Is Sucrose a healer in Genshin Impact?

As a passionate Genshin Impact player and content creator, one question I see pop up a lot is whether the anemo character Sucrose can serve as a healer for your teams. So let‘s settle this debate – no, Sucrose is not primarily a healer in Genshin Impact. However, she brings extremely valuable crowd control and support capabilities to enable some of the top damage dealing compositions in the current endgame. In this guide, we‘ll fully break down Sucrose‘s kit, see how she differs from dedicated healers, look at some of her best teams, and analyze why she‘s still such a top-tier support after all this time.

Sucrose‘s Abilities and Role

First, let‘s closely examine Sucrose‘s talents, constellations, and optimal weapon and artifact choices to understand how she functions in combat:

Skill – Astable Anemohypostasis Creation 6308

  • Creates a small Wind Spirit that pulls in nearby enemies and deals AoE Anemo damage
  • Up to 2 spirits can be active at once for much wider crowd control coverage
  • Low 45 energy cost and only 6s CD makes it very spammable

Burst – Forbidden Creation – Isomer 75 / Type II

  • Creates a larger awake Wind Spirit that continuously pulls in enemies and launches intense wind vortexes
  • Costs 80 energy but has a massive 20s duration for reliable CC

As we can see, both Sucrose‘s skill and burst abilities focus primarily on grouping enemies closely together in a set location rather than any form of healing. She also lacks a way to directly restore HP or cleanse teammates.

Now let‘s talk about weapons, artifacts, and some of her ascension passives that allow her to further boost team damage:


Sacrificial Fragments (4✮✮✮✮)Skill CD reset allows max crowd control uptime
Magic Guide (4✮✮✮)Increases Elemental Mastery for bigger reactions
Mappa Mare (4✮✮✮)Boosts Elemental DMG Bonus after skill use


  • 4pc Viridescent Venerer – Anemo DMG Bonus and shreds enemy resistance
  • 4pc Instructor – Boosts team Elemental Mastery for stronger reactions


  • A1: Elemental Mastery sharing with party members
  • A4: Upon triggering Swirl, all characters have increased Elemental Mastery for 8s

As we can see from her artifacts, weapons, and passives, Sucrose is heavily specialized into Swirl-based Anemo DPS and providing the team increased Elemental Mastery. This makes her perfectly suited for reaction focused teams.

Comparison to Dedicated Healers

Now that we understand Sucrose‘s capabilities, let‘s compare her side-by-side to some of the dedicated healers in Genshin Impact:

CharacterHealing TypeHeals Scale With
BennettBurst AoE Heal Over TimeBennett‘s Max HP
JeanBurst AoE Heal + Normal AttacksJean‘s ATK
QiqiSkill Mark Heal Over TimeQiqi‘s ATK
SucroseNo direct healingN/A

The key takeaway is that healers all have consistent ways to heal your active character and entire party either instantly or over time during their burst or skill duration by building HP or ATK.

Meanwhile, Sucrose simply lacks any form of HP restoration in her kit. So while the healers above must focus heavily on Healing Bonus, HP, or ATK – Sucrose is instead able to specialize fully into dishing out Swirl reactions and increasing Elemental Mastery.

Strong Team Compositions

Now with a firm grasp on how Sucrose functions, let‘s look at some powerful teams she enables as a top tier support:

Sucrose Tazer Driver

  • Sucrose / Fischl / Beidou / Xingqiu
  • Constant overload and electro-charged reactions that Sucrose triggers with Swirl spreading

Sucrose Hypercarry

  • Sucrose / Fischl / Diona or Zhongli / Flex (Xiangling/Beidou/Xingqiu)
  • Enables Sucrose to directly drive high Anemo DPS with Swirl reactions

In both team types, we utilize Sucrose‘s ability to spread elements and trigger mass Swirl reactions rather than any healing effects. These Sucrose-focused teams can clear endgame Spiral Abyss content very effectively given enough investment into Sucrose‘s talents and proper rotations.

And with the addition of strong off-field damage from Fischl, Beidou, Xingqiu – we can include a healer like Diona or shielder like Zhongli for sustain instead of needing it directly from Sucrose. This allows Sucrose to maximize her strengths!

Closing Thoughts

So in summary – no, Sucrose is definitely not a main healer for your teams in Genshin Impact. But that‘s completely fine, as it lets her specialize fully into her niche as an Anemo enabler/driver by grouping enemies, spreading elements for reactions, and boosting the team‘s Elemental Mastery.

When paired with proper healers or shielders and high-damage sub DPS characters, Sucrose can enable some extremely potent team compositions that rely on Swirl and reactions.

Even after all this time since her initial release, I don‘t see Sucrose leaving meta teams anytime soon! I‘m excited to see what new team possibilities arise as we get more characters that synergize well with her kit.

Let me know in the comments if this helped explain Sucrose‘s capabilities and why she‘s so valuable despite not directly healing your party! And stay tuned for more Genshin Impact character guides and spiral abyss team recommendations here on the channel.

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