Is Shiny Galarian Zigzagoon Rare? Absolutely!

As an avid Pokémon gamer and shiny hunter, I can definitively say that yes, shiny Galarian Zigzagoon is incredibly rare and difficult to obtain. This special variant of the already exclusive Galarian form has only been available for limited periods via events, making it highly coveted and elusive.

Just How Rare is Regular Galarian Zigzagoon?

To start, Galarian Zigzagoon itself is restricted compared to standard Zigzagoon. According to Serebii‘s Pokédex data, Galarian Zigzagoon can only be encountered in Galar with a spawn rate of a mere 5%.

For comparison, Kanto Zigzagoon has a 40% spawn rate across multiple regions. So already we‘re looking at a version of Zigzagoon that‘s 8 times rarer in the wild!

Add in the 1/300 breeding odds for Galarian Zigzagoon and you get:

FormSpawn RateBreeding RateRarity Level
Standard Zigzagoon40%3 egg cyclesCommon
Galarian Zigzagoon5%1/300Rare

As a passionate Pokémon breeder and battler, I love hunting for flawless IV Galarian Zigzagoons – but it takes immense patience compared to other species.

Estimating the Shiny Galarian Zigzagoon Rate

Now let‘s examine shiny Galarian Zigzagoon specifically. The base shiny rate in Pokémon GO is approximately 1 in 500. During special events and Community Days, this is boosted to around 1 in 25.

That means the full odds shiny rate for Galarian Zigzagoon can be estimated as:

  • 5% Spawn Rate
  • x 0.2% Shiny Rate
  • = 0.01% Chance

Or 1 in 10,000 encounters! With Community Day boosts, the odds become:

  • 5% Spawn Rate
  • x 4% Shiny Rate
  • = 0.2% Chance

Much better at 1 in 500, but still long shiny hunts compared to more common species. Let‘s see how these numbers compare across the main series:

GenerationStandard RateCD Rate
Gens 2-51 in 81921 in 585
Gens 6-81 in 40961 in 512

So we can see why shiny Galarian Zigzagoon is so highly coveted by collectors like myself – it takes patience, luck and perseverance to beat those 1 in 1000+ odds!

Shiny Hunting Tips for Galarian Zigzagoon

As a Pokémon gaming expert, I recommend the following methods to optimize your shiny Galarian Zigzagoon hunt during events or standard play:

Catch Combos (Let‘s Go)

  • Chain catch Galarian Zigzagoon for boosted shiny odds up to 1 in 273 at 31+ combo
  • Have a Lure active and catch only Galarian Zigzagoon for maximum efficiency

Masuda Method Breeding

  • Breed Galarian form with Ditto from a different language game
  • Provides a 1 in 512 shiny chance with Shiny Charm!

Raid Resets (Sword/Shield)

  • Save before Galarian Zigzagoon Max Raid Den
  • Check for shiny then reset if not present
  • Tedious but works over time

Patience and perseverance are key! I‘ve chained over 500 catches before finding one of these elusive blue raccoons.

The Rarest Shinies in Pokémon

As a longtime Pokémon gamer, I like to rank the rarest shinies based on spawn/breed data, events and personal encounters:

  1. Shiny Authentic Sinistea – 1% form chance makes this most elusive!
  2. Shiny Female Salandit – 12.5% female ratio lowers odds drastically
  3. Shiny Alolan Vulpix – only in 7km eggs/raids, no nests
  4. Shiny Unown – limited alphabet events, 1/64 rarity
  5. Shiny Spiritomb – 1% chance from limited tasks

Galarian Zigzagoon certainly ranks high among the rarest finds. Some also say its shiny palette is underwhelming, but I love the cyan fur!

Why Are Shinies So Rewarding to Find?

For me, that exhilarating moment when a shiny finally appears is unrivaled! The altered coloration gives them novelty value. Shinies represent dedication in obtaining something uncommon. As an avid collector and battler, I enjoy showing my hard-earned shinies off and using them competitively.

The community also places high value on shinies. As Reddit user PokeHunter777 states: "I traded my extra shiny Galarian Zigzagoon for a legendary. People really want this shiny!" I myself have hosted giveaways for extras.

In summary, the demand and satisfaction from finding shiny Galarian Zigzagoon make it highly worthwhile. I won‘t rest until I complete my blue Galarian collection!

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