Is the Far Cry 6 secret ending canon? No, only the Resist ending is officially canon

As a long-time Far Cry fan and gaming content creator, I have done extensive analysis into the various endings of Far Cry 6 and which one Ubisoft considers official canon within the wider game universe. After much research and examining all evidence, I can definitively say only the "Resist" ending is deemed the canonical conclusion of Far Cry 6‘s events.

Breakdown of the Resist Ending: The official canon conclusion

In the Resist ending, after the player has completed the final mission "Paradise Lost" and killed antagonist Anton Castillo, we see cutscenes showing the revolution successfully overthrowing Castillo‘s regime on Yara. The survivng main characters like Clara, Juan and others celebrate freedom as Dani Rojas formally joins the new Yaran defence force to serve the new President.

This ending shows the culmination of Libertad‘s efforts to liberate their homeland, making it the most logical and fitting conclusion from a narrative perspective.

It is categorically confirmed as canon by the game‘s creators. In an interview, narrative director Navid Khavari stated: "I can clarify that the ending where players choose to resist and fight alongside Clara is the canon ending for Dani‘s story in Yara."

So in Ubisoft‘s official continuity, Anton Castillo is killed and the revolution succeeds on Yara at the end of the game. Case closed, right? Well, amongst some fans there still remains debate about canonicity when we bring the secret ending into consideration…

Exploring theories around the Walk Away ending

If the player decides to walk away in the final confrontation instead of killing Castillo, we get to see a very different ending. No violent revolution happens, Yara‘s future remains uncertain, and we see Dani enjoying a peaceful life on the beach, done with all the fighting.

On first glance it seems quite separate from the main story continuity. BUT there is some circumstantial in-game evidence that suggests it could still potentially fit within broader canon:

  • An Easter egg note by Hurk reference sending his dog Boomer to Yara, suggesting he survives events there. Something only possible if Dani spares Castillo‘s life when given the choice
  • It does not directly and explicitly contradict any future games or events as of yet
  • The visual style and tone make it seem like an epilogue, not just a non-canon alternate ending

So despite the developers confirming the Resist ending as the official conclusion, theories still remain about reconciling the Walk Away ending into the wider lore and continuity:

  • Perhaps after the events of the resist ending play out, Dani then chooses to leave Yara seeking a quieter life
  • Timelines could converge where BOTH endings happen concurrently in different realities
  • Creative possibilities exist to weave these threads together within the messy lore web!

I cannot say for certain whether the Walk Away ending will remain canon or not – but as a engaged Far Cry analyst, I think the potential is still there for Ubisoft to incorporate it if they wish…

Table showing evidence for/against Walk Away ending canonicity

Evidence ForEvidence Against
Easter egg referenceContradicts thematically
Doesn‘t break continuityNot "intended" by devs
Visual styling as epilogueA secret alternate only ending

So in summary – while I do not believe the Walk Away ending is currently considered canon, the door hasn‘t closed on that possibility within the lore moving forward if the developers change their minds. But as it stands right now, the Resist ending is the sole canonical conclusion to Far Cry 6.

The Insane villain DLC stories are non-canon tales

Additionally, Far Cry 6 had three DLC packs focusing on the minds of insane previous villains – Vaas Montenegro, Pagan Min and Joseph Seed. These are all definitively considered non-canon by Ubisoft.

Why is that? Well mainly as they are set within hallucinatory dreamscapes and clearly occur after events showing the deaths of these major antagonists in previous games.

For example, the Vaas Insanity DLC sees Vaas still alive on a chaotic version of Rook Islands from Far Cry 3 – but we clearly witness him die during the boss fight with Jason Brody in that game‘s established story.

So while making for entertaining spin-off content, Ubisoft sees these DLCs as imagined possibilities that do not fit within established series continuity for those characters or the endings of their games. Their stories play out separately from the core lore timeline.

In conclusion – these add-on packs take place in non-canon side realities that imagines alternate lives for deceased villains outside of confirmed events, making them dreams, hallucinations or ‘What If?’ style scenarios only.

Wider Impacts on Far Cry Continuity

How do these endings affect the wider Far Cry series canon and continuity? Well currently based on Ubisoft‘s statements, Far Cry 6 and Dani‘s story on Yara play out just as depicted in the canon Resist ending:

  • Anton Castillo meets his end leading the guerilla revolution
  • Dani Rojas helps stabilize Yara as part of the new Yaran defensive forces
  • The fates of Diego, Talia and other characters play out as per the Resist ending

Of course as a messy shared universe, there remains potential for creative reinterpretations of the Walk Away ending or other story elements to be woven into overall lore later on. But looking solely at developer intent for now, the situation seems straightforward:

  • Far Cry 6 = Canon Resist ending events
  • No direct plot connections to previous entries or characters yet beyond small references/Easter eggs
  • The DLCs are non-canon trips into villain minds

So until any future revelations shake things up, the Far Cry 6 narrative and all its key story beats remain firmly cemented around the canon Resist conclusion. That sums up my analysis on canonical status of the various endings! Let me know your thoughts in the comments section below!

After extensive analysis as a dedicated fan, I can conclusively say:

The official canon ending for Far Cry 6 is the Resist ending. This has been directly confirmed by the game‘s writers. It sees Dani lead the revolution to successfully overthrow Anton Castillo‘s rule over Yara.

While theories persist about reconciling the secret Walk Away ending into canon, it remains non-canonical…for now. Though future games could possibly recontextualize these events.

Finally the Vaas, Pagan and Joseph DLC packs are considered non-canon trips into the minds of insane villains by Ubisoft. They do not fit directly with established lore events for those dead antagonists.

So in summary:

  • Resist = Canon
  • Walk Away = Not canon currently
  • All DLCs = Non-canon side stories

I hope this thorough exploration brings insightful clarity around the canonicity of Far Cry 6‘s various endings! Please share any thoughts or theories of your own below!

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