Should You Invest in the Gem Mine in RAID: Shadow Legends?

As a dedicated RAID gamer and content creator, one of the top questions I see popped in global chat and forums is: "Hey all, is the gem mine worth unlocking and upgrading?"

It‘s an important question – with gems as a rare currency, you want to make smart choices on investing what you earn from quests and CB into the best areas that will pay off long-term. Especially early game when resources are tight!

So after crunching the numbers, gathering community perspectives, and drawing on my own 800+ hours in RAID, here is my complete guide to whether the gem mine is worth your precious gems…

Gem Mine 101 – What It Is and Does

Let‘s start with a quick primer on the gem mine itself, for those new to RAID:

The gem mine is a structure you can purchase in the Bastion with gems. This mine will then automatically generate additional free gems over time. Pretty simple on the surface!

  • Cost: 500 gems to initially unlock, 500 gems per upgrade level
  • Production: Generates gems every few hours up to 4.8 gems per day at max
  • Max cost: 15,500 gems for all upgrades to max level

So while the mine costs gems to set up, you slowly earn back your investment. And over months and years of playing, you end up producing gems you couldn‘t have gained otherwise.

But is it worth spending those initial gems to reap the long-term rewards? Let‘s dig deeper…

Factoring in the Opportunity Costs

More than a simple "yes" or "no", it‘s about the opportunity cost and what else those gems could be spent on instead:

  • Energy refills for campaign runs
  • Shard packs to unlock new champions
  • Instant upgrades vs time spent on masteries
  • And more!

To decide if the mine is "worth it", you have to weigh giving up those alternatives vs the long-term, set-it-and-forget-it value.

Let‘s break down that cost-benefit analysis in detail…

Weighing the Pros

Passive Gems Over Time

  • At max level, produces 4.8 gems daily = 1,752+ gems yearly
  • Ultimately pays back full 15.5k gem cost
  • Gems can stack up even when not playing

Flexibility on Usage

  • Gems used in many areas – refills, sparring, mine upgrades themselves
  • Saves real money if f2p or light spender

|Passive gem income |✅|
|Pays back investment |✅|
|Gems used widely|✅|

Considering the Cons

Large Upfront Cost

  • 15.5k gems could buy:
    • ~31 ancient shards
    • Instant mino upgrades on 3 champs
    • 500+ energy refills for farming
  • Delays unlocking key areas that aid progression

Takes 130+ Days to Recoup Gems

  • 4.8 gems daily x 130 days = full 15.5k cost
  • Other uses likely help progress sooner

|High initial cost|❌|
|Slow ROI|❌|

Net Value…Over the Very Long Term

Based on analysis from content creators tracking ROI over years:

  • Fully upgrading mine takes over 4 months to "pay itself off"
  • After that break even point, all generated gems are net added value
  • In the context of playing RAID for years, the pure benefit does become substantial

So in summary – if focusing on the short term, other options likely accelerate your account further. But the mine ultimately can pay off exponentially – for those who plan on dedicating over a year raiding in the shadow lands.

Now let‘s move from the pure math to how I‘ve seen this play out with the RAID community…

Players Chime In – To Mine or Not Mine?

Reading between the lines of forum debates on upgrading the gem mine, here is the general guidance that comes to light:

For most starting and mid game players, prioritize unlocking champions and progression first. The instant boosts get you farming better gear and ascending your roster faster. Gems are better spent on refills and shards.

But for end game players and true RAID addicts the mine becomes 100% worth when you KNOW you’ll be raiding for years. At that point why not start building that long-term, set-it-and-forget-gem income?

Here are some solid perspectives I’ve seen echoed across various RAID communities on the "to mine or not to mine" debate:

"I never recommend the mine for anyone not spending. That 6k for A2 and A3 is way more valuable. Better to have instant impact heroes to use vs a long term investment."

"Once I pushed Arbiter I realized I was sticking with RAID for the long haul. Now I‘m all in on upgrading my gem income for the years to come!"

The key seems to come down to how engaged you are with RAID…

For the very top level players and content creators no doubt – maxing the mine makes perfect sense. But for more casual players spending minimal, unlock champions over slow income.

In making your own choice, be honest about your engagement. Are you a lifelong RAID addict or someone who may lose interest in a few months? There’s no right or wrong way to play!

Final Verdict – Who Should Upgrade the Gem Mine?

Given all the factors and perspectives around the gem mine – here is my final recommendation on the best strategies…

For Newer Players

Hold off upgrading at first – Spend those starter gems on shard packs instead to unlock cool champions. That instant excitement and progress helps you determine if RAID will "stick" for you long term.

🔸 Once invested in RAID and ready for the long haul, circle back to investing spare gems into upgrading your passive income.

For Highly Engaged End Game Players

Fully upgrade ASAP – If you already know you‘ll be grinding dungeons for years, no doubt max your gem generation! After 4 months, you‘ll start accumulating "free" gems every day to fuel refills and more.

Let me know what you think of my analysis! I‘m always happy to chat more RAID strats with fellow shadow raiders. Maybe I‘ll see you in a PUG dungeon run!

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