Super Mario Odyssey – An Accessible Adventure That Hardens into aocore Platforming

As an avid Mario fan and gaming commentator, I would categorize Super Mario Odyssey as an easy-to-medium difficulty game for casual players, with hardcore platforming challenges awaiting in the post-game. The initial run through the story and kingdoms keeps frustration to a minimum, while collecting all 999 Power Moons demands precise jumping skills and complex puzzle solving.

Smooth, Forgiving Gameplay…At First

Super Mario Odyssey wants to welcome gamers of all ages and skill levels into its world. The game teaches players the controls gradually across a few early kingdoms before ramping up the difficulty. Levels limit frustrating elements like one-hit kills or super precise platforming early on. Mario also has access to power-ups that grant extra hits or invincibility, minimizing punishment for mistakes. Gameplay remains smooth and forgiving during the main journey.

According to analysis from HowLongToBeat, the average Super Mario Odyssey playthrough lasts around 12 1/2 hours. This entails beating the minimum number of levels across kingdoms to advance the story and ultimately taking down Bowser. With accessible gameplay, power-ups aplenty, and low punishment for player deaths, getting through the core Odyssey campaign proves easily achievable for most gamers within a reasonable timeframe.

Post-Game Pushes Platforming Skills

However, for the dedicated Mario veterans seeking a true test of skill, the real challenges await after the credits roll. Odyssey hides another 836 Power Moons to discover across its kingdoms, pushing players to master difficult jumps and complex mechanics like long cap jump chains. Finding these collectibles involves precision platforming maneuvers, solving cryptic puzzles, defeating bosses without getting hit, and other taxing objectives.

Several of these daunting moons gate progress to Mushroom Kingdom, a brutally tough new area filled with references to previous Mario outings. The kingdom also houses the Darker Side, a multi-level gauntlet requiring near flawless jumping skills just to reach the boss. Players must beat this exhausting trial with no mid-level checkpoints to earn one of the last Power Moons.

CategoryGameplay Hours
Completionist All MoonsAround 60 hours
Main + Extra ContentAround 30 hours
Main Story OnlyAround 12 hours

Time to beat estimates via HowLongToBeat

As the data shows, just encountering all content pushes Super Mario Odyssey completion times over 50+ hours for most players. Completing the Darker Side and tracking down every cryptically hidden moon could even stretch closer to 80 hours for gamers really maximizing their playtime. This dwarfs the 12 hours average for the modest main quest.

Assist Options Keep the Adventure Moving

In keeping with Mario Odyssey‘s theme of accessibility, players struggling even with the base experience can take advantage of helpful Assist Options buried in the menus:

  • Invincible – Mario takes no damage, allowing endless attempts at tough platforming/bosses
  • Camera Assist – Allows greater control of viewing angles on jumps
  • Action Assist – Requires less timing precision with cap throws/jumps

These can essentially neuter much of the difficulty, letting less experienced gamers enjoy the story and explore the kingdoms. However, purists may want to avoid these options during initial playthroughs.

For finding hidden moons, Mario also has allies in his camp. Uncle Amiibo produces hint art leading to secret collectibles, while Talkatoo clues gamers into general moon locations across Kingdoms. These nudges ease frustration during post-game scavenger hunts for the most elusive moons tucked away by devious Nintendo developers.

Strong Sales Support Wide Accessibility

Super Mario Odyssey has sold over 23.50 million copies as of March 2022 according to official Nintendo sales figures, making it the 6th best selling Mario game ever. These fantastic sales show a game that clearly appealed to a wider, more casual gaming demographic outside just the core Mario fanbase. Based on this commercial data, players across skill levels are enjoying and completing Odyssey even with its back half difficulty spikes.

In comparison, the darker and tougher Super Mario Galaxy 2 only moved 7.41 million lifetime units. The more unforgiving New Super Mario Bros Wii did better at over 30 million copies, but its multiplayer focus likely drove higher mainstream adoption compared to Galaxy 2‘s pure platforming challenge. Ultimately, Odyssey‘s more beginner-friendly opening hours attracted players intimidated by past Mario game difficulty curves.

Ratcheting Up the Challenge like Mario Greats

When looking across main console Mario platformers, Odyssey follows a similar path of gently guiding players at first before hitting them with hardcore gameplay in later worlds.

Super Mario 64 welcomed newcomers with Bob-omb Battlefield and Whomp‘s Fortress, then unleashed demanding stages like Tick Tock Clock and Rainbow Ride‘s brutal platforming gauntlet. Super Mario Sunshine eased players in with laidback Delfino Plaza before ratcheting up the difficulty dramatically in Corona Mountain. Super Mario Galaxy kept early spheres like Good Egg Galaxy quite accessible, saving mind-benders like Loopdeeloop Galaxy for late game.

Odyssey fits right in line with this legacy of tougher back half areas. While its assist options set it apart in accessibility, the structure continues a long-standing tradition for the Mario series – welcome all players with approachable opening gameplay, then separate the amateurs from the platforming masters in the final worlds!

Conclusion: An Epic Quest for All Gamers

In the end, Is Super Mario Odyssey too easy or hard ultimately depends on the player. Young gamers and beginners will find the initial 5-10 hour adventure a smooth introduction to Mario‘s magical world. Meanwhile, platforming diehards have another 50+ hours of content to conquer before truly mastering the Odyssey.

Nintendo wonderfully balances difficulty options and compelling end game content, enhancing replayability for both casual and hardcore fans alike. Truly an epic Mario journey tailored for all player skill levels!

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