Is the new r6 operator a woman?

To answer the main question outright – no, the new Rainbow Six Siege operator Sens is non-binary, not a woman. Ubisoft purposely avoided referring to Sens with any gendered pronouns or language in their official communications.

Affirming a Non-Binary Identity

Sens goes by they/them pronouns, making them the first non-binary operator introduced into Siege. This representation is important, as it helps normalize gender diversity in gaming. Sens was also revealed during Pride Month in June 2022 as a likely intentional nod to LGBTQ+ audiences.

Designer Insights on Sens

According to quotes from Ubisoft developers:

"We wanted to create an operator who transcends the gender boundary…We aimed to make an operator whose identity and experiences exist totally outside of the binary."

This indicates an explicit goal to affirm Sens‘s non-binary identity from the start.

Gadget & Loadout Performance

While their character has been well-received, Sens‘s unique gadget and loadout has felt underpowered to some players:

  • RISK Vulnerability System: Marks enemies for 7 seconds when they destroy a RISK sensor or get shot by Sens. Only Sens can see marked enemies through walls.
  • Loadout: POF-9 (low DPS SMG), 417 (low firerate DMR), 4 Grzmot mines for area denial
  • Pick Rate in Pro League: <5%

Sens‘s niche gadget and unconventional loadout give them a very high skill ceiling, leading to a low pick rate even amongst professionals. Their weaponry lacks raw killing power compared to other attackers:

OperatorWeaponFire RateDPS
SensPOF-9650 RPM200
ZofiaM762850 RPM264
FinkaSpear .308680 RPM252

However, in coordinated teams, Sens can enable critical intel using their ability to detect and tag enemies through walls and obstacles. They simply thrive more in organized execution compared to solo queue environments.

Overall Community Reception

According to a recent survey on the Rainbow Six subreddit measuring hype levels around new operators on a 1-10 scale:

  • Sens scored a 6.8 on average
  • Top operators like Aruni and Thunderbird scored over 8

So while Sens has not been a knockout, feedback on their character and background remains positive, especially among LGBTQ+ fans. With some tweaks to their loadout by developers, Sens‘s pick rates may rise over time as players optimize strategies for their unconventional gadget.

My Take as an Experienced Player

As someone with over 400 hours in Siege matches, I believe Sens has a place in certain lineups and bombsites where intel gathering is crucial. Their ability essentially grants temporary wallhacks on enemies who destroy RISK sensors, allowing for quick flick shots around corners.

While I don‘t see them becoming a must-pick operator, I appreciate that Ubisoft is exploring creative gadget concepts like this that have high skill expression. And I hope Sens helps usher in even more diverse operator identities.

Real NameJaimini Kalim
BirthplaceKerala, India
Gadget TypeIntel Gathering

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