Is Tekken 8 going to be exclusive?

No, Tekken 8 will not be an exclusive game. Developer Bandai Namco has officially confirmed that Tekken 8 will release on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and Windows PC.


Tekken 8 will utilize next-generation hardware to push the boundaries of graphical fidelity and fast-paced gameplay the series is known for:

  • PlayStation 5
  • Xbox Series X
  • Xbox Series S
  • Windows PC (Steam)

Releasing on all major platforms maximizes the potential player base and allows more fighting game fans to experience Tekken 8. As an avid gamer myself, I prefer inclusive multi-platform support over exclusives.

Release Date

An official release date for Tekken 8 has not been announced yet.

Based on typical development timelines for major fighting games, a tentative late 2023 or early 2024 release seems realistic. However, the Tekken team will likely take whatever time needed to meet their ambitious goals for this sequel.

I‘m eagerly anticipating more details as Bandai Namco provides updates in the coming months. Whenever it launches, Tekken 8 is shaping up to be a technical and artistic achievement advancing the genre.

Story and Gameplay

Tekken 8 concludes the decades-long Mishima clan saga. The gameplay footage suggests the team is innovating with destructible environments and cinematic lighting. Background stages like a flaming rooftop seem more alive and perilous than ever.

Notable new mechanics include the Heat System granting enhanced abilities, along with various special attacks altering surroundings. Lead director Katsuhiro Harada emphasizes these systems allow more comeback opportunities.

Several classic characters return, including Nina Williams, Paul Phoenix, Marshall Law, and Ling Xiaoyu. I‘m relieved fan favorites remain while the next generation of console hardware powers better visuals, effects, and responsiveness.

In summary, Tekken 8 aims to deliver the most intense and climactic Tekken story yet, paired with excellent multiplayer gameplay. I look forward to hearing more when Bandai Namco is ready.

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