Is the Ruiner 2000 Worth it in GTA Online?

The Ruiner 2000 is one of the most expensive and controversial vehicles in GTA Online. This weaponized muscle car packs a punch but comes with a hefty price tag. In this article, we‘ll analyze if the Ruiner 2000 is worth the $5,745,600 cost.


The Ruiner 2000 offers some unique capabilities including a parachute for slowing falls, a power hop for jumping, and a small selection of homing missiles. However, for a vehicle this expensive, the features are underwhelming compared to other weaponized options.

While the Ruiner 2000 can be an effective griefing tool or defense against oppressors, its price far exceeds its capabilities. For the same amount of money, players can acquire much more versatile weaponized vehicles.

In summary, while the Ruiner 2000 is a cool collectors item for fans, it is not worth the price tag for most GTA Online players. There are better ways to spend your hard-earned money in GTA Online.


Here is a more detailed breakdown of the pros and cons of the Ruiner 2000 to explain the recommendation:


  • Parachute and hop abilities add fun factor
  • Homing missiles provide offensive and defensive capabilities
  • Rarity and style appeal for collectors


  • Very expensive for the stats and features
  • Missiles are less effective than other weaponized vehicles
  • Armor only withstands one explosion
  • Outclassed by numerous cheaper weaponized vehicles

As we can see, while the Ruiner 2000 certainly has some allure, the price to performance ratio is quite poor compared to other options.


While everyone‘s preferences and budgets will differ, I believe most GTA Online players are better off saving their money for other large purchases instead of the Ruiner 2000.

Between business properties, weaponized vehicles with better missile tracking, and versatile tools like the Oppressor MK2, there are simply better ways to spend several million in-game dollars.

The Ruiner 2000 is a cool novelty item, but not a smart use of funds. For those set on buying it, wait until you already own a suite of businesses and more effective weaponry.

I hope this overview has been helpful in determining if the Ruiner 2000 is worth it for your needs and budget. Let me know in the comments if you have any other GTA Online topics you‘d like to see covered.

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