No, The Witcher 1 is Not An "Easy" Game in 2023

The Witcher 1 is widely considered a challenging RPG even in 2023, 18 years after its initial release. With unforgiving combat, complex alchemy and crafting systems, and famously difficult boss battles, it can frustrate even seasoned gamers.

Understanding The Witcher 1‘s Difficulty Settings

The Witcher 1 technically has three difficulty options:

EasyMore relaxed combat and preparation requirements. Still substantial challenge for average gamers
MediumDefault "recommended" setting. Combat is challenging even for experienced RPG fans
HardFor hardcore gamers and Witcher experts seeking a major test of skill

Based on reviews, Easy mode mostly reduces the penalties for mistakes rather than making fights themselves easy. The medium and hard settings live up to their namesake with tough enemies and demanding preparation. Customizing difficulty mid-playthrough isn‘t possible either.

How Long Does a Playthrough Take?

The Witcher 1 is also considered quite lengthy even focusing just on the critical path:

TypeAverage Completion Time
Main Story35-40 hours
Completionist RunOver 60 hours

New players should expect to invest serious time coming to grips with the first game‘s intricacies on Medium or Hard difficulty.

What Factors Add to the Challenge?

Several outdated mechanics contribute to The Witcher 1‘s challenging reputation:

  • Dated Combat System – Less fluid and refined than modern RPGs, the original Witcher‘s rhythm-based click-timing fights have a steep learning curve
  • Complex Alchemy – Crafting oils and potions is mandatory for tougher battles but requires gathering obscure ingredients
  • Unforgiving Enemy AI – Enemies exploit Geralt‘s weaknesses if you aren‘t well-prepared with the right buffs and strategy
  • Saving Limitations – The lack of a quicksave feature means losing progress from checkpoints if you fail
  • No Respec Option – Finding optimal ability combinations requires restarting from scratch

These factors amplify the game‘s difficulty especially for fans of more accessible modern RPGs.

Veteran Perspective: How I Struggled With The Witcher 1

As an experienced gamer who found The Witcher 3 reasonably challenging even on Normal difficulty, I struggled mightily with The Witcher 1 recently.

The archaic combat prevented me from finding any rhythm or flow during fights. The alchemy felt needlessly complex trying to discern the right formula combinations. And enemies punishing my slightest misstep resulted in frustrating game over screens making me repeat large sections.

While I eventually overcame early hurdles through sheer persistence, I considered lowering the difficulty setting multiple times – very rare for me across decades of gaming.

Reviews: Still Plenty Tough in 2023

Recent Steam reviews affirm The Witcher 1‘s enduring difficulty for modern audiences:

"Played on easy and still found some bosses extremely hard", says a 2023 review. Reviewer Kruglov99 advises "I don‘t recommend playing on medium or higher difficulty".

Critics praise updates like widescreen support but note "combat is repetitive and annoying". Another 2023 buyer simply states "Too outdated now, couldn‘t get past the first few hours."

So for all but the most patient retro RPG experts, Easy mode is highly encouraged.

Hardest Bosses Ranked

Specifically, the Professor, Beast, and Grand Master represent major barriers on higher difficulties. Their mix of strong adds and devastating area attacks requireexpert knowledge of potions, weapon oils, traps, and other combat intricacies.

Here are the 5 toughest boss fights in The Witcher 1:

  1. Professor – #1 Hardest
  2. Beast
  3. Grand Master
  4. Frightener
  5. Reverend

Notably, these harder Witcher 1 encounters eclipse challenges seen in the universally praised Witcher 3 outside its two highest difficulty settings.

How The Witcher 1 Difficulty Compares to Other RPGs

Overall The Witcher 1 doesn‘t have precise difficulty options matching newer games, but best aligns to:

  • Baldur‘s Gate 1 & 2 (demanding RTwP CRPGs)
  • The Witcher 3 – Death March Setting
  • Demon‘s Souls – World Tendency System

Vastly easier than:

  • Path of Exile, Diablo 2 (Hardcore modes)
  • Classic NES/SNES JRPGs (Ninja Gaiden, Battletoads)

With more qualifiers than direct comparisons, it communicates the depth players require coping with aged systems versus streamlined modern fare.

Why The First Game Hasn‘t Aged Well

Ultimately The Witcher 1 falls on the more prohibitive end of the difficulty spectrum in 2023 due to dated design hindering accessibility:

  • Non-intuitive combat even after mastery
  • Less helpful tutorials and explanatory text
  • Overly strict saving/checkpoint systems
  • No difficulty customization post-character creation
  • Required grinding/optimization for tougher areas

Unlike remasters updating graphics and UI, The Witcher 1 makes minimal concessions easing barriers for entry. Expect similar standards to mid-2000‘s classic RPGs.

Mods and Options to Improve Playability

Still, various mods help mitigate difficulty pain points:

  • HD Reworked Project – Widescreen support, hi-res textures
  • Rise of the White Wolf Overhaul – Improved combat/UI
  • The Witcher Overhaul Project – Graphics/gameplay enhancements
  • Full Combat Rebalance – Reworked talents/abilities/damage

Leaning on mods helps rectify complaintsof repetitive and dated combat. But know many overhaul intrinsic game systems rather than just enabling graphical facelifts.

The Reward Of Understanding Its Beginnings

Ultimately The Witcher 1 sets the stage for CD Projekt Red‘s global RPG phenomenon catalzyed by The Witcher 3. And for devoted fans playing Cyberpunk 2077 awaiting the next Witcher saga chapter, its critical context remains valuable.

Just enter The Witcher 1 knowing it shows little mercy compared to modern fare. Its challenge reflects an earlier RPG era rather than signaling deficiencies. But expect to earn your experience points along the path.

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