Is there a blue symbiote?

Yes, hardcore Marvel fans, there is indeed a blue-colored symbiote in existence – and it goes by the name of Agony. First appearing in the comics in 1993, Agony has made sporadic appearances across Marvel media over the years. As a gaming journalist and content creator closely following both the comics and films, I want to provide some deeper analysis around this often overlooked symbiote. There‘s speculation that Agony or a variant could appear in upcoming Marvel projects, so understanding its background is key.

Origins: Agony‘s Beginnings in the Life Foundation Experiments

Agony originates from a dark experiment in the Marvel lore. Here are the quick basics:

The Organization: The Life Foundation, a survivalist group preparing for the end times. They were seeking to develop enhanced soldiers through symbiote experiments.

The Source Material: Venom. The Life Foundation extracted and cloned spawn symbiotes from the blood of Venom‘s host Eddie Brock.

The Result: Five new symbiote "children" – Riot, Lasher, Phage, Agony, and Scream.

So in essence, the shadowy Life Foundation birth five new symbiotes from Venom‘s lineage using unethical experiments. Below is a glimpse of the spawn tanks where the symbiotes were grown before being forcefully paired with human hosts:

![Symbiote spawn tanks](

Agony emerged as a dark blue, almost purple symbiote from this painful process. Like its "siblings," it was highly unstable and driven by rage from the forced bonding. But it granted a mighty array of weapons and powers to its hosts which we‘ll analyze next.

Agony‘s Powers and Abilities

As an offspring of Venom‘s potent symbiote bloodline, Agony possesses fearsome shapeshifting and combat abilities similar to its kin. Let‘s assess some of the key powers granted to a human host:

Superhuman Strength and Speed

Like Venom and Carnage, Agony massively enhances its host‘s physical strength, allowing them to lift cars, punch through walls, and trade blows with Spider-Man himself. The host‘s speed and reflexes are also drastically augmented.

Body Armor and Weapon Generation

The malleable symbiote can morph into various bladed weapons and protective armor. Signature formations include a spiked helmet, battle claws, and knee spikes.

Genetic Memory Transfer

Hosts can potentially access genetic memories and information stored within the alien symbiote passed down from ancestors / former hosts. This can manifest as skills and experiences.

Immune to Spider-Sense

Spider-Man finds it difficult to detect and react to attacks from Agony hosts due to its symbiotic nature. His danger sense of incoming blows is dulled.

Camouflage and Stealth Abilities

Agony exhibits advanced stealth capabilities – it can mask thermal/infrared signatures enabling tactical espionage, mimic textures and colors of surroundings for camouflage, or spread flat to slip under tight spaces.

Accelerated Healing Factor

The symbiote biology grants advanced healing, allowing the host to quickly mend wounds and recover from injury.

As the perks suggest, the Agony symbiote makes its host an extremely formidable fighter on par with Venom and Carnage. Now let‘s see how it stacks up against other symbiotes.

How Does Agony Compare to Other Symbiotes?

Venom, Carnage, and Riot may be more well known – but how strong is Agony really versus its blood relatives?

One key detail is Agony originates from Venom as a second generation symbiote. It‘s a level below the original Venom symbiote in terms of ancestral "purity." Typically in the lore, descendants diluted from the original strain are weaker.

Nonetheless, Agony displays similarly fearsome combat potential – perhaps more towards the side of Venom vs the utter bloodlust of Carnage. But it‘s undoubtedly more unpredictable and volatile due to corrupted Life Foundation experiments splicing its genes.

In terms of ranking by threat level among key symbiotes:

SymbioteThreat Level
CarnageExtremely High
ToxinExtremely High
RiotVery High
VenomVery High

So Agony lands solidly in the upper mid tier. Impressive but a step below Venom and Carnage‘s level of shock and awe. Of course in the right circumstances or with an exceptionally ruthless host, it could potentially punch higher and wreak more widepsread havoc.

This speaks to the importance of the bond between host and symbiote which heavily determines overall power. But in terms of natural fighting talent and weapons generation, Agony brings some devastating capabilities as these panels highlight:

![Agony combat panels](

Agony has played antagonist against Spider-Man and Venom over the years. It‘s proven to be highly dangerous but isn‘t quite an A tier symbiote name in Marvel canon thus far. But as a cool, flashy blue alien suit with plenty of combat potential, could it break into the spotlight soon?

Will We See Agony in Upcoming Marvel Games or Movies?

Agony has made sporadic comic appearances over the years but has yet to seriously surface in Marvel‘s gaming, TV, or cinematic worlds. But here‘s why the blue symbiote has breakout potential:

Unique Visual Design

The vivid blue palette helps Agony instantly stand out from the common black, white, red color schemes of symbiotes. As a alternate skin, it would attract players‘ eyes and offer nice style variety.

Fresh Story Possibilities

Agony‘s origins from forced Life Foundation experiments open up new plot directions to explore themes of unethical human enhancement, uncontrollable bio weapons, and corrupt organizations, moving beyond the classic Venom vs. Spider-Man dynamic.

Potential Future Hosts

Agony changing hosts over time makes it more flexible story-wise to plant into existing hero/villain arcs across Marvel games and movies. It‘s essentially up for grabs after original hosts like Leslie Gesneria, Ramon Hernandez, and others have perished.

For example, the blue suit could looks slick on Punisher as a darker Vigilante twist! Overall, the psychic emotional instabilities caused by Agony bonding could drive interesting personality changes and narrative tension for a variety of Marvel characters.

So I believe the blue symbiote Agony is waiting in the wings to make a bigger splash. As a devoted gamer following Marvel gaming news, I‘ll be keeping a close eye on upcoming titles like Spider-Man 2 to see if Agony or another unique new symbiote appears! Veteran developers Insomniac Games are packed with creativity, so I expect some exciting surprises on the symbiote front and Agony seems like a strong candidate.

Let me know your thoughts on Agony‘s potential debut – do you think the blue symbiote could arrive as a suit skin or even a main antagonist in future Marvel gaming/movie projects? Which characters would you want to see bond with it? Sound off in the comments!

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