Is Soldier Boy a villain or not?

As a long-time gamer and avid follower of The Boys, I‘ve noticed some intriguing parallels between Soldier Boy and certain iconic villainous anti-heroes of video game lore. Based on his portrayed motivations and actions in the show, I believe Soldier Boy fits squarely into the classification of an anti-villain – someone who does immoral things but is opposed to a greater evil.

Soldier Boy Squarely Occupies Anti-Villain Territory

To clarify upfront – Soldier Boy is certainly not a hero in the classical sense but he isn‘t a pure villain either like Homelander. Through my analysis of his layered characterization in the show, I would classify Soldier Boy as an anti-villain – he opposes the main villain Homelander but employs dark, immoral methods himself that rule out calling him a hero.

Parallels with Famous Anti-Villains from Video Games

As a parallel, video game icons like Kratos from God of War or Joel from The Last of Us display similar traits. They are deeply flawed characters who end up committing morally dubious acts for reasons they feel are justified – whether seeking vengeance or protecting loved ones. We root for them despite not fully condoning their vicious methods. Soldier Boy evokes the same sentiment – we enjoy seeing him oppose Homelander but cringe at his cruelty and collateral damage.

Key Anti-Villain Attributes in Soldier Boy

Digging deeper into Soldier Boy‘s characterization, here are some key datapoints that firmly establish him as an anti-villain:

  • Opposes the main villain Homelander but with selfish motivations for payback rather than purely for justice
  • Committed heroic acts in WWII but propaganda likely exaggerated details
  • Displays willingness to arrogantly kill innocents/bystanders for his personal agenda
  • Trauma from long-term captivity has bred ruthlessness and ends-justify-means mentality

Based on these attributes, I estimate Soldier Boy‘s "villain rating" at 70%, making him an anti-villain versus a clear-cut bad guy.

The Verdict – Morally Gray Anti-Hero Turned Anti-Villain

Delving into Soldier Boy‘s complex backstory and motivations makes one thing certain – he is fundamentally an anti-villain type character. Once a celebrated war hero, trauma and captivity darkened his methods and skewed his moral compass over time.

While he opposes the evil Homelander, his arrogance blinds him to the collateral damage he causes. As evidenced in Herogasm, he will even turn on former allies and friends if they stand in the way of his personal vendettas.

In many ways, Soldier Boy represents a "fallen hero" archetype – corrupted over time into a ruthless anti-villain who does immoral things for justified reasons in his mind. This flavors him as a fascinating and layered character while firmly placing him several shades of gray away from any semblance of clear-cut heroism.

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