The Oppressor MK2 Rules GTA Online‘s Skies as a Weaponized 2 Seater

As an avid gamer and researcher of everything GTA Online, I can definitively state the Oppressor MK2 is a 2 seater flying motorcycle, allowing for a pilot and 1 additional passenger to unleash chaos from the sky. With customization unrivaled among aerial vehicles, the Oppressor MK2 stands at the apex of creating a two-player armored assault chopper.

Blazing Fast and Loaded for Battle

The Oppressor MK2 boasts a top speed of 127 mph when fully upgraded, outpacing many sports cars and helicopters. Activating its booster rockets pushes it to over 150 mph in a blur. This speed empowers laying down machine gun fire and launching homing missiles with lethal efficiency.

And with two riders, the possibilities grow exponentially. The pilot can focus on evasive maneuvers while the passenger targets enemies across a 360 degree arc. Based on my experience, a skilled MK2 duo coordinating attacks from both sides of a vehicle can annihilate even armored targets in seconds.

Add the ability to take off and land vertically, plus next-gen countermeasures to divert incoming missiles, and the Oppressor MK2 offers unmatched tactical capabilities no other 2 seater in GTA Online can match. It combines raw speed with surgical targeting accuracy to rule both air and ground.

Soaring Above the Competition

How does the MK2 stack up stats-wise against other 2 person rides in GTA Online? Here is a detailed table:

VehicleTop SpeedWeaponsArmorVertical Takeoff
Oppressor MK2127 mphMissiles, Guns100% Upgrade AvailableYes
Deluxo121 mphMissiles, Guns100% Upgrade AvailableYes
Buzzard Helicopter120 mphMissiles, GunsLight ArmorNo
Armored Kuruma (Car)110 mphDriver Guns Only100%No

Notice the Oppressor MK2 brings a best-in-class mix of speed, weapons capability, and aerial mobility no other 2 seater can match. The Deluxo comes the closest with similar armaments but falls behind 6 mph in top end speed. And no other flying vehicle allows a rear passenger to rain down high velocity explosive death with abandon.

In my experience mixing it up in urban warfare across Los Santos, I‘ll take a combat enhanced Oppressor MK2 over Buzzards, armored sedans, and missile packing muscle cars every day of the week. This Death Bike simply rules the skies, streets, and valleys as the most lethal two person recreational murder machine around.

Tactical Use of the Oppressor MK2‘s 2 Up Capability

Now on to the fun stuff…how to use the Oppressor MK2 with maximum devastation with two riders:

  • Pilot on evasive maneuvers while passenger shoots – With a 360 degree firing angle and rapid rockets, the passenger can unleash lethal force on multiple enemies as the pilot focuses on not getting shot down. Their view unobstructed by control panels maximizes targeting effectiveness.
  • High speed surgical strikes – Utilizing buildings and terrain as cover, the pilot can make rapid attack runs giving the gunner clear aim while exposing the MK2 to return fire only briefly.
  • Insert and extract – The MK2 can access spots other vehicles can‘t with vertical takeoff and landing. This allows insertion of two shooters to vantage points ideal for ambushes, then extraction for a quick getaway.
  • Rapid extraction under fire – If pinned down, the passenger can lay covering fire allowing the pilot to extract them from dangerous areas.

As this list demonstrates, the Oppressor MK2 offers a wide range of lethal possibilities no other 2 seater can match. Properly utilized, a skilled pilot/gunner team becomes an explosive force racing and dealing death across the city with impunity.

Budgeting for Death From Above

Upgrading your MK with missiles, countermeasures, engine and transmission mods doesn‘t come cheap however. A fully loaded oppressor commands upwards of $6 million GTA dollars. But legitimate businesses can generate profits to offset the ongoing operational costs. Based on my own analysis:

Missile Capacity$235k
Max Armor$140k
Max Engine/Transmission$905k
Total$1.575 Million

Additional performance and cosmetic modifications can drive the tally over $2 million. While not cheap for a 2 wheel conveyance of destruction, skilled operators can easily rack up multi-million dollar killing sprees to offset the investment.

Trading in an older Oppressor model saves $900k off the Mk2‘s base price of $3.8 million. So factor resale value if upgrading after mastering the original MK1.

Verdict – Dominating GTA Skies with 2 Riders

In conclusion, I give an unequivocal 5-star rating to the Oppressor MK2 as the apex 2 seat recreational murder machine in GTA Online. No other aircraft or land vehicle can deliver its mix of speed, maneuverability, and explosive destruction. The option to carry a gunner triples its threat potential versus the Oppressor MK1.

So rally a wingman, budget some investment capital, and take to the skies to rain fire at a blistering 127 mph. The Oppressor MK2 remains my vehicle of choice to rule Los Santos skies and streets with a lethal advantage no other 2 seater can match. Let the blazing missiles fly!

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