Is Spider-Man an Avenger in 2023?

No, Spider-Man is still not an official member of the Avengers as of 2023, despite his long comic book history and popularity among fans. But his tangled relationship with Marvel‘s premier superhero team remains complex, offering pros and cons for Spidey if he ever joins their ranks full-time.

A Brief History of Spider-Man and the Avengers

While primarily a solo hero in the streets of NYC, Spider-Man has crossed paths with Earth‘s Mightiest Heroes countless times since his first comic appearance in 1962.

A few seminal moments:

  • Teamed up with Iron Man against Hulk robots (1964)
  • Fought mobsters with Captain America (1966)
  • Battled Doctor Doom alongside The Avengers (1968)
  • Joined forces during 2005‘s "House of M" event
  • Helped defeat Loki in 2012‘s Avengers film, even if just a small cameo
  • Played key role in beating Thanos in the Infinity Saga (2018-2019)

So Spider-Man assisting the Avengers is nothing new. But he‘s still resistant to the idea of fully joining the squad. Let‘s explore why…

What‘s Preventing Spider-Man from Being an Avenger?

Given Spidey‘s immense popularity and abilities, what factors stop him from becoming an official Avenger already?

He Likes His Independence

As a street-level NYC hero, Spider-Man enjoys the freedom of patrolling solo and not taking orders from a bigger team. He sets his own schedule, fights villains as challenges arise, and doesn‘t deal with bureaucracy or Avengers politics.

Personality Clashes Could Happen

Peter Parker‘s youth, sarcasm and constant witty quips during battles may annoy some Avengers like Captain America or Black Widow. This conceit and immaturity could cause tension.

Risk of Spider-Man Getting Overshadowed

On a huge team featuring gods like Thor and geniuses like Iron Man, Spidey may worry about getting overshadowed by bigger personalities. He already juggles school and superheroing.

The "With Great Power…" Factor

Spider-Man‘s famous mantra compels him to use abilities responsibly. Joining the Avengers increases destructive potential drastically – a moral dilemma.

Potential Pros of Becoming an Avenger

However, Spidey aligning with the Avengers could also have advantages:

  • Access to unlimited resources/tech via Stark Industries or S.H.I.E.L.D
  • No longer fighting alone against the world‘s deadliest threats
  • Chance to lead the next generation of Young Avengers one day
  • Build closer relationships with amazing heroes he respects deeply

For example, Spider-Man could serve as a moral compass for volatile figures like Hulk and resonance more with grounded heroes like Falcon or Hawkeye.

How Would Spider-Man Compare to Other Avengers?

Iron ManCCA+BB
Captain AmericaB+C+C+A+A+

As we can see, Spidey‘s mix of strength, speed and integrity could make him a top Avenger contender.

The Avenging Spider: Releases Exploring This Idea

Both Marvel comics and the MCU have flirted with Spider-Man formally joining the Avengers in major limited series or movie events:

  • 2005‘s New Avengers: Breakout (#1-6)
  • 2015‘s Avengers AI run focusing on artificial intelligence
  • Rumors of 2026‘s Avengers vs X-Men film adapting that famous comic crossover
  • Potential Young Avengers Disney+ TV series in development

Any of these could see Peter Parker get much more involved with the Avengers, even donning the famous "A" insignia.

Given Spider-Man‘s enduring popularity across games, films and comics (presumably still over $1 billion in merchandise sales annually), it‘s hard to see Marvel not capitalizing on Avengers crossover opportunities in upcoming years.

Final Verdict: Lean Independent, But Never Say Never

To conclude – Spider-Man operating independently of the Avengers remains ideal for now, as the positives still outweigh negatives. We don‘t want his socially relatable struggles getting overshadowed.

However, as threats multiply and superhero rosters expand infinitely, Spidey officially joining the Avengers someday seems inevitable…and potentially amazing. The team could certainly use someone with Peter Parker‘s experience, abilities and morality if their leadership ranks transformed.

For now, random collaborations when the fate of the world hangs in balance seem sufficient. Spider-Man will always answer the call to assist fellow heroes like Iron Man, Hulk and Captain America against ultimate enemies like Thanos. He just doesn‘t want membership cards or hypocritical politics coming with that responsibility.

What are your thoughts on Spider-Man joining the Avengers – yay or nay? Share your perspective below!

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