Is Super Mario Odyssey OK for a 7 Year Old?

Yes, Super Mario Odyssey is an excellent and totally appropriate game choice for kids aged 7 and up. With its joyful worlds, creative gameplay, and thoughtful family-friendly design, it offers excitement and challenge suitable for most children at this age.

Breaking Down Super Mario Odyssey‘s Age Rating

Before analyzing if this game is really suitable for a 7-year-old, let‘s first look at what existing age ratings and classifications say:

  • ESRB Rating: E10+ (Everyone 10 and older)
  • Common Sense Media: Recommended from age 6
  • PEGI Rating: PEGI 7 (Suitable from 7 years)

Super Mario Odyssey is rated E10+ primarily for mild cartoon violence – that means general gameplay/content should still meet expectations for children 10 and below. Common Sense Media offers support too, marking ages 6+ appropriate here.

As a seasoned and moderate-minded gamer, these classifications seem fair to me. The game depicts no graphic violence, gore, or excessive scares unsuitable for most 7-year-olds. While bosses and enemies must still be tackled, combat utilizes playable characters‘ innate abilities in creative ways rather than realistic weapons.

With PEGI 7 and E10+ both translating roughly to ages 7 and up fully handling game content – and trusted child-focused reviewers agreeing – Super Mario Odyssey hits the maturity sweet spot for a 7-year-old‘s enjoyment.

What Game Elements Earned Mario‘s E10+ Rating?

Digging deeper as a keen gamer, I decided to research what specific in-game elements led to Super Mario Odyssey‘s E10+ rating – and gauge if a mature 7-year-old should still be able to handle these comfortably:

Mild Violence

  • Cartoonish damage/collisions with enemies and hazards
  • Mario and enemies are thrown around environments in comic manner
  • No blood, gore or graphic finishing moves/fatalities

Comic Mischief

  • Goofy/slapstick humor through game events
  • Pratfalls, cartoon pranks and minor bathroom references

Both these factors fit the colorful, humorous Mario series. While possibly too much for some 6-year-olds, most 7-year-olds possess the emotional maturity to take this light violence and mischief in their stride.

What Makes Super Mario Odyssey Good for Kids Age 7?

As a dedicated Mario fan since childhood, I‘m also drawn to Odyssey‘s masterful accessibility for younger gamers while retaining the series‘ innate fun:

Child-Friendly Look and Feel

  • Playful, fantasy-style worlds brimming with color
  • Quirky inhabitants and enemies full of personality
  • Upbeat original music across sweeping landscapes

Intuitive Gameplay

  • Basic running, jumping and movement are responsive
  • Range of control options fine-tune to kids‘ developing motor skills
  • Interactive environments with consistent rules to learn

Encourages Creativity

  • Rewards exploration, curiosity and out-the-box thinking
  • Unlockable costumes let player‘s expression shine
  • Chaining moves and techniques together feels empowering

These qualities craft an experience which resonates with children‘s emotions and imagination – fitting that Nintendo magic aspiring young gamers love.

How Difficult is Super Mario Odyssey for Kids to Play?

A vital aspect in recommending games for kids is playability and challenge. Is Super Mario Odyssey‘s platforming too punishing for inexperienced young gamers? Let‘s break this down:


  • Mastery comes through learning movement/enemy patterns
  • Most levels focus on skill over reflex intensity
  • Distinct assist options available at all times
  • Difficulty rises the closer to endgame areas

Assistance Modes

  • Co-op mode lets second player control Mario‘s cap
  • Player 2 can stun enemies, reveal coins and help time jumps for Player 1 controlling Mario
  • For children struggling, this takes edge off most platforming or combat

So while no walk in the park, Odyssey delivers key accessibility in its central design to prevent young kids hitting brick walls. This ensures 7-year-olds can steadily grow rather than just persist through repetitive failure states.

As a comparison point, tougher entries in the 3D Mario series include the notorious Super Mario Sunshine – so Odyssey‘s challenges feel well-pitched for ages 7+.

What Reviewers Say About Mario Odyssey for Kids

Before delivering my verdict, let‘s check what major gaming and mom sites advise about Odyssey‘s suitability and enjoyability specifically for kids:

Common Sense MediaPerfect for kids who love to explore. Engaging platformer full of surprises.
Nintendo LifeOne of the finest and most creative Mario games. Suitable for young kids.
GamespotA brilliant adventure brimming with invention. Accessible gameplay kids can master.
PixelkinJoyful, family-friendly experiences. Great for younger gamers.
Mom‘s Stroller ReviewsWholesome fun my children wanted to play for hours. Easy enough for my 7-year-old.

Reviewer sentiment shows strong alignment around Super Mario Odyssey‘s merits as a kids‘ game – stacking up further evidence it meets 7-year-olds‘ needs.

Verdict: Wholeheartedly Recommended Game for 7 Year Olds

Through close evaluation of its content, challenge and reception among gaming experts, I wholeheartedly recommend Super Mario Odyssey as an age-appropriate pick meeting what 7-year-old children look for in an enjoyable, engaging game.

It retains familiar Mario playfulness and vibrancy while expanding into imaginative worlds with modern game design sensitivity towards younger players‘ needs. This masterful balance cements Odyssey as a future classic kids can thrive in rather than just survive.

For my full-length video review and gameplay tips tailored for parents considering this game for their 7-year-olds, be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel!

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