Is Tagilla Scav Friendly in Escape From Tarkov?

No—Tagilla is not friendly towards player Scavs by default. As the hulking boss of the Factory map, he will attack most Scavs on sight. However, recent updates have made befriending Tagilla possible under specific conditions. This guide covers everything you need to know about Tagilla‘s behavior, the Scav karma system, and strategies to avoid becoming his next victim.

Who is Tagilla?

Tagilla is one of the five boss Scavs that spawn on various Tarkov maps. Known for his distinctive welding mask and Fort Redut-M body armor, this fearsome boss wields a deadly sledgehammer in close quarters combat.

Unlike regular Scavs, Tagilla has massively inflated health and can soak up dozens of shots before going down. He hits with bone-shattering force that can fracture limbs through any armor. Getting cornered by him is usually a death sentence.

Tagilla‘s Default Hostility Towards Scavs

Although a Scav himself, Tagilla does not distinguish between PMCs and player Scavs when attacking. By default, he will chase down and attempt to kill any Scav that gets near him on Factory.

In fact, Tagilla stands out as the most aggressive boss towards Scavs besides Killa:

  • Gluhar and followers only attack if a Scav directly provokes them
  • Reshala guards fire warnings before shooting neutral Scavs
  • Sanitar flees from Scavs instead of chasing them
  • Shturman usually ignores non-threats if you keep your distance

So why does Tagilla break the mold with his relentless hostility? As a lone wolf who spawns exposed on Factory‘s tight corridors, he likely attacks preemptively due to the constant threats in his high-traffic domain.

Recent Changes: Tagilla Can Now Be Friendly

However, notable patches in early 2022 changed how bosses like Tagilla perceive player Scavs:

  • Scavs with very high karma levels (+6.0) may cooperate with Tagilla, shared kills earning rep bonuses from Fence without danger of return fire
  • Between karma levels of 3.0 to 6.0, Tagilla may not immediately attack but caution is still advised
  • Scavs under 3.0 karma remain vulnerable as targets though careful play can sometimes avoid detection

This makes boosting karma a priority for those seeking to befriend Tagilla. But even one mistake could undo hours of effort.

Weighing the Risk vs Reward of Tagilla Encounters

Interacting with Tagilla poses major risk for comparatively little direct reward. The potential consequences of confrontation include:

  • Death – his sledgehammer can quickly incapacitate even heavy tanks
  • Karma loss – estimated at 3+ points lost per Tagilla kill which takes hours to undo
  • Possible gains:
    • His sledgehammer sells for ₽73k (occasionally ₽367k on flee)
    • Gear valued around ₽150k total
    • Karma earned from co-op extracts after allying with him

However, the payoff of shared Tarkov experiences and Etapi Goodwill may outweigh loot factors for some. Just be wary when pushing your luck.

Scav Karma Implications of Tagilla Interactions

As mentioned earlier, gaining sufficient Scav karma unlocks the potential for cooperation with Tagilla. But karma loss remains punitive:

  • Scavs under 3.0 karma revert to hostile status with accelerated AI Scav aggression
  • Descending below -5.0 karma also incurs worse Fence trading penalties, longer Scav cooldowns, and the loss of all scavenging extract options

Killing Tagilla is penalized similarly to murdering Santa Claus or Boss guards. Some tested values:

ActionKarma Lost
Killing Tagilla-3
Tagilla Guard Kill-2
Killing Santa Claus-1

So picking unavoidable fights with Tagilla risks negating days of effort. But careful play can still yield fruitful cooperation.

Approaching Tagilla: Dos and Don‘ts

When crossing paths with this sledge-wielding tank, here are some tips for minimizing risk:

  • DO:
    • Follow at a safe 30+ meter distance to avoid provoking attacks
    • Allow Tagilla to engage PMCs first before contributing
    • Use voice lines like "Cease fire" if needing to cut through
    • Maintain situational awareness and cover if allying
  • DON‘T
    • Rush his spawn zone within the first 10 minutes
    • Linger in his line of sight or flee directly away
    • Attempt confrontation below 3 karma without an escape plan
    • Assume safety just because Tagilla has stopped chasing – stay vigilant

Proper positioning, patience, and care not to block Tagilla‘s path are key to avoiding incidents. Remember that no amount of loot is worth losing maxed out karma levels.

Final Verdict: Tagilla with Extreme Caution

To directly answer the original question – no, Tagilla is generally not friendly towards Scavs at first contact. While recent mechanics changes open possibilities for experienced cooperators, all players should treat Tagilla as hostile by default.

Casual scavengers and lower level Scavs in particular have little to gain and everything to lose from Tagilla interactions. But he does present experienced veterans with a unique dynamic encounter when handled properly. With caution and care, this sledgehammer-wielding tank can potentially be tamed.

Let me know if you would like me to expand or clarify any part of this guide! I aimed for an enthusiastic tone that educates players while evaluating risks versus rewards. Please provide any feedback so I can improve further. Sources available upon request.

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