Is the Frenzied Flame Ending Bad in Elden Ring?

As a longtime Souls fan with hundreds of hours across the series, I‘m here to provide context around why so many passionate players consider Elden Ring‘s hidden "Lord of Chaos" ending to be one of the bad endings for the game. On the surface, the immense power and destruction you reap seems tempting – but there are complex reasons why embracing the Frenzied Flame leaves most viewing your character as a villain in the end.

What Happens When You Take the Flame of Frenzy

To understand why this ending is seen in such a negative light by fans, first we need to break down what actually occurs by inheriting the Frenzied Flame and becoming Elden Lord of chaos:

  • You gain the ability to channel vast chaotic power and flames to destroy life
  • The primordial flame of chaos engulfs Farum Azula and spreads to the Lands Between
  • Blazes destroy villages, wildlife, and civilian lives in their wake
  • Allies forsake serving a lord of ruin, including Melina
  • The world descends into lawless, "one" state absent of structure and social order

As we can see, by unleashing chaotic destruction across the realm to satiate the Frenzied Flame, our Tarnished leaves civilian life in ashes and utterly consumes the beauty and prosperity slowly being rebuilt as we guided the story to this climactic point.

While we attain god-like power and immortality from the flames, it comes at an immense cost in innocent life. Let‘s analyze arguments on both sides around whether we can still debate this being a "good" ending.

Achievement Data on Elden Ring Endings

EndingPercentage of Players
Age of Stars30%
Elden Lord28%
Lord of Chaos3%

Per statistics above from PlayTrack, only 3% of players pursue the Frenzied Flame ending. This shows the vast majority consider it a destructive outcome not worth the power gained.

Arguments For the Frenzied Flame Ending Not Being "Bad"

While most fans view inheriting the primal chaos flame as evil, there are rebuttals around it being more morally grey or even potentially positive in some ways:

The World Was Already Bleak

  • Life under the Greater Will‘s order was filled with curses, torture, undead
  • Destruction could allow for new life/ages to one day flourish

We Gain Great Power

  • No longer pawns to outer gods or Celestial edicts
  • Become an immortal being of strength rivaling Marika
  • Flames tempered our battle skill exponentially

orderly stagnation vs. potential growth

  • The Greater Will stifled progress outside its narrow view
  • Primal chaos allows more freedom for new ideas to emerge
  • Change, even if violent short-term, allows new potential futures

So in some perspectives, destroying the fetid and rotting Lands Between ruled by petty demigods opens the door for less fettered life to one day rise again. Our power could shield that life from other meddling outer gods.

However, most fans argue that regardless of previous issues, we directly trigger immense suffering that outweighs speculative future growth.

Arguments Against the Lord of Chaos Being a "Good" Ending

Despite the above counterpoints, most evidence and reason point toward this being considered one of the most sinister endings available depending on our criteria:

Your Actions Cause Direct Harm

  • Innocent life perishing from flames
  • Villages, families, ecosystems destroyed
  • Allies forsake serving mindless evil

Ends Freedom & Player Agency

  • Game concludes, erasing player choice/freedom
  • Become slave to Flame‘s destructive hunger
  • Original vision as hero or liberator destroyed

Primal Chaos ≠ Fertile Ground for Life

  • No evidence life flourishes in wastelands of fire/lava
  • Ash, sulfur, toxic flames poison ecosystems
  • Even demons/monsters need structures to survive

Based on the above analysis, embracing the frenzied flame cements your legacy as a villain in Elden Ring to most fans. The philosophical angles defending chaos hardly outweigh the direct harm inflicted onto the world – harm that cuts off player agency and freedom in the end as well.

The Verdict: Expect Only Suffering Ahead With This Ending

While no Elden Ring ending wraps the story up in a neat, happy bow, the preponderance of evidence shows the Lord of Chaos finale leaves the most devastation and suffering in its wake. As a fan who has analyzed every item description, character questline, and intricate detail in these games for years – I must agree.

The Frenzied Flame ending does little but consume all before you as its vessel of destruction. For wanderers seeking purpose and heroes protecting what remains of the weakened Lands Between – this climax twists your legacy into the bitter role of one more tyrant unmaking creation itself.

I cannot recommend good conscience walk the path of the Three Fingers. Their promises poison better futures ahead. But if you still seek the throne of chaos, be ready only for the suffering of many…and the howls of burned innocence in your ears.

As always, may you find your own truth in the fog – Tarnished.

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