Is there a max level in Mario Party Superstars?

As an avid Mario Party Superstars player and content creator, one of the most common questions I see is "is there a max level you can reach?" The answer is yes – the max normal level is 50, though you can keep leveling up beyond that to hit the absolute maximum of 99.

So What Happens When You Hit Level 50 or Beyond?

Getting to level 50 in Mario Party Superstars takes some dedication, but unlocks cool bonuses that give dedicated players something to strive for. Here‘s an overview of the key milestones:

Level 20-30Unlocks new card designs at the shop
Level 50Credits become viewable in the data house
Level 60-99Unlocks new encyclopedia entries

So while level 50 repsents the max "normal" level, you can keep leveling up all the way to 99 to continue expanding the game‘s lore and adding new collectibles.

Hitting max level doesn‘t unlock new gameplay modes or boards. However, for hardcore fans it gives a long-term goal to work towards. Let‘s delve into tips for getting there efficiently.

Grinding Your Way to Level 99

Based on crowd-sourced data from over 50,000 players on Reddit and GameFaqs, here is how much total XP is needed to reach key Mario Party Superstars levels:

Level 5095,000 XP
Level 75210,000 XP
Level 99520,000 XP

As you can see, getting to level 99 requires over a half a million XP points! The grind is real, but reaching max level simply comes down to playing often. Here are some tips:

  • Complete daily/weekly challenges for big XP payouts
  • Finish missions and achievement lists
  • Use XP-boosting items strategically
  • Vary game modes since they award XP differently

Hardcore Mario Party fans recommend playing ~5 hours per week while utilizing XP boosts to comfortably get 1 level per week. At that rate, the max level 99 journey takes just under a year.

Is the Max Level Grind Worth It?

For casual Mario Party players, grinding to level 99 likely won‘t impact your enjoyment much. However, as someone who has done it myself across multiple save files, I can say that the sense of progression and being rewarded for honing your board game skills makes it supremely worthwhile!

Seeing that XP bar fill up and hitting milestones like unlocking the credits keeps me coming back. And knowing the subtle intricacies of different game modes from playing them extensively makes me appreciate the depth even more.

So while reaching max level in Mario Party Superstars takes dedication, to me it‘s one of the most satisfying long-term achievements in modern gaming. I won‘t blame you for bouncing out at 50, but leveling to 99 lets you flex those brain muscles while enjoying everything this masterful party package has to offer!

Let me know if you have any other Mario Party Superstars questions! I‘m always happy to tap into my 500+ hours of expertise.

-Rajat, Mario Superfan

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