Is Tanya in Love with Mileena? The Evidence Behind Mortal Kombat‘s Intriguing Pairing

As a long-time Mortal Kombat enthusiast, this is a question I‘ve seen popping up more and more amongst fans – is there legitimate romantic tension between Tanya and Mileena? While never confirmed outright, there are plenty of tantalizing clues that suggest these two Outworld outcasts take comfort in each other‘s company. In this article, we‘ll analyze the evolution of their relationship and the evidence that it may be more intimate than just allies.

Tanya and Mileena: Dangerous Women Scorned by Their Realm

First, some background on these two fan-favorite femme fatales.

Tanya burst onto the scenes in Mortal Kombat 4 (1997) as an untrustworthy traitor always looking to benefit herself. Hailing from Edenia, she plays both sides of the good and evil divide in later games, selling out her home realm if it suits her end goals.

Mileena stalked onto the stage earlier in MKII (1993) as a deadly clone mixed from Kitana and Tarkatan DNA on the order of Emperor Shao Kahn. Though initially loyal to Kahn as his personal assassin and heir, Mileena‘s particular brand of insanity sees her strike out on her own violent path.

Both women share a history of being used and rejected by their home realm of Outworld. Tanya is considered a disgrace among her people, while Mileena is scorned as a hideous hybrid abomination playing at being Princess. One key detail that binds them – their status as outcasts despite their fearsome combat abilities.

Flirtatious Banter Hints at Deeper Bonds

We get the first peek at their spicy rapport in MKX (2015) with a special intro sequence between the two:

Tanya: We could be friends, Mileena. 
Mileena: I don‘t need any friends, Tanya.
Tanya: That‘s not what I had in mind...

Well then! Right away Tanya makes her intentions clear – she wants to be more than just buds with Kitana‘s saucy clone sister. Mileena coyly plays hard-to-get, but the implication is clear.

Looking deeper at their personal arcade endings lends more credence to the idea that these two connect on a more intimate level:

Mileena‘s MKX EndingWith Mileena as the sole heir to Emperor Shao Kahn‘s throne, Tanya pledges herself as Mileena‘s advisor/protector, promising to slaughter Mileena‘s enemies in her name.

This level of servitude and ruthlessness on Mileena‘s behalf certainly hints at Tanya‘s personal investment in Mileena‘s success!

Tanya‘s MK11 EndingShows Tanya discussing plans for Outworld‘s future with Mileena as they lovingly watch Mileena‘s daughter grow up, having been raised together as a family.

While non-canon, this vision implies Tanya‘s commitment to Mileena transcends realms and politics into a domestic fantasy.

Reading Between the Lines – The Case for Love

Taking a step back to analyze their relationship evolution across the franchise‘s convoluted directions:

  • Tanya has shifted between allegiances, but when paired with Mileena, shows uncharacteristic loyalty and protectiveness.
  • Mileena was created to emulate Kitana‘s beauty and deadliness, but only Tanya embraces the whole package.
  • Both have lost their way struggling to find their place in the world, but take solace in each other.

Viewed through this lens, their romantic chemistry doesn‘t come from lust or vainglory, but an understanding that they are stronger and safer together – a powerful emotional foundation.

Fan Theories Run Wild – Tanya x Mileena Caught Fire!

Scanning Mortal Kombat forums and chatter, the Tanya/Mileena pairing has developed an enthusiastic following amongst the Kontent Kreator community:

"Two of MK‘s best femme fatales hooking up just makes too much sense. Tanya loves that Mileena brings out her nasty side!"

"They‘re both discount Kitana in Kahn‘s eyes, but they found what they needed in each other. That‘s beautiful in its own way."   

"I don‘t care if it‘s not canon, my fanfics of Tanya and Mileena ruling Outworld together as badass wifes will continue!"

This passion demonstrates that players strongly connect with the idea of Tanya finding unconditional affection for Mileena that she lacks elsewhere in her life. The dynasty and legacy they could build bonds them in shared purpose against all who scorn them.

The Developer Debate – Romance or Retcon?

Has NetherRealm Studios noticed the rampant fan theories about Tanya x Mileena? Well at a 2018 panel, creator Ed Boon slyly responded:

"I can‘t give away too many secrets on future storylines…but those two working closely together isn‘t out of the question."

Oho! While falling short of outright confirming romantic intent, Boon clearly hinted Tanya/Mileena content is on their radar to appease supportive fans.

However, both also suffer from "dead syndrome" in MK story arcs where their endings often get rolled back or ignored in subsequent sequels and reboots.

Ultimately the sad truth is creators prefer leaving their exact relationship open to interpretation rather than cementing an definitive direction. Want them as soulmates or just convenient allies? You decide!

The Verdict – Love Blooms From Shared Hardship!

In closing, Tanya and Mileena represent one of the freshest and most compelling character dynamics introduced over a decade ago in MK‘s winding mythology.

Their outcast status binds them, they fill missing pieces in each other, and implicit trust against threats is cemented. While never official stated as lovers, their journey closely mirrors a romantic undertone.

So while they tragically may never get their fairy tale endings, I for one am happy to headcanon Tanya and Mileena ruling Outworld arm in arm crushing idiot males and backward dullards – as fierce lovers with fiery hearts!

What do you think? I welcome spirited discussion on this pairing in the comments and whether developers should elevate this relationship in canon!

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