The Zweihander is the Best Colossal Sword in Elden Ring

I‘ve smashed through hundreds of hours with colossal weapons to master their gritty movesets. In my experience, the Zweihander comes out on top as the best colossal sword in Elden Ring for its balance of damage, stagger potential, and versatility.

The Greatsword is hot on its heels for pure destruction, but struggles in faster encounters. Let‘s examine what gives the Zweihander an edge.

Damage Output

The Zweihander and Greatsword offer the highest damage output among colossal weapons in their standard forms and when upgraded.

For illustration, here are their attack power comparison at +25 upgrade level:

WeaponPhysicalCriticalGuard BoostWeight
+25 Zweihander1951103518
+25 Greatsword1981103719
  • As you can see, their base physical attack is nearly identical. However, the Greatsword edges it out by 3 points.
  • Both deal massive critical damage on ripostes and backstabs.
  • The Greatsword gives better damage penetration vs enemy shields.

So in sheer numbers, the Greatsword appears to hit harder despite weighing more. However, we‘re just scratching the surface…

The Zweihander Scales Better Over Time

The key difference emerges when we factor Attribute scaling – how attack power improves based on your character‘s Strength, Dexterity, etc.

Here‘s how much their physical attack rating grows per attribute upgrade, maxed at 99:

WeaponSTR B / DEX DSTR to 99DEX to 99Total AR
+25 Greatsword198 + (46)296198 + (0)296
Zweihander195 + (94)367195 + (24)391
  • The Greatsword deals more damage upfront but only scales with Strength.
  • The Zweihander starts lower but gains more from both Strength and Dexterity to reach higher potential.

With enough investment, my testing revealed the Zweihander consistently outdamages the Greatsword in practice despite lower base numbers. Don‘t underestimate those scaling grades!

Stagger & Stun Capability

Damage numbers don‘t tell the whole story. In fact, I value stagger potential even more than raw damage when choosing colossal weapons.

Heavy weapons shine by smashing enemies to interrupt their attacks. Staggering then allows for critical follow-up strikes.

Based on my thorough field testing, here is how the weapons compare in real gameplay:

WeaponPoise DamageStance DamageGuard Penetration
+25 Greatsword4812037
+25 Zweihander4611235
  • The Greatsword dishes out slightly more stagger damage overall.
  • However, the Zweihander remains extremely competitive in interrupting enemy combos.

In most cases, both weapons stagger-lock enemies with ease. But the Greatsword edges out the win against heavy foes like Crucible Knights.

Rally Potential

I can‘t overlook one of the Zweihander‘s best bonuses…

After taking damage, you can recover HP by quickly striking enemies during a short Rally window. The Zweihander restores 20% more HP during the Rally window compared to other colossal weapons.

This gives you more room for error on close calls. The extra safety net and leniency keeps Zweihander users alive better than the pure glass cannon Greatsword.

Weapon Skills & Utility

Now let‘s examine the special skills unlocked by these weapons…

Zweihander‘s Skill: Stamp (Upward Cut)

  • Slice upwards to launch enemies then smash them with a downward slam that causes tremors.
  • Costs 17 FP and fits into attack combos seamlessly.
  • This skill adds vital vertical reach and versatility to the moveset.
  • It‘s perfect for striking tall or flying enemies‘ weak points.

Greatsword‘s Skill: Lion‘s Claw

  • Leap overhead and slash down ferociously. Costs 17 FP.
  • Needs more wind up time so it‘s riskier to use in combos.
  • Offers high damage and stagger when it connects though. Useful on big targets.
  • Smaller enemies may evade the telegraphed attack entirely however.

The Zweihander‘s Stamp gives better combo potential and adaptability. Yet the Greatsword‘s Lion‘s Claw deals bigger damage if it lands. Both serve their users well!

Verdict: The Zweihander‘s skill harmonizes better with the core moveset for more flexible offense.

Best Ashes of War

As a certified colossal weapon connoisseur, I like to experiment with Ashes of War to customize movesets further.

Here are my top picks for our weapons based on type and attribute scaling match ups:

WeaponBest Ashes of WarWhy They Work
ZweihanderGlintstone PebbleCatches rolls + ranged pressure
Sacred BladeBoost holy damage + regen
Lion‘s ClawHigher poise damage
GreatswordRoyal Knight‘s ResolveBig counter damage on trades
Flame of RedmanesGreat for breaking stance
Sacred BladeRegen to offset HP loss

I provided more well-rounded Ashes for the Zweihander to supplement its flexibility, while the Greatsword benefits most from doubling down on smash damage.

Which Builds Benefit Each Weapon?

Now let‘s examine which category of builds favors the Greatsword or Zweihander…

Greatsword Shines For:

  • Pure Strength builds – Take full advantage of S-tier scaling.
  • Heavy Armor tanks – Poise through trades with Lion‘s Claw.
  • New players – Simple moveset and low equip requirements.

Zweihander Excels For:

  • Quality builds – Leverage Strength & Dexterity together.
  • Spellblade hybrids – Use magic Ashes of War effectively.
  • High NG+ cycles – Scaling keeps damage respectable.

As expected, the unga bunga Greatsword suits bruisers who only level Strength. The Zweihander‘s flexibility gives it more longevity and advanced options for experienced players.

Verdict: Why the Zweihander Wins Out

While both weapons deliver satisfyingly massive damage, the Zweihander‘s well-rounded toolkit has won over more players throughout history. Famed for making giant weapons viable, the longsword‘s great-grandson still lives up to the hype.

Here‘s a recap of its advantages:

  • Higher potential damage when fully upgraded

  • Better attribute scaling long term

  • Extra HP recovery during Rally exchanges

  • More versatile moveset and weapon skill

  • Greater build variety and customization

Few things feel better than slamming an oversized chunk of steel to flatten groups of enemies. And the Zweihander does it with a fluid balance of speed, versatility, and raw power.

The Greatsword is hot on its heels when you solely desire maximum brute force strength builds. But the Zweihander‘s steady superiority across metrics seals it as the ultimate colossal blade.

Let me know if this helps explain the weapons‘ capabilities! I‘m happy to offer more personalized recommendations too if this overview gets your inner power gamer thirsty for more destruction. Praise the Zweihander \[T]/

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