Is the Terrorbyte Still Worth It in 2024?

For grinders and CEOs looking to optimize their money-making operations in GTA Online, the Terrorbyte should still remain a vital investment even in 2024. With its ability to launch supply/sell missions remotely and boost earnings through Client Jobs, the Terrorbyte serves as an indispensable hub for conducting all your illicit businesses.

An OG Vehicle That Keeps Its Relevance

Released back in GTA Online‘s After Hours DLC in 2018, the Terrorbyte has long secured its place as one of the most versatile grinding tools in the game. While new content has shifted the meta, the Terrorbyte remains relevant thanks to these key functions:

  • Starting Missions On-The-Go: Instantly begin supply runs or sell missions for MC businesses, bunkers, CEO crates/vehicles without returning to each business property first. This cuts down drastically on travel time.
  • Client Job Earnings: Terrorbyte-exclusive missions pay out $30-35k each upon completion. Great to mix in between supply runs.
  • Oppressor MK2 Synergy: Parking the Oppressor MK2 in the Terrorbyte allows instant transportation and upgrades.

For CEOs overseeing criminal empires spanning multiple businesses, the Terrorbyte should be an essential investment – even years after its release.

Still a Top Notch Money-Maker with Client Jobs

The Terrorbyte‘s prime appeal in 2024 remains its grinding efficiency. The key is its exclusive Client Jobs – specialized missions which provide lucrative payouts.

Optimizing the use of Client Jobs in between supply/sale runs of businesses can efficiently generate $200k-300k per hour quite comfortably.

  • Robbery in Progress – $31k payout: Take out bank robbers at a random location
  • Diamond Shopping – $35k payout: Intercept a rare diamond deal
  • Targeted Data – $30k payout: Recover valuable data with drone support

For reference, other money makers like Cayo Perico heist provide around $1 million per hour at best. So while Client Jobs may not beat the elite methods, they provide nice supplemental income.

Still Worth It When Cost Is Considered

Factoring in the price, the Terrorbyte still emerges as a sound investment:

Base Price

  • Terrorbyte – $1.375 million

Recommended Upgrades

  • Drone Station – $1.2 million
  • Weapon Workshop – $195k
  • Specialized Workshop (for MK2 customization) – $495k

Total – Around $3.3 million

With each Client Job paying $30k-35k, the Terrorbyte pays for itself after around 100 missions. For active players, this should take 1-2 weeks – making it a justifiable expense.

The specialty workshops also let you customize weapons and vehicles like the Oppressor MK2 without a separate property – adding further utility.

How It Compares to the Mobile Operations Center

The Mobile Operations Center (MOC) is the Terrorbyte‘s closest counterpart serving as a heavy-duty customizable truck. How do they stack up?

The Terrorbyte has some key advantages:

  • More agile and easier to drive
  • Launches supply/sale missions remotely
  • Contains a drone for reconnaissance
  • Holds the Oppressor MK2 for rapid deployment

The MOC offers greater weaponization and customization:

  • Stronger vehicle armor and durability
  • More vehicle upgrade options in specialty workshop
  • Additional gun turret customizations

Verdict: the Terrorbyte is superior for grinding, while the MOC better serves as a destructive battering ram requiring less finesse.

For dedicated CEOs focused on efficiently running their criminal network, the Terrorbyte is still the vehicle of choice in 2024.

The Verdict: An Absolute Must-Buy for Grinders

While new content like the Cayo Perico heist has shaken up the money-making meta, the Terrorbyte remains an indispensable tool for multi-business CEOs in 2024. With its unique strengths like instant mission launching, drone reconnaissance, and Client Job payouts, the Terrorbyte boosts both earnings and productivity.

For those looking to build criminal empires spanning multiple illicit ventures, the Terrorbyte should be one of the first big purchases after a CEO office and businesses – even years after its release. Its versatility continues providing value as new DLCs drop.

So for both new and veteran players, the Terrorbyte should still remain a top-tier grinding investment as GTA Online rolls into its second decade. Pick one up today to step up your CEO hustle!

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