Is the Dragonborn the son of Akatosh?

The Metaphysical Connection Between Dragons, Dragonborn, and Akatosh

While not literally the offspring of the Dragon God of Time, the Last Dragonborn shares an intrinsic bond with Akatosh that goes beyond a typical Dragonborn. As the creator of dragons and the one who bestows the divine dragon soul upon Dragonborn, Akatosh has a special relationship with these heroes.

Akatosh as the Father of Dragonkind

According to in-game texts found in Skyrim, such as "The Alduin/Akatosh Dichotomy," the great dragon god Auriel (the Elven aspect of Akatosh) is considered the father of dragons. The book "There Be Dragons" also directly states they are "the children of Akatosh."

Alduin, the malicious world-eating dragon and main antagonist in Skyrim, is himself called the "first-born of Akatosh." As the Nordic aspect of Akatosh, he shares a deep connection with the Dragon God of Time.

Dragonborn as Heirs of Akatosh

As mortals gifted an immortal dragon soul by Akatosh, Dragonborn have an inherent bond with the Dragon God.

NPC dialogue suggests Dragonborn carry an "essence of Akatosh" within themselves. Akatosh bestows this gift upon rare and worthy individuals, seemingly choosing them as champions.

Destiny and Prophecy Link the Last Dragonborn and Akatosh

In the Elder Scrolls lore surrounding Skyrim, the coming of the Last Dragonborn is prophesied as a hero fated to confront the first-born of Akatosh himself – Alduin.

The scrolls foretell that the Last Dragonborn is the only one who can truly slay Alduin, who has strayed from his purpose as the world-eating dragon. This shared destiny binds Akatosh with the Last Dragonborn.

The Last Dragonborn – An Heir Apparent to Akatosh Himself?

While all Dragonborn share the dragon blood gift from Akatosh, the Last Dragonborn seems to have a particularly special connection and metaphysical bond with the Dragon God of Time. Their capabilities and lore hints at a relationship that goes beyond a typical Dragonborn.

Mastery Over the Voice and Dragon Souls

The thu‘um, or Storm Voice, is intrinsically tied to a dragon‘s soul. As the one who gave dragons this power, Akatosh is intrinsically connected to it as well.

The Last Dragonborn displays mastery over dragon shouts in a way unmatched by most other Dragonborn in the games. This mastery reflects their sacred bond to dragons and Akatosh.

They also absorb slain dragon souls in order to gain strength. This act of taking in sacred dragon souls hints at a capacity no ordinary mortal Dragonborn possesses.

Dragon Souls AbsorbedTotal Souls

(Table data sourced from the Skyrim wiki)

As the table shows, the Last Dragonborn is capable of continually absorbing dragon souls up to at least 128, granting them ever greater power. Again, this awe-inspiring capability elevates them above a typical Dragonborn.

Confronting an Aspect of Akatosh‘s Firstborn

The destiny of the Last Dragonborn to confront Alduin puts them in direct conflict with Akatosh‘s firstborn who has abandoned his proper role. It is the Last Dragonborn‘s sacred purpose on behalf of Akatosh to defeat this wayward offspring.

The fact such an important role that the god invested in his first child is passed onto the Last Dragonborn shows the immense trust and connection Akatosh has granted them. It is as though they have become an heir apparent to fill the void left by his fallen first child.

How the Last Dragonborn Compares to Other God-Touched Figures

The Elder Scrolls games feature other prophesied hero figures with connections to a divine being or patron deity:

  • Pelinal Whitestrake – Believed to have been sent by the goddess Kyne to free the early humans from elven oppression
  • Nerevarine – The reincarnation of Indoril Nerevar sent to fulfill the prophecies of Azura

However, none quite match the level of favor the Last Dragonborn receives from Akatosh himself. From bestowing the gift directly, to assigning them a destiny tied profoundly with his sacred firstborn, the Dragon God grants privileges no other is given in the games.

In this way, the Last Dragonborn seems positioned as much more than just another hero touched by the gods. They share an intimate, metaphysical connection with Akatosh that makes them more akin to a chosen heir.

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