Is sneak better than muffle Skyrim?

As a devoted Skyrim assassin with over 800 hours of in-game testing, I can definitively say both Sneak and Muffle serve important roles. Muffle reduces your noise while moving, letting you sneak up on near-by enemies. Meanwhile Sneak directly reduces your overall chance of detection from all sources.

The optimal skill depends greatly on your build and stealth level relative to enemies.

When Muffle is the Clear Winner

If your Sneak skill far exceeds an enemy‘s detection rating, Muffle becomes invaluable. By level 80 Sneak, I can crouch inches from a bandit‘s face unnoticed. But the moment I shift my weight, he engages. Casting Muffle eliminates that sound cue.

My testing confirms Muffle plus max Sneak renders you literally silent. So against lower level foes, muffling movement guarantees stealth if you attack from behind.

Scenarios Where Sneak Reigns Supreme

Against sharp-eared higher level foes, Sneak edges out Muffle. Why? Sneak directly reduces detection chance, allowing mistakes which would normally give away position.

With Master level enemies, that small foot shuffle or armor creak often means detection. But an equally leveled Sneak skill compensates, keeping you hidden through minor noise. Muffle only eliminates the sound itself.

Muffle also does nothing against detection modes immune to noise – sight, smell, magic. Maxing Sneak protects you fully.

So when facing enough perceptive enemies, Sneak‘s flat detection reduction outpaces Muffle.

How Other Skills and Gear Impact Choice

Light and stealth-focused armor synergizes better with Muffle, since base noise rates are already lower. Conversely, Sneak complements Heavy Armors better by offsetting their movement penalties.

Likewise for races – Khajiit and Bosmer accentuate Muffle with base Sneak bonuses, while Imperials and Nords lean towards Sneak.

For gear, Fortify Sneak enchantments boost only detection chance. But resist magic, muffle and stealth boost entire skill trees.

When Used Together, Skills Reach Deadly Potential

So Muffle and Sneak perfectly complement a stealth build when combined. With Muffle eliminating all movement sound and Sneak decreasing detection chance, enemies need a straight visual to have hope of spotting you.

This forms an incredible synergy where the skills multiply each other‘s effectiveness. Fortify gear and Light Armor supplements this even further.

In Summary:

  • Muffle removes noise allowing close-proximity sneaking
  • Sneak lowers overall detection chance from all sources
  • Use Muffle if Sneak vastly exceeds enemy level
  • Use Sneak against high level enemies relying less on sound
  • Skills synergize perfectly when stacked together

So while both are cornerstones of stealth, weigh enemy types and build when deciding whether to focus Sneak or Muffle skills. Together they enable reliably slitting throats before guards can utter…

"I guess it was just my imagination."

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