Is Stalhrim truly better than Ebony gear in Skyrim?

After extensive analysis from a devoted gamer‘s perspective – comparing stats, bonuses, weights, and more – I believe Stalhrim occupies a very specific niche where its advantages allow it to edge out Ebony options.

However, from a general standpoint, these TES metal sets have far more similarities than differences in combat performance. Let‘s analyze the key factors in depth:

Base Weapon Damage

According to data mined from the game cache, one-handed/two-handed Stalhrim weapons offer the exact same base damage values as their Ebony counterparts:

War Axe1414

So when it comes to pure damage output, these metal sets are identical once crafted and improved. However, Stalhrim‘s true advantages lie outside raw numbers…

Enchantment Bonuses

While the base swings offer equivalent punch, Stalhrim weapons excel when it comes to enhanced blows via enchantments.

Certain frost and magic-based enchantments receive a 25% power bonus when placed specifically on Stalhrim gear. This includes:

  • Frost Damage – directly increases frozen attack power
  • Resist Frost – improves defense against ice magic users
  • Chaos Damage – enhances all elemental damage since frost is included

Thus, those focusing on ice-focused builds gain extra impact from these bonuses. And touch range attacks like daggers can rapidly stack frost effects.

By contrast, Ebony weapons offer no special enchantment boosts – standard vanilla bonuses apply. So Stalhrim pulls ahead for players and builds utilizing frost damage/magic.

Weight Differences

An important distinction between both metal sets is their weight – Stalhrim items are noticeably lighter:


In terms of pure combat, weight alone doesn‘t directly buff damage or protection. But it strongly impacts long term mobility and exploration capabilities.

Lower encumbrance from lighter gear enables:

  • Maintaining speed and stamina over long distances
  • Carrying more loot and gathering ingredients
  • Quicker menu/item swapping in battle
  • Meeting stealth standards in light armor

Stalhrim is the superior choice for high-mobility melee builds. Meanwhile Ebony skews towards tankier juggernauts less worried about weight burdens.

Armor Protection Analysis

Both metal sets offer extremely durable armor pieces with similar general ratings and protection, but some key nuances give Stalhrim another situational edge:

Light Armor Sets

  • Stalhrim edges out Glass but lags behind Dragonscale slightly
  • Stalhrim much lighter than both – just 48 combined weight vs. Dragonscale‘s 96!
  • Thus ideal for mobile skirmishers who still need protection

Heavy Armor Sets

  • Virtually identical damage protection values
  • Ebony has 76 combined encumbrance vs. Stalhrim‘s 55
  • Stalhrim allows fighting longer and exploring farther

And we can‘t forget Stalhrim shields – comparable stopping power to Ebony versions according to many players. Yet lighter weight always supports an adventurer‘s endurance.

So ultimately armors are quite close but Stalhrim squeezes ahead for anyone who prioritizes lighter gear burdens.

Acquisition & Crafting Differences

Gear power means nothing if you can‘t obtain it! So ease of access can make a set more "useful" in players‘ eyes.


  • Both need Ebony Smithing perk
  • Stalhrim requires additional questline/progression
  • Ebony crafting simpler overall
  • Forging materials easier to buy for Ebony gear

So Ebony wins on crafting simplicity and convenience. But certain playstyles have an easier time obtaining one vs. the other organically:

Loot Finds

  • Ebony occasionally found across mainland Skyrim
  • Stalhrim essentially isolated to Solstheim
  • Thus easier grab for Solstheim wanderers

Either can be purchased from vendors of course. But point is crafting/finding specific sets varies by game progress and exploration.

Final Verdict

Given the above comparisons from damage to mobility and beyond, is Stalhrim truly better and "best in slot" over Ebony when the tundra calls?

It depends.

For pure warriors focused only on weapon swing damage? No – base values identical, so choice comes down to aesthetic tastes.

But for enchanters and anyone utilizing frost magic/effects? Absolutely – boost those icy blows!

Acrobatic skirmishers mingling magic and mobility? Stalhrim keeps up while barely weighing you down.

So while nearly identical statistically, Stalhrim carves out a wonderful niche where its frostiness and featherlight construction allow it to surpass Ebony‘s offerings. Otherwise it just comes down to personal preference!

Hope this detailed run-through helps guide your gear selection, Dovahkiin! Let me know your own experiences using these fine metal sets on your adventures…

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