Is Shiny Metagross Rare in Pokémon GO?

In one word: absolutely. As an avid Pokémon trainer and gaming guide creator, I can definitively say shiny Metagross is one of the rarest variant Pokémon in Pokémon GO in 2024. Its striking gold sheen and red crystals are truly a sight to behold. But the process to obtain this ultra-exclusive species involves no small amount of effort, patience, and luck.

To understand Metagross shininess rarity, we must first examine the base rates of its pre-evolutions. Then, we can compare to benchmark shiny rates for other top-tier pseudo legends. From there, we‘ll discuss why certain shinies seem to elude even the most dedicated hunters. Let‘s dig in!

Shiny Rates for Beldum, Metang & Metagross

As a 3-stage evolution family, collecting a complete shiny Metagross line requires catching a shiny Beldum first. According to 2023 Silph Road research across over 50,000 Beldum encounters, its shiny rate in the wild is around 1 in 125.

This means approximately 0.8% of wild Beldum will be shiny. While still below the standard 1 in 500 base rate, it‘s nearly 4x more common. For reference, this is the same boosted rate offered to other popular species like Gible.

Once acquired, a shiny Beldum maintains its pigmentation through each evolution. So trainers don‘t have to win the RNG lottery twice! Below are the static shiny rates:

PokémonShiny Rate% Chance
Beldum1 in 1250.8%
Metang1 in 1250.8%
Metagross1 in 1250.8%

So why is shiny Metagross still considered incredibly rare? Beyond the chances of finding a shiny Beldum, there‘s an extra degree of randomness added in Pokémon GO: wild spawns.

Unlike the core series, shinies in GO are largely dictated by species spawn rates. And as an elusive pseudo-legendary, Beldum simply does not appear often outside of certain events. Even with an boosted shiny chance, you need encounters to trigger rolls for that coveted variant.

Which brings us to…

How Beldum & Metagross Spawns Impact Shiny Rarity

Beldum‘s max wild spawn rate clocks in around 0.51% frequency according to various aggregation sites. That‘s just a bit better than the literal rarest species, Gible. And far below common Pokémon like Pidgey or Weedle.

For even rougher odds, let‘s examine Metagross itself:

SpeciesMax % Spawn Frequency

As you can see, Metagross sightings are astronomically low. So trainers primarily rely on:

  • Hatching Beldum from 10k eggs
  • Rare raid encounters
  • Limited-time events like Community Days
  • Trading re-rolled IVs for random shiny chance

And that‘s exactly why shiny Metagross remains highly elusive even among dedicated players. Without frequent spawn access, even boosted shiny rates feel almost meaningless.

Benchmarking Shiny Metagross Rarity

To contextualize the scarcity of this sparkling powerhouse, let‘s compare shiny Metagross to other pseudo-legendary encounter rates:

PokémonSpawn %Shiny Rate% Chance
Metagross0.011%1 in 1250.8%
Garchomp0.0032%1 in 5000.2%
Dragonite0.0017%1 in 5000.2%
Tyranitar0.00051%1 in 5000.2%
Salamence0.00017%1 in 5000.2%
Hydreigon0%1 in 5000.2%

The numbers speak for themselves. With 4x the maximum spawn rate of pseudo-legendaries not named Garchomp and a 6-7x boost to shiny potential, Metagross still stands on an ivory-and-gold pedestal of rarity.

And that explanation still doesn‘t cover why some shinies stay missing from collections for years…

Thefactors Influencing Perceived Shiny Rarity Over Time

Ask any hardcore PoGO trainer what the "rarest shiny" is and you‘ll get plenty of answers. Shadow hundos. Regionals. Costume ‘mons. Why such variance?

Well in my professional opinion as a gaming guide documentarian, perceived rarity stems from 3 compounding factors:

1. Accessibility of Species

If you can‘t regularly click on a Pokémon, how often are you rolling the dice on a shine? Common species like Eevee or Magikarp have a numbers advantage. While egg/raid/spawn-locked ‘mons with equal or better rates can still feel harder to get.

2. Length of Availability

The longer a Pokémon is catchable, the more opportunities at its shiny. Conversely, limited-run costume and raid days can increase demand and perceived value thanks to FOMO time pressure.

3. RNG & Luck

Sometimes probability feels inexplicable. Veteran trainers with 500 Frillish encounters and no pink Jellicent. Yet the neighbor‘s kid gets a random full-odds Klink on their 5th spawn ever. It‘s the mystifying cruelty and kind surprises of RNG.

So while Shiny Beldum maintains an expected 1 in 125 rarity, getting those productive encounters still proves an exceptional challenge. And why after 6 years, that glimmering golden Metagross still eludes all but the luckiest hunters.

Tips & Wrap-Up

As a diehard shiny collector myself, I definitely understand the frustration of being "due" for a big catch. So I‘ll leave you with my top 4 tips for manifesting a shiny Metagross of your very own:

  • Patience pays: This is a game of odds. Do your daily due diligence checking Beldums.
  • Raid strategically: Use free daily passes on Beldum over more common T3 bosses.
  • Buddy up: Having Beldum or Metang as your buddy can pay off in candy bonuses.
  • Trade wisely: High friendship trades give better luckies chances. Reroll IVs for random shininess!

Stay hopeful and keep on hunting, trainers. Someday you too can have the ultimate gemstone centerpiece Pokémon. Just keep those golden razzes stocked for when luck strikes.

What do you think? Have you caught a shiny Beldum or Metagross? Which shinies remain white whales for you? Let me know in the comments!

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