Play Perfom on PS5 vs PS4?

If you managed to snag the rare PlayStation 5 console for retail price (congrats!), you‘re likely wondering if Share Play got any next-gen upgrades.

Good news — the PS5 takes Share Play to the next level for higher quality and smoother performance.

Key PS5 Share Play Improvements

✅ Higher 1080p Resolution Streaming
✅ Higher 60 FPS Frame Rates
✅ Faster Load Times
✅ Supports 120Hz Display Modes

This means richer visuals, tighter controls for competitive multiplayer, and less waiting around through long loading screens.

The below comparison table summarizes the main performance differences:

FeaturePS4 Share PlayPS5 Share Play
Max Resolution Streaming720p1080p High Def
Max Framerate Streaming30 FPS60 FPS Smooth
Load Time ReductionStandard HDDSuper Fast SSD
Compatible Display Refresh Rates60Hz Only60/120 Hz

Exciting stuff — Share Play gets to stretch its wings on new generation hardware with PS5!

Let‘s Recap – Is Share Play Safe?

So after breaking down all the ins and outs around privacy, security, and performance for Share Play, what‘s the verdict?

Share Play is GENERALLY SAFE and awesome to use IF you follow best practices! Have reasonable sessions only with friends, enable security protections, and avoid cheating.

While minor risks exist like brief privacy leaks, there is little chance of permanent account bans or data loss by using Share Play responsibly.

Ignoring Sony guidelines around extensive sharing, exploits, and account access is where real trouble starts!

With common sense precautions, Share Play lets you safely experience amazing virtual couch co-op with your best gaming pals. I hope breaking down the details helps you strategize your next epic international gaming session!

Let me know if you have any other PlayStation questions! This is your friend Zander signing off.

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