Is T-60 Power Armor in Fallout 4 Still Worth Using in 2023?

To directly answer the question – yes, the T-60 power armor set remains one of the most useful suits of armor in Fallout 4 in 2023. While no longer the undisputed best end-game armor statistically, the T-60 still delivers tremendously high damage protection that rivals even the vaunted T-51b, along with excellent radiation resistance and balanced attributes. For most wanderers of the Wasteland, T-60 is likely the last suit unlocked through natural progression, hitting a great sweet spot before requiring ridiculous amounts of loyalty grinding or luck finding rare models.

T-60 Stats

Strengths – Extremely Durable Mid-to-End Game Armor

  • 350 Damage Resistance – 2nd highest in base game
  • 350 Energy Resistance – on par with X-01 Mk VI
  • 400 Radiation Resistance – best among non-DLC armors
  • 91 Base Weight – solid carrying capacity for heavy guns
  • Balanced stats to take on nearly any threat

According to hardened Fallout 76 veterans at Fandom, the T-60 power armor set sits near the top of the armor food chain in Fallout 4 – delivering 350 damage resistance and energy resistance, narrowly beaten only by the T-65 suit added later.

This impressive durability allows T-60 users to absorb tremendous punishment from inbound enemy fire of all types while securing key strategic positions or unloading missiles and miniguns on the battlefield. Supporting over a dozen armor mods including reactive plates to reflect a percentage of melee damage back at attackers, the T-60 can be customized to become nearly impenetrable by standard foes.

The T-60 also shines against radiation. Its 400 native radiation resistance outpaces all non-DLC options, allowing dwellers to explore normally lethal glowing sea zones rich in exotic loot. All combined, these balanced stats make T-60 a highly versatile battle platform. From shielding brutal up-close encounters with Deathclaws to sustaining assaults from airborne Vertibirds, if you need power armor that can do it all – T-60 is still a top choice in 2023.

Weaknesses – Draining Cores Faster for Overburdened Users

  • 91 Base Weight – limits mobility if overencumbered
  • High fusion core drain from heavy weight and mods
  • Insufficient rad protection for extreme environments
  • End-game enemies may penetrate resistances

Admittedly the T-60 design does carry some drawbacks. At 91 pounds in base form before mods, the T-60 is a heavy beast – topping the X-01 Mk VI and T-51b in weight. This cuts down carrying capacity for loot and heavy ordinance, while draining AP for sprinting.

The dense armor build also guzzles fusion core charges rapidly compared to lighter models, especially if jetpacks, tesla coatings, and other upgrades are equipped. Without ample Nuclear Physicist perks or hoarded cores, T-60 joints may freeze prematurely far from camp.

And while the radiation protection of 400 RR outpaces standard suits – it‘s still vastly exceeded by 1302 RR monsters like the Strangler Heart set. Stray too close to ominous glowing craters or the heart of destroyed reactors in T-60 plates, and you‘ll cook from the inside out regardless of dmg resistance.

Lastly, though nearly impervious against standard enemies – the T-60 endures a damage threshold beyond which incredibly powerful attacks from late adversaries can penetrate its rugged shell. On Survival, high-tech Sentry Bots sporting devastating rapid plasma casters can quickly overwhelm T-60 limb armor. And the mighty Mirelurk Queen‘s corrosive acid strikes can dissolve T-60 torso integrity over prolonged fights. Without crit-padding effects or emergency exit protocols, things can go south quickly on such high threat missions.

Usage Tips – Optimizing a T-60 Build for Max Performance

To maximize a T-60 suit‘s capabilities despite its limitations:

Install Recommended Mods

  • Legs: Calibrated Shocks – +50 carry weight
  • Arms: VATS Matrix or Tesla – AP refresh or stun AOE
  • Torso: Kinetic Dynamo – AP regen on damage
  • Helmet: Targeting HUD + night vision

Take Support Perks

  • Nuclear Physicist 2/3 – Fusion Core drain 15/30% slower
  • Scrounger 2/4 – Find more ammo and cores in containers

Use Complimentary Gear

  • Military Fatigues for +2 Strength under armor
  • Pocketed armor pieces for more carry weight

Employ Damage Mitigation Consumables

  • Med-X for 25 DR and 65% less limb damage
  • Psychobuff for +3 STR and 25% damage resist
  • Quantums for burst healing without exits

With these upgrades, strats, and pairings – T-60 owners can overcome limitations through specialized builds to dominate the battlefield.

Repairing T-60 Suits

Maintaining T-60 field readiness is critical for survivability. As components take attrition, frequently fast travel to settlements with armor stations like Sanctuary Hills or The Castle to affect repairs. Invest perk points into Armorer 4 for maximum component durability. Deconstruct duplicate T-60 drops from fallen Brotherhood troops after engagements to recover modules and craft backup parts as needed. If basic materials run low, use shipments of steel, screws, aluminum, and circuits purchased from roaming caravan weapons dealers to smelt more components.

  • With Armorer 4 – component repair costs cut in half
  • Deconstruct enemy T-60 pieces for free modules & materials
  • Bulk shipments of crafting goods help replenish parts

Proper T-60 maintenance ensures your suit stays battle-ready as you check off missions and explore the ruins of Boston.

Matching Up Against Top Contenders

Let‘s see how the T-60 fares when compared against its biggest competitors from mid to end game:

T-60 vs. X-01

SuitDmg ResistEnergy ResistRad ResistWeightRepair CostNotes
T-6035035040091MidMore damage protection
X-01 MK VI400400100088Mid-HighBest radiation shielding
  • T-60 has slightly better physical defense
  • X-01 excels at rad protection
  • Both solid mid-end game options

The unique attributes and more balanced stats of the T-60 make it competitive end game even against the high tech X-01 MK VI suit with higher energy and radiation resistances.

T-60 vs. T-45

SuitDmg ResistWeightRepair CostNotes
T-6035091MidVastly superior durability
T-4520061LowLighter weight
  • Far higher damage soak against threats
  • Bulkier and heavier base form
  • Repairs easier with lower component requirements

While the T-45 delivers mobility, the T-60 provides dramatically better protection once enemies start hitting harder mid way through your quest. Time to upgrade!

T-60 vs. T-65

SuitDmg ResistEnergy ResistWeightNotes
T-6035035091Easier acquisition
T-6556556590Highest stats via Gold Bullion quests
  • T-65 has 215 more resistance per piece
  • But very difficult to earn fragments for

The T-65 truly represents the peak of Fallout 4 defense with over 150 more resist per section than the T-60 suit. But the insane investment of time and resources to unlock may not be worthwhile just for stats alone.

The Verdict – Still A Top Contender in 2023

Given its high armor ratings across the board, ease of modifications, affordable repairs from salvaging Brotherhood units, and balance between mobility and protection for mid stage completion – the T-60 remains a highly compelling power armor choice in Fallout 4 today. It lacks the min-maxed radiation immunity of an end game Strangler Heart, but offers tremendous physical durability on par with far rarer models.

For dwellers around level 30+ and working through the game‘s main questline, T-60 plans should be readily attainable and deliver a major boost over the starter T-45 suit. Even late game against high tech adversaries, the T-60 holds its own with additional strategy and consumable buffs.

And while future updates could shift the balance, T-60 is likely to remain entrenched as a Pacific Brotherhood signature set given its pivotal role in their Boston takeover. We may even see buffs or bonus effects related to Prydwen missions.

So don‘t sleep on grabbing T-60 schematics early on for long term upgrades. It may no longer wear the crown outright as Fallout‘s best armor years later – but rest assured the T-60 can still dish out and take enough punishment to see you through to the end of your journey across the wasting Wasteland!

What has been your own experience using T-60 power armor out in the Commonwealth? Share your thoughts and favorite T-60 moments in the comments!

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