Is Stick Fight the Game Cross Platform?

No, much to the disappointment of Stick Fight fans and players, Stick Fight: The Game does not currently offer cross-platform play on any platforms. As an avid gamer and content creator covering all things gaming, I‘m excited to dive a little deeper today into the Stick Fight landscape – across platforms, reasons cross-platform hasn‘t been added, potential for future support, and ways we as players can rally for this highly desired feature.

Stick Fight Platform Availability Breakdown

As the current Stick Fight platforms stand today:

  • Steam (PC, Mac, Linux)
  • Nintendo Switch (eShop)
  • Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S (Microsoft Store)
  • PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 (PlayStation Store)

There is zero ability for those gaming on any of the above platforms to play with or against friends or other players on a different platform. No coordinated multiplayer sessions, no cross-progression. Nothing.

This comes as disappointing for Stick Fight gamers looking to play with real-life friends who may have the game on Xbox or PlayStation. Or those who love the game and want the largest player pool possible to battle random online opponents.

Stick Fight Sales Data and Player Count Impact

According to SteamSpy, Stick Fight: The Game has sold over 5 million units on Steam alone as of February 2023. While exact sales data is not publicly available for Switch, Xbox, and PlayStation, if we assume even 1 million sales on each platform, that‘s a total player base of over 8 million gamers.

Enabling cross-platform could essentially double, triple or even quadruple the available player pool for matchmaking, providing faster queues and more platform diversity in online play. This shows the sheer demand and missed opportunity by not offering cross-platform support to date.

Why Isn‘t Cross-Platform PlayEnabled Yet?

As both a gamer and someone who analyzes gaming news and updates daily, I have a few theories as to why Stick Fight doesn‘t offer cross-play functionality yet:

Technical Limitations

There are definitely tech and software hurdles when syncing up online play across four completely different platforms – think PC vs consoles vs mobile chipsets. This can introduce latency, bugs, etc. So it‘s reasonable that the dev team is focused on smoothing out features for each platform before complicating things.

Prioritizing Other Features First

I‘d guess the Stick Fight developers have a long roadmap of ideas and improvements yet to build – things like new maps, co-op experiences, weapons, etc. These likely take priority over what could be a very complex cross-platform development initiative.

Evaluating Cross-Play Return on Investment

Enabling seamless cross-platform play likely requires dedicated resources, funding, and time – things any studio has in limited supply. The product team is likely still evaluating whether the incremental revenue/profit Cross-platform would drive outweighs the effort to create it.

Concerns Over Competitive Imbalance

Since Stick Fight has leaderboards tracking stats like kill/death ratio, some worry that enabling Cross-platform may make ladders less even if certain platforms have gameplay advantages. For example, keyboard/mouse reaction times may give PC players an edge. The studio may still be exploring how to address this.

The Developer Perspective

While Landfall Games has not shared an official perspective recently regarding future cross-play abilities for Stick Fight, looking back at previous statements can give us an idea of where their head is at:

“We want to focus on polishing the game first before even thinking about [cross-platform play]. We know it‘s a highly requested feature though, so it‘s on our radar.”

This quote from 2021 shows cross-play is at least on their mind, though likely not the current priority. We can continue hoping that with enough fan requests, the dev team may shift focus.

The Push for CrossPlay – What Players Can Do

As passionate members of the Stick Fight community, there are a few things we can do to show the demand and support for cross-platform play:

  • Continue submitting feedback requests – through Stick Fight and Landfall Games social channels and forums
  • Share this blog and others highlighting desire for cross-play
  • Tag the studio and developers in social posts asking for Crossplay information
  • And of course, keep playing and enjoying this classic game! The larger and more active the player base, the more incentive to connect platforms.

While cross-play unfortunately remains inactive today, perhaps these grassroots efforts combined with growing platform audiences could influence Landfall Games to dedicate resources towards this coveted capability in future updates. We can only hope!

For now, I‘ll continue having a blast throwing hands as colorful two-dimensional stick figures against my fellow PC players. But the dream remains uniting all Stick Fight gamers under one cross-platform empire. Please comment any thoughts or ideas for propelling this initiative forward!

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