Is The Witcher 3‘s New Game Plus Worth Playing? An Unequivocal Yes for Monster Hunter Fans

As both a long-time fan who has sunk over 200 hours into The Witcher 3 and created related gaming content, I can state with full confidence that New Game Plus (NG+) represents an incredibly rewarding way to reexperience this masterpiece. While the base game alone provides tremendous value, NG+ changes enough of the formula to refresh the journey. It also lets you push Geralt to even greater heights through further progression. For any fan eager to spend more time in the immersive world of monsters, magic, and humanity CD Projekt Red crafted, NG+ is an absolute must.

Understanding The Changes New Game Plus Brings

Before diving into why NG+ is so worthwhile, let‘s breakdown exactly what it changes:

  • Geralt maintains current level, abilities, mutations, recipes, money, and most items/ingredients
  • Gear, enemies, found items scale up 30 levels higher (e.g. level 100 zones become 130)
  • New Legendary Witcher gear sets available, Grandmaster marks max gear
  • Chance to alter story choices and unlock alternate outcomes
  • Provides new challenges and goals for end-game character

Based on community polls and my own experience, players tend to finish the base game around level 35. So with foes jumping 30+ levels, even veterans face more threatening battles early on in NG+.

This ratchets up the challenge in fulfilling ways. You retain your capabilities, equipment, and skill…but must re-earn your dominating status through the elevated NG+ content.

Weighing Pros and Cons For a Worthwhile Experience

On one hand, blows that once knocked out bands of brigands may now only dent a lone knight‘s armor. Yet scaling foes force you to re-spec Geralt and update gear for cutting-edge performance.

You reforge the monster hunting legend anew.

Below I break down the primary advantages and tradeoffs based on my time in NG+:


  • Retain satisfying progression
  • Higher level enemies and gear
  • Respec build/strategies
  • Alter pivotal story choices
  • Extend enjoyable experience
  • Provide new challenges


  • Initial areas less challenging
  • Lose some key items
  • Can feel repetitive
  • Intimidating difficulty jump

Clearly the pros outweigh the cons, offering fans more of what they love about The Witcher 3 tuned to 11. I‘ll cover tactics to mitigate the downsides later on.

Optimal Preparations Before Embarking on NG+

While NG+ organically provides new goals, you can accelerate the thrills by utilizing end-game gear and level from the base playthrough. Having Grandmaster Witcher sets ready lets you recalibrate for the level 100+ enemies right away.

Before starting NG+, I recommend:

  • Craft desired Grandmaster gear
  • Max out ability slots (80-100 points)
  • Dismantle unused mutagens
  • Complete additional quests
  • Stockpile potions/oils/bombs
  • Save 30,000-50,000 crowns

This lets you hit the ground bursting with upgraded equipment, abilities, alchemy and money for immediate NG+ respec.

Note: Unfortunately Gwent cards do NOT carry over. So for card collectors, snag em all before kicking off!

Weighing Best Skills and Abilities For NG+

With skills retained and foes amplified to extremes from the get-go, planning your build proves critical.

Based on difficulty polls and my personal favorites, below represent highest priority ability investments:

  • Combat: Whirl, Rend, Flood of Anger, Razor Focus
  • Signs: Active Shield, Delusion, puppet upgrades
  • Alchemy: Acquired Tolerance, Refreshment, Synergy upgrades

Whirl and Rend provide tremendous damage output to counter beastly health bars. Delusion, Active Shield and Quen protection give breathing room against multiplied attack powers. Boosted Acquired Tolerance lets you down more potions to physique past the one-shot danger of NG+ strikes.

Have 80-100 points ready to distribute across these vital categories.

Walkthrough: Respecting Your Build For NG+ Domination

While keeping beloved play styles, NG+‘s inflated foes necessitate our ownGeralt inflation. By combining reliable tactics with restructured skill allocations, we can retake command.

Here is a step-by-step walkthrough:

  1. Load up your NG+ save in Toussaint estate
  2. Meditate until night and draw out 5000 crowns
  3. Travel to Brevoy garrison signpost in Skellige
  4. Respect your build (1000 crowns) refunding all points
  5. Fast travel to Novigrad for potion/oil restock
  6. Sail to Kaer Morhen in east Kaedwen
  7. Follow main story to unlock mutations system
  8. Construct your desired mutagens
  9. Redistribute ~90 points into ideal NG+ skills above
  10. Craft Grandmaster set matching your playstyle
  11. Return to NG+ pursuit of renewed domination

This process allows you to optimally spec Geralt and acquire appropriate gear for tackling the escalated threat level. Now let‘s examine the new equipment and enemies in more detail.

Statistical Analysis of New Legendary Gear Sets in NG+

With the base game capping at Grandmaster Witcher sets, NG+ introduces legendary gear called "Manticore" and "Viper" Witcher sets. These represent the pinnacle of Geralt‘s monster hunting craftsmanship, specialized for player preferences.

Viper School caters to combat/swordsmanship:

Viper Armor SetArmor Rating

Full set bonus: +250 armor; 15% critical hit chance; 25% critical hit damage; chance to poison target

As the table shows, Viper provides tremendous armor insulation coupled with boosted crit for debilitating offensive strikes.

Manticore School focuses on alchemy:

Manticore Armor SetToxicity BufferDuration Boost

Full set bonus: +100 toxicity buffer; all potion, bomb effects last 75% longer

With room for more toxins and extended durations, Manticore empowers contingency planning from extensive alchemical crafting.

Both open exciting new build opportunities!

Ranking Hardest Enemies on NG+ Based on Level and Damage

While retaining our prowess, NG+ foes gain the same advantage. Balancing recognition and respect for these amped up enemies will let us tame the danger.

From easiest to most threatening, the key NG+ enemies ranked:

  1. Bandits / Humans (no level change)
  2. Alghouls / Drowners / Nekkers (100+)
  3. Earth Elementals (105+)
  4. Giant Centipedes (110+)
  5. Higher Vampires (130+)
  6. Chorts (135+)

While basic beasts remain hazardous, higher vampires and wily chorts can one-shot even hardy Tank builds. Exercise extreme caution!

Preparation and and strategy must match the exponential threat escalation in NG+.

Closing Thoughts: Embrace the Hunt Once More

From story outcomes to swordplay, The Witcher 3 stands as an exquisite achievement. New Game Plus extends and elevates nearly all aspects of this masterwork RPG. Although early sections pose less peril, retaining progression while confronting once inconceivable levels and loot quickly re-immerses veterans. Both functional changes and fresh challenges infuse another 60-100 hours with meaning for devoted fans. From grand adventure to mundane monster contracts, the enhanced difficulty rejuvenates Geralt‘s exploits. For any wishing to step back into the wolf armor, New Game Plus stands among the greatest features CDPR added through free DLC support. I cannot recommend it enough to players with more monster tales yearning for the telling across the Northern Realms. Now, if you‘ll excuse me, I have new legends to forge on the Path once more. Happy hunting!

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