Is Shiny Bagon Rare in Pokemon GO and Main Series Games?

In one word: yes! As an avid Pokemon gamer and shiny hunter, I can definitively say shiny Bagon is very rare across the board. Exact rates vary between games, but we‘re generally looking at 1 in 500 baseline odds or lower.

Let‘s break down the nitty gritty details across Pokemon GO, main series titles, and spin offs!

Standard Wild Shinies Rates in Pokemon Games

Before analyzing Bagon specifically, it helps to understand base shiny rates provide context. Here‘s a comparison:

GameShiny Rate
Pokemon GO1 in 500
Gen 2-51 in 8192
Gen 6+1 in 4096
Let‘s Go1 in 315

Over 20+ years, core series titles have slowly improved rates from gen 2‘s daunting 1 in 8192 to the current 1 in 4096. Lets Go eases things even further down to 1 in 315!

Contrast this with Pokemon GO which uses flat 1 in 500 baseline odds. No matter the game, shinies remain elusive!

How Rare Are Shinies for Bagon & Family Specifically?

Now focusing just on our compact green dragon family of Bagon, Shelgon and Salamence, rarity varies a bit depending on game.

In Pokemon GO:

  • Bagon estimated 1 in 650 up to 1 in 1024 shiny rate
  • Salamence and Shelgon likely fall within similar range

In Main Series Games:

  • Full odds 1 in 4096 baseline rate
  • No boosted rates unless special event

In Spin-Offs Like Pokemon Quest:

  • Developers pick custom shiny odds for species
  • Anecdotally Bagon family seems lower than average

So GO, main games, side games – no matter where you look, shiny Bagon family members will make you work for them!

Tips and Strategies For Shiny Bagon Hunting

Alright, lets get practical – here are my top tips for snagging this sparkling green dragon:

Pokemon GO Hunting Tips

  • Check every Bagon and Shelgon you see! With enough clicks your odds improve
  • Trade friends for rerolls & minor shiny chance
  • Participate in in-game events boosting spawns or egg hatches
  • Raid Salamence for slim shiny chance
  • Try using coins on Incense during windy weather. Increased dragon spawns!
MethodEst. OddsExample
Wild Catch1 in 650-1024Click 5000 Bagons for ~5% chance
Lucky Trade1 in 64 rerollTrade 100 for ~63% chance
Egg Hatch (10KM)1 in 50-100Hatch 300 eggs for ~97% chance

Main Series Game Hunting

  • Chain fishing/radar chaining to get KO counts up
  • Utilize Shiny Charm item to improve odds to 1 in 1365
  • Reset outbreaks and mass outbreaks in Legends Arceus
  • Participate in Masuda Method breeding for higher shiny eggs rates
  • Catch combo chain 31+ for max odds in Let‘s Go

General Shiny Hunting Tips

  • Track your KOs or encounters. Target 3-4x over odds as a decent benchmark.
  • Have patience and take breaks to avoid burnout! Set incremental encounter goals.
  • Bring Pokemon with Trace ability to see Dex No. confirming it‘s the target.
  • Skill swap Harvest onto a Pokemon with Leppa berry to avoid Struggle KO‘s.

Now go grab that sparkling Bagon! Let me know if you have any other questions in the comments, and be sure to share photos when you get yours! 😄

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