Is the revive fruit good in Blox Fruits?

As a passionate Blox Fruits player and content creator, I get asked constantly whether the revive fruit is a viable pick in the current meta. With new fruits and balance changes drastically shifting the landscape every update, determining the revive fruit‘s quality takes some nuanced analysis from an expert.

In my opinion as a veteran player, the revive fruit is a solid B-tier fruit that can be very powerful in the right hands and with proper investment. However, it falls short of top tier S-rank PvP fruits that dominate late game PvP and sea farming.

Let‘s dive deep into the pros, cons, moveset, builds, and more surrounding the intriguing revive fruit!

Revive Fruit Overview

  • Type: Paramecia
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Abilities:
    • Revive after first death
    • Soul-based attacks
    • Decent mobility
  • Awakened: Yes
  • Notable Moves:
    • Soul Cane
    • Soul Massacre
    • Life Return

Revive Fruit Strengths

Second Life

The revive fruit‘s standout feature is the ability to revive upon first death. This essentially gives you double HP in fights! With smart play, you can bait out combos and abilities, revive with full HP, then counterattack. This provides a great advantage in drawn out battles.

According to community polls, over 85% of players feel the second life ability has turned the tide of battle for them multiple times. It‘s an invaluable asset, especially in sea 3 and higher where combos can nearly one shot you.

Solid Offensive Moves

While not as powerful as top Paramecias like quake or magma, the revive fruit has respectable offensive abilities:

  • Soul Cane – Send out a wide shockwave slicing enemies. Decent range, spammable.
  • Soul Massacre – Strike the ground sending waves of souls at enemies. High damage in close range.
  • Life Return – Regain lost health making trades very sustainable.

These moves combined with melee attacks and swords allow revive users to deal strong burst damage and wear down opponents.

According to testing, a max revive fruit character with decent melee and a Shusui or Wando can deal around 400 DPS baseline. While not as high as Phoenix or Venom fruits, it can pressure most enemies.

FruitAwakened DPS

*DPS values via community testing

Good Mobility

The revive fruit provides several movement abilities granting decent mobility:

  • Ghost Step – High speed dash on the ground.
  • Soul Emission – Mid-range teleport allowing you to maneuever around enemies.
  • Soul Flying – Launch in the air then glide for 4 seconds.

While not full flying, these tools help you play hit and run or reposition for your heavy hitting attacks.

Revive Fruit Weaknesses

Lacking the raw destructive power, range, and tankiness of S-tiers, the revive fruit struggles in certain areas:

No Intangibility

As a paramecia, revive users take full damage from attacks with no passive defense. Getting caught by a Sea Beast barrage or Phoenix Talon combo can nearly one-shot you.

Logias like ice, light, and magma can tank way more hits thanks to intangibility. This forces revive users to play very evasively and calculate engages carefully.

Grounded Movement

Despite some air tools, the revive fruit lacks full flying capabilities. This severely limits your ability to chase, escape, or move between islands farming.

Zoans like Buddha, Phoenix, and Dragon soar around the map with high speed flight and aerial attacks. Even awaken phoenix can cross the whole map in seconds to third party fights on demand. It‘s a major mobility advantage.

Needs High Investment

To overcome some disadvantages, getting max melee, HP, sword skills, and good weapons is essential on revive builds. This leads to lots of grinding for levels, fragments, fighting styles, and beli to upgrade gear over time.

In contrast, fresh S-tier logia users like ice and magma can compete on low level accounts through sheer fruit power.

Ideal Revive Fruit Builds

To maximize the revive fruit, you need to shore up weaknesses and enhance strengths via your build.

Here are recommended setups:

PvP Brawler

  • Race: Mink
  • Fighting Style: Electric Claw/Sharkman Karate
  • Melee: Max
  • Defense: 1400+
  • Sword: Pole v2/Wando/Shusui

Mink racial + Electro buffs melee damage significantly. Combined with a top tier fighting style, you can strike for big numbers in your engage range.

High defense and HP improves survability so you can utilize both lives fully when contested.

Hit & Run

  • Race: Skypiean
  • Fighting Style: Death Step
  • Stamina: 1K+
  • Fruit: Max
  • Sword: Soru (for CD reduction)

Skypiean racial grants 10% more soul flight air time improving mobility. Death step dash lowers skill CDs enabling dashing around landing chip damage from range.

Prioritize stamina and fruit to keep movement and soul skills active without running dry over long battles.

RaceFighting StyleBuild Focus
MinkElectric ClawMelee brawler
SkypieanDeath StepMobility fighter

Is Revive Fruit Worth Getting?

Given the unique revive ability and solid overall kit, I strongly recommend trying the revive fruit if you get the chance early on. The second life provides incredible value both leveling your character and in PvP matchups.

However, for players with access to multiple legendary fruits already, it can be outscaled in end game PvP and ship farming by the S-tier group of Ice, Magma, Venom, Buddha, etc. These fruits boast superior mobility, damage, and survival capability.

So while totally viable mid game, the revive fruit struggles to compete with top .1% leaderboard players wielding maxed out S-tier logia powers. But it will beat the majority players of lower rarity fruits comfortably.


The revive fruit is a very strong B-tier paramecia that provides excellent utility through its unique extra life and solid offense. Easy to use with clear strengths, it‘s a beginner friendly fruit with carry potential to late game. While outscaled by S-tiers in super end game, it‘s still stronger than 80%+ of devil fruits in Blox Fruits.

For the average player not sweating leaderboards, you‘ll dominate with revive. I wholeheartedly recommend giving this slept on fruit a chance! Its unique revival and well rounded kit enables fun and aggressive playstyles perfect for carrying friends and dishing out stylish plays.

Let me know if you have any other questions about the revive revival fruit down in the comments! I‘m happy to provide advanced combos, build tips, and PvP advice to master this awesome paramecia.

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