Is the Wavelengths DLC for Life is Strange: True Colors Good? A Review by a Passionate Gamer

As a long-time Life is Strange fan and content creator focused on narrative adventure games, I‘ve been eagerly awaiting the release of the Wavelengths DLC episode. This expansion puts Steph Gingrich in the protagonist role for a prequel story set before the events of Life is Strange: True Colors.

So does this bonus chapter deliver a meaningful, quality experience comparable to the high bar set by True Colors itself? In short – yes, absolutely.

While more compact in scope compared to the main game, Wavelengths succeeds strongly at further developing Steph and enhancing your understanding of her backstory leading up to True Colors. Ultimately it‘s a must-play for those invested in Life is Strange.

At First Glance: What is Wavelengths?

  • Release Date: September 30th, 2021
  • Length: Approximately 3-4 hours
  • Platforms: PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PC, Stadia
  • Price: Included with Deluxe & Ultimate Editions of True Colors

Wavelengths puts you in control of Steph as she settles into her new radio DJ job at KRCT Haven while also working at the record store. The storyline plays out over the year leading up to the events of True Colors.

While set primarily in the record shop, the DLC incorporates Life is Strange‘s signature blend of narrative exploration and dialogue choices mixed with a few fun mini-games.

Overall this is a slice-of-life character-driven experience centered around relationships – both blooming and broken.

Evaluating the Key Elements: Writing, Acting and Setting Shine

The Writing & Characterization is Peak Life is Strange

Writer Jon Zimmerman delivers a script on par with True Colors, which excellently captures that nostalgic, atmospheric vibe the series is known for. The nuanced characterization and emotive dialogue choices are exceptional.

We get meaningful insights into what motivates Steph, the hardships she has faced, and her multifaceted personality. The portrayal here is captivating and heartfelt. Her passion for music shines through.

Several prominent supporting characters from past games appear, enabling you torebuild broken dynamics or cement existing bonds with Steph. These moments feel organic and reveal intriguing layers beneath the surface.

Top-Notch Voice Acting Brings Everything to Life

Katy Bentz returns as Steph, offering an amazingly versatile vocal performance in the lead role. Every emotional shift feels raw and real. Vulnerability, joy, grief, confidence – Bentz nails each nuance in a way that transcends the script.

The chemistry between her and the supporting cast generates satisfying payoffs from the deepest conversations to the most playful bantering.

Backed by exceptional sound design, the ambient backdrop of hushed record store chatter and vinyl crackles pulls you right into the atmosphere.

The Record Store Setting Becomes a Comforting Hub

Centering the entire DLC in Sam‘s record shop may seem like a bold choice, but it pays off wonderfully. Over the course of the four seasons, the shop evolves into a living, breathing place with its own stories unfolding in the background.

Familiar faces come and go while vibrant set decorations transform to reflect each season. Unlocking new customization options or tidying up new areas gives a satisfying sense of ownership and passage of time.

Coupled with Steph‘s inherit love of music, it‘s an ideal thematic backdrop for her journey. The awesome licensed indie/punk mixtape playing throughout makes it easy to lose hours digging through fantasy vinyl crates.

Expanding the Life is Strange Universe Meaningfully

Well-Crafted Backstory and Lore for Existing Fans

Dev studio Deck Nine have proven themselves as masters of enhancing Life is Strange lore and interweaving subtle connections in their stories. Wavelengths is no exception – this and offers long-time fans plenty of rewarding payoffs.

We get more layers added to the history Steph shares with prominent characters like Mikey, Drew and Chloe. Understanding these past dynamics adds richer context to interpret their later interactions in previous games. There are even some direct consequences of choices here that could resonate later.

The DLC inserts enough breadcrumbs about the wider world of Arcadia Bay and Haven Springs to feel like a proper part of the Life is Strange tapestry rather than an isolated one-off.

Approachable Entry Point for Franchise Newcomers

However, Wavelengths also remains approachable for those fresh to the series. The writers wisely opted for a mostly self-contained storyline centered around a single character. This enables the DLC to stand firmly on its own.

A newcomer may interpret dynamics differently or miss some of the depth from connected threads but nothing feels confusing or utterly reliant on past knowledge.

Key references are handled organically through dialogue instead of info-dumps. Steph herself serves as an effective audience surrogate to navigate secrets hidden around the shop. Uncovering these teaches you more about Sam‘s unseen history indirectly.

So whether you‘ve played every Life is Strange entry or just True Colors alone, Wavelengths finds the sweet spot in its broader continuity contributions.

Analyzing Playtime, Price and Replay Value

Packed With 3-4 Hours of Quality Gameplay

I spent nearly 4 hours completing a single relaxed playthrough, but your mileage may vary some depending on playstyle. For reference, True Colors runs around 12-15 hours.

The runtime here feels just right rather than padded for duration alone. The developers utilize the smaller scope to laser focus on Steph‘s personal journey. No time is wasted on irrelevant distractions.

Every scene drives either characterization, relationship building or progressing seasonal themes. Despite the confined setting, it never grows stale over that timespan thanks to shifting visual aesthetics and unlocking new areas.

A Worthwhile Value As Part of Deluxe Editions

Wavelength‘s price point feels justified considering the quality and production values on display. It is only available as part of the Deluxe and Ultimate digital editions of True Colors, not standalone:

  • Deluxe Edition – $69.99 USD (Base game + Wavelengths)
  • Ultimate Edition – $79.99 USD (Deluxe contents + bonus Life is Strange Remastered Collection)

This makes Wavelengths a PACKED addition getting you the best value alongside the main game. Considering standalone DLC of similar scope for comparable choice-driven games often launch around $15, packing it in here feels like a steal.

You could easily spend $15 on a mediocre 2-hour game that overstays its welcome. Wavelengths leaves you wanting more rather than overdone.

High Replay Motivation Thanks to Variables

Wavelengths doesn‘t feature as many drastically branching options as full Life is Strange seasons, but key variables and flavor dialogue choices incentivize at least 2-3 playthroughs. Your interactions with prominent characters can play out very differently depending on past history.

Small decisions subtly influence which of Steph‘s belongings become mementos on the shelf, the progression of seasonal decor in the shop, the tracks played on the radio show, and more. Appreciating all the variable details is worth more than one run.

The Verdict: A Must-Play for Fans

In the end, Wavelengths is a superb expansion that celebrates Steph while organically expanding Life is Strange lore for established fans. It offers enough self-contained appeal for newcomers as well. This should be considered essential playing for those invested in the characters and stories of the franchise.

The writing, characters, music and atmosphere are exceptional thanks to Deck Nine‘s clear passion for the series. Despite its compact scale focusing only on Steph‘s personal journey, it packs a surprising amount of depth and heart.

Even with its confined record store setting, it keeps things visually and mechanically fresh while allowing intimate characterization moments to shine. The gameplay strikes that coveted balance between player agency and guided storytelling that defines the franchise.

For only $10 extra, Wavelengths makes the True Colors Deluxe Edition a must-buy bundle showcasing the very best of what Life is Strange has to offer. Don‘t miss out on this jewel of a bonus episode!

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