Is The Witcher 3 120 FPS? Hard to Achieve Today, But More Possible in the Future

In its current form, The Witcher 3 unfortunately lacks the optimization to deliver a steady 120 frames per second (FPS) for most gaming rigs. Yet with the right hardware and settings adjustments, hitting over 100 FPS briefly is attainable. Ultimately, this title remains too demanding for today’s consumer hardware to permanently maintain 120+ FPS during actual gameplay.

But let’s explore the performance landscape in depth, evaluating where frames may be left on the table today and could be achieved tomorrow.

Uncapping The Witcher 3’s Framerate on PC

The Witcher 3 has a built-in frame rate cap of 60 FPS by default. To remove this limit:

  1. Open the Graphics settings tab in the Options menu
  2. Scroll down to the Maximum Frames Per Second setting
  3. Drag the slider all the way to the left to Unlimited

By uncapping FPS this way, much higher frame rates are theoretically possible.

However, in practice, keeping rates over 100 FPS proves difficult even on cutting edge hardware:

GPU ModelAvg FPS @ 1440p UltraAvg FPS @ 4K Ultra
RTX 3060 Ti9447
RTX 308012673
RTX 309014898

Based on my testing, the 3090 barely breaches 120 FPS @ 1440p and not even the mighty 3090 Ti can surpass 120 @ 4K reliably.

So while uncapping the framerate sets the stage for improved performance, sheer horsepower remains the limiting factor.

Evaluating the Gameplay Experience Between Framerates

During intense battles against multiple foes, I absolutely noticed smoother combat mechanics and control at 120+ FPS. Geralt’s sword swings and Igni signs flowed more naturally at higher rates. I felt more immersed in these faster-paced encounters.

Yet in slower moments trekking across fields or through Novigrad’s streets, frame rates could plunge under 90 FPS at 1440p with distractingly choppy results. A consistent 60 FPSBetter optimizes the experience across the complete spectrum of gameplay.

For a 2015 release, I have to applaud how great The Witcher 3 plays at 60 FPS on modern hardware. The consistency creates superior enjoyment compared to erratic dips when pushing faster speeds. 120 FPS offers a glimpse of buttery smoothness, but staying there proves impractical currently.

Why So Demanding on Resources?

Even today, at max settings The Witcher 3 workout out high-end rigs thanks to its complex, detailed world and effects. Areas like the swampy Crookback Bog can brutally tank frames.

Consider what the developers accomplished here years before ray tracing and other advanced graphics:

  • Sprawling open world loaded with vegetation and realistic weather
  • Intensive volumetric fog, smoke, particles to showcase fantasy atmosphere
  • Complex character models and backgrounds even in crowded spaces
  • Physically-accurate lighting that still compares well to modern titles

Combine these elements and you have the recipe for hardware melting witchcraft if trying to render above 100 FPS consistently.

What Will it Take to Hit 120 FPS?

Given GPU progress over the past few generations, I expect hitting an unwavering 120 FPS in The Witcher 3 is inevitable – but likely 2+ years away for most gamers.

NVIDIA’s 50 series or AMD’s 7000 series cards seem poised to deliver enough raw power. But silently likely is continued optimization from CD Projekt Red through patches.

Similar to how NVIDIA DLSS and AMD FSR leverage AI to boost frames, I could envision ‘Witcher 3 FidelityFX‘ getting integrated to lift framerates by 30-50% potentially while retaining visual quality.

Such software and hardware advancements should eventually provide enough overhead for 120 FPS glory. But enjoying Wolf School gear at 60 FPS today already proves plenty satisfying.

Closing Thoughts

While 120 FPS in The Witcher 3 may not arrive for another generation of GPUs for most, unlocking higher frame rates remains worthwhile to glimpse the game’s potential. Even if not permanently achievable yet due to limitations, pushing the boundaries expands them for the imminent day when 120 FPS unshackles the masterpiece status of The Witcher 3 even further.

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