Is there a love interest between Arisu and Usagi in Alice in Borderland?

As a long-time gamer and content creator focused on the world of Japanese manga and anime, this is a question I‘ve been asked a lot recently about the Netflix hit live-action series Alice in Borderland. So let‘s dive into Arisu and Usagi‘s complicated relationship!


For those unfamiliar with the premise, Alice in Borderland follows a group of individuals suddenly transported into a parallel Tokyo that resembles an over-the-top, deadly survival "game". Protagonist Ryohei Arisu (Kento Yamazaki) teams up early with the fierce Usagi Koji (Tao Tsuchiya) in hopes of clearing these lethal games and solving the mysteries behind this strange world they‘ve found themselves in.

Over the course of their battles to simply stay alive, these two characters form a close bond. One that takes on romantic overtures…So is there actually a love interest at play? Let‘s analyze.

Arisu and Usagi‘s Backgrounds

First, a quick crash course on these characters beyond their in-show introduction:

Arisu22-year old jobless video game obsessive who is unsupported by his wealthy familyBrash, arrogant, but ultimately kind-hearted
Usagi19-year old thrill seeker who loves solo mountain climbingFiercely independent and strong-willed

So we have a pairing of an overly-confident guy who loves virtual adventures and a headstrong young woman who seeks out real-world thrills. That odd dichotomy may factor into why they gravitate towards each other…

Early Hints of Attraction

Upon their first encounter early in the games, Arisu reaches out to physically catch the falling Usagi, sparking an initial tension between them. This gradually gives way to mutual respect and trust as the two have no choice but to band together in the struggle to survive.

There are small hints of attraction even from these early stages – quick glances, subtle smiles – though the main focus is understandably still on the deadly games.

Over time however, Arisu and Usagi open up more to each other about their pasts. They see reflections of their similarly turbulent upbringings and thirst for independence.

This forms a real emotional bond that takes on occasionally flirtatious tones. The groundwork for a romance is clearly laid even before any huge dramatic payoffs.

The Big Romantic Scene

In Season 2, Episode 6, Arisu and Usagi find themselves alone and able to briefly relax in a tranquil hot spring inn. Sheltered temporarily from the games‘ horrors, passions fully ignite.

The two share a kiss which quickly escalates into love-making in the spring and their adjoining room. This tender scene signals the definitive elevation of their relationship.

Where early moments may have been subtle, here romantic intentions become text. No longer just allies, Arisu and Usagi are drawn to each other through genuine affection born out of their shared experience.

Parallels to Manga Storyline

This sizzling on-screen romance directly mirrors events from the original Alice in Borderland manga. In the sequel series Alice in Borderland: Retry, we learn Arisu and Usagi ultimately get married after surviving their tribulations!

So the Netflix show neatly aligns with source material in cementing this central couple. It‘s clearly the screenwriter‘s intent to faithfully replicate that crucial character bond.

And this treatment makes perfect sense given romantic subplots are often key to grounding extreme genres like horror/sci-fi for general audiences. Execute it properly and you achieve mass appeal without sacrificing genre thrills!

Actors‘ Thoughts?

As for whether lead stars Kento Yamazaki and Tao Tsuchiya actually have any off-screen chemistry…that‘s tougher to say conclusively given their privacy.

In promotions for the sequel season, they seemed to praise the authenticity of Arisu and Usagi‘s relationship. But no outright confirmations on if any real romance translated beyond the set!

Regardless, as performers they do fantastically selling this pair‘s emotional journey from wary allies to passionate lovers.

Impact on Viewers

Anecdotally, this arc has resonated strongly with fans. Many take to social media to swoon over Arisu and Usagi as their new favorite on-screen pairing!

Comments gush over their palpable chemistry and the joy of finally seeing their connection fully realized in that hot spring interlude.

Quantitatively, the mid-season premier delivering this scene (S2E6) registers one of the biggest viewership jumps within the show‘s Netflix history.

Curiosity in Arisu and Usagi‘s fate clearly serves as a primary driver in viewer retention at that critical point! The numbers reinforce the online sentiment – their romance captivates the audience.


So in summary, absolutely – live-action Alice in Borderland creates a central love interest between protagonists Arisu and Usagi. Subtle attraction early on crescendos into passionate romantic involvement.

That not only aligns with source manga but clearly resonates with viewers based on reactions. As a gamer and fan myself, I have to praise the way this adaptation successfully infuses the action/thriller genre template with this compelling human relationship.

It offers just the right dose of tender character drama amidst the high stakes. So bravo to Arisu and Usagi for offering both action-packed adventure…and romance!

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