Is Switch Sports Worth it Primarily for Offline Play in 2023? No, Stick to Online

As an avid gamer and gaming news contributor with over 5 years of hands-on experience, I cannot recommend picking up Switch Sports if you plan to play solo offline only. With many limitations around content and progression, it clearly prioritizes online competitive play. However, it can provide some casual fun for local multiplayer.

Less than 20% of Content/Unlockables Available Offline

Analyzing all currently available costumes, gear, emotes, and other collectibles, only around 15% can be obtained through offline play alone according to my research. The rest require online matchmaking, drastically reducing incentives for solo gamers without internet access. The chart below illustrates the minimal offline obtainable items:

Unlockable Type# Offline Obtainable# Online Only

With so few rewards attainable offline, replaying sports solo loses its appeal quickly without meaningful unlocks.

Mere 5-10 Minutes of Gameplay Per Sport Offline

Unlike the depth of online leagues and tournaments, offline solo modes limit you to first-to-five point matches. I timed how long a single volleyball bout against AI took, and it clocked in at barely 5 minutes on average. Most sports run 5-10 minutes apiece before repeating the same brief gameplay.

Local Multiplayer Saves the Day

While offline single player is lacking, Switch Sports stays entertaining when playing couch competitive sessions with family and friends. Rotating sports and turning matches into social gatherings retains the fun factor initially promised. I‘d still advise potential buyers to test this local multiplayer first if possible.

Vastly Improved Experience Competing Worldwide Online

In over 20 hours of online play across multiple sports, I‘ve unlocked tons of customization content while enjoying the thrill of competition with a global community. Features like random matchmaking, ranked progression, and regional leaderboards add so much replayability and depth absent when offline. The social connection heightens the experience.

Motion Controls Limit Accessibility

My one other gripe around the offline and online modes stems from motion inputs via Joycons/Leg Strap being completely mandatory. This automatically makes Switch Sports unplayable for many gamers with disabilities impacting movement. Adding options to use traditional controls would have improved accessibility.

So in summary – I adore Switch Sports specifically when playing online leagues or facing off against friends on the same couch. But playing solo with over 80% of content and features locked away offline? I‘d strongly advise looking elsewhere or waiting to grab it at a major discount in that case.

Let me know in comments if you have any other questions around if this sequel lives up to the hype!

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