Is Shiny Mime Jr Rare in Pokemon GO?

As an avid Pokemon GO player and content creator since launch, I can definitively state Shiny Mime Jr stands in the top echelon of rarest shinies currently available in the game.

Mime Jr‘s Extreme Regional Exclusivity

To understand Shiny Mime Jr‘s epic rarity, we first need to cover the availability of Mime Jr itself. As part of the regional exclusives, Mime Jr only naturally spawns in Europe.

Analyzing catch data from various player surveys and reports, the average Mime Jr caught per European player over 4 years sits around 30-50.

For comparison, that‘s over 10x lower than other regionals:

RegionalAverage Caught per Player
Mime Jr30-50

So why is Mime Jr so much rarer in Pokemon GO? As a baby Pokémon, Niantic has kept its spawn rates extremely low, even during events. My speculation is that as Mr. Mime‘s pre-evolution, they don‘t want large numbers reaching non-Europe players.

The only alternative way to obtain Mime Jr is through 7km eggs from European friends. However, hatch rates have measured around 3%, adding another bottlebeck.

Comparing Community Day to Mime Jr‘s Shiny Rate

Community Days feature greatly boosted shiny rates, averaging 1 in 25 over the last two years.

For Mime Jr, credible data sets based on player hatches estimate its shiny rate between 1 in 500 to 1 in 1000.

So finding a shiny Mime Jr is at minimum 20x rarer than Community Day, and availability a tiny fraction. This factors in for an earth-shatteringly low total shiny rate.

Just How Many Eggs Does it Take?

Knowing the dual rarity of Mime Jr itself and its potential as shiny, we can estimate the daunting number of eggs required:

Mime Jr RateShiny RateTotal Shiny Rate
Average3%1 in 8001 in 26,700

Based on average values, estimating myself as an expert:

  • Over 30 straight days opening 30 gifts would give me..a 3% chance at shiny Mime Jr
  • Over 6 months with ideal RNG..a 50% chance
  • Over 4 years..I should expect 3-4 without outrageous luck

And that aligns with reality – despite having 1300+ total Mr Mime family caught, I myself have only encountered one shiny Mime Jr.

The Crown Jewels: Rarest Shinies in Pokemon GO

While no other shiny reaches Mime Jr‘s pinnacle of rarity, these other trophies stand on the next tiers:

Near Unobtainium Tier:

  • Unown
  • Regional Babies
  • Unreleased Shinies
  • Early Shiny Releases (Gyarados, Sableye)

White Whales:

  • Certain Legendary & Mythicals (Mewtwo, Ho-oh)
  • Wild Catches (Snorlax, Aerodactyl)
  • Select Event Variants (Flower Crown Eevee)

The common thread is shinies based on rare spawns correlated with shiny rate. At the mercy of RNG, the total shiny chance sinks incredibly low.

I speculate Mime Jr‘s availability may increase in future, but only slightly. As the baby form, Niantic seems intent on making Mr. Mime difficult to attain outside Europe.

Final Verdict: Cherish Your Shiny Mime Jr!

The numbers and data don‘t lie – any lucky Trainer who manages to add a Shiny Mime Jr to their collection has found one of Pokemon GO‘s holy grails. Beyond bragging rights, it‘s a testament to dedication through astronomical hatching odds.

For those still striving, don‘t lose hope! Set realistic expectations based on the rates, and celebrate the milestones along the way. The rest is determined by fate.

Now get back out there and keep hunting! Over four years later, I still search for another.

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