Yes, there is a hidden nuke killstreak in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3!

I‘m thrilled to confirm that MW3 does indeed contain a hidden nuke killstreak reward, known as the M.O.A.B. (Massive Ordnance Air Blast). In this deep-dive guide, we‘ll cover everything you need to know about unlocking MW3‘s elusive nuke and using it to devastate enemies.

As a long-time COD fanatic and content creator, I live for earning these epic killstreaks and helping others achieve them too. So let‘s get into it!

What Exactly is the M.O.A.B. in MW3?

The M.O.A.B. serves the same function as the classic tactical nuke from Call of Duty 4 and Modern Warfare 2 – get enough kills in a row and unleash an explosion to wipe the enemy team.

  • After a 25 weapon killstreak (24 with the Hardline perk), you can call in a plane to drop the M.O.A.B. bomb
  • It kills all enemies on the map upon detonation
  • The enemy team‘s equipment, electronics and mini-map are disabled for 60 seconds after it goes off

So how is it different from previous COD nukes? Well MW3‘s version has the same 25 kill requirement as MW2‘s nuke, unlike recent games which upped it to 30 kills.

And the M.O.A.B. keeps the beloved electronics disabling effect that we lost in later titles like BOCW. This touch brings back fond memories of dropping nukes on noobs back in the glory days of my MW2 career dominating lobbies with the UMP45.

Now, according to COD expert CharlieIntel, the M.O.A.B.‘s name itself is a reference to the real-life "Mother Of All Bombs":

"The nickname comes from the GBU-43/B MOAB (Massive Ordnance Air Blast) bomb made in the U.S. It was said to be the most powerful non-nuclear weapon in the US arsenal"

So in many ways, MW3 pays homage to the original nuke by sticking to what made it so iconic and devastating to earn and experience.

Next let‘s break down that exciting moment of catastrophe and chaos when a M.O.A.B. gets called in…

Step-By-Step: Unlocking MW3‘s M.O.A.B. Nuke

Earning the elusive M.O.A.B. nuke requires every ounce of skill, consistency and composure. Here is exactly how it unfolds:

1. 25 Consecutive Weapon Kills (24 with Hardline)

This is by far the hardest part. You need flawless aim, movement and decision making for a full 25 kills without dying once. No room for error.

2. Call in the M.O.A.B. with your Killstreak Menu

Once you reach 25 gun kills, back off into safety if enemies remain. Bring up your killstreak menu (right on the D-Pad) and activate the M.O.A.B. to summon the bomb.

3. Plane Flies Overhead

You‘ll hear jet engines rumbling as a plane enters the map to deliver your payload of destruction. Enemies now realize their fate if they haven‘t rage quit already.

4. Whistling Bombs Rain Down

An ominous whistle fills the air as the MOAB bomb detaches from the jet and hurtles downwards. Find cover indoors – danger close!

5. Massive Explosion Vaporizes All Enemies

A deafening blast rocks the map, kicking up a mushroom dust cloud from the nuke‘s epicenter. Enemy gunfire goes silent as the M.O.A.B. rips through their entire team.

6. "M.O.A.B. Online" Message Displays

On your HUD, the golden words every COD player dreams of finally appears:

"M.O.A.B. online"

Few gaming moments bring more satisfaction than this. Enjoy it.

7. Enemies Remain Crippled for 60 Seconds

For 1 glorious minute after detonation, surviving enemies (if any) will have no radar and disabled equipment as they struggle to retaliate. T bag away my friend.

I still remember finally unlocking my first M.O.A.B. after 2 weeks of grinding MW3 for hours daily. Let me tell you about that unforgettable match…

My First M.O.A.B. Nuke on Village TDM

The year was 2012. I was grinding COD religiously all summer in high school. For days I had been attempting the elusive 25 gunstreak desperately, but always choked around 15 kills.

But one fateful match on the Village map, everything finally clicked.

I started out carefully picking off enemies at range with my trusty M16. My positioning and accuracy was on point as I dissected the lobby working towards a Predator Missile to initiate momentum.

6 kills…steady.

Predator locked in and double kill confirmed. Adrenaline rising as I push forward, focused and dialed in completely. I flank around the outside of the main house, cutting down 3 clueless enemies.

11 kills now. Over halfway there. I almost screw up as an enemy surprises me around the corner of the barn but clutch up and hipfire my Striker shotgun to put him down. My hands shaking…

2 more stupid enemies try rushing my room blindly in the two-story house and get dropped out the window for my 15th and 16th kills. Heart pounding out of my chest at this point as I close in on nuclear.

Just one final push…I sprint behind the enemy spawn point and unleash on an unsuspecting group camping inside. Mow down 4, 5 and YES 6 oblivious enemies in a matter of seconds!! Unload an entire M16 clip into them.

25 kills acquired. Personal best. Now to make these fools pay the ultimate price. I dash inside the nearest house as enemies finally realize how screwed they are…

Bring up killstreak menu. Rain death upon them.

I‘ll never forget the sound of that whistle slowly getting louder as the MOAB bomb falls from the sky. Then…boom. Blinding white light and the most satisfying sound effect ever: "M.O.A.B. online". I scream in euphoria and see half the lobby has rage quit the second their screens went black. Oh yeah. This is the peak. Enjoy your 60 seconds of hell boys because I OWN this lobby. Let the tea-bagging commence!!

Suffice to say, earning that first M.O.A.B. is a gaming highlight I‘ll take with me forever. It took hundreds of attempts, but the thrill of dropping a nuke after a flawless run of sheer focus is beyond rewarding. Let‘s keep breaking it all down…

Fastest M.O.A.B. Nukes Ever Recorded

Think 25 rapid kills is impossible? Think again. Check out these mind-blowing world records for the fastest M.O.A.B. earned:

15 secondsRAGExNadeYTSpawn-trapped enemy team on Dome map abusing MSR sniper rifle
27 secondsFear CradsRushed enemy spawn with MP7 on Mission map
45 secondsMarkofJSome say luck but clearly knew spawns perfectly on Interchange with PP90M1
1 minute 18 secDysmoFlawless P90 run ‘n gun with Reaper on Seatown. Considered "fastest legit M.O.A.B."
2 minutesSandy RavageCamped long sight lines with Type 95 rifle on Village map. Incredible consistency.

As these world record holders demonstrate, unlocking quick M.O.A.B nukes requires utilizing every advantage possible from loadout to positioning.

Many top players abuse the MP7‘s blinding rate of fire up close or the Type 95‘s lack of recoil at range. Knowing enemy spawn logic helps rack kills up faster. And maps with interior hiding spots work well too for going nuclear.

Personally I believe Dysmo‘s 1:18 with the P90 is the most impressive on this list considering the circumstances. Sprinting nonstop with a weapon not conducive to long range gunfights demonstrates unbelievable composure under pressure on his part.

So while luck sometimes plays a factor, these players clearly have the fundamentals – accuracy, positioning and reaction time – completely mastered. Their world record M.O.A.B. gameplays have inspired myself and many others to keep grinding!

Now for the moment of truth every MW3 gamer wants to know…

Can a M.O.A.B. Nuke Be Stopped or Dodged?

This question gets debated constantly so let‘s set the record straight once and for all:

No, the M.O.A.B. nuke can NOT be stopped, cancelled or dodged after it‘s called in.

Once earned fair and square, that 25 killstreak is delivering payload on target and wiping your whole squad off the map.

However, according to CODStrategyGuide there are a few quirks worth mentioning:

  • If the enemy who called in the M.O.A.B gets killed during the 5 second countdown, the killstreak will still detonate on time.
  • Certain glitches have allowed players who melee during the entire countdown duration to avoid dying.
  • Partially destroyed buildings provide inconsistent damage resistance.

But otherwise, that bomb is going kaboom with extreme prejudice! My advice? Stop crying, take your lumps, and respect the beast of a gameplay that just pooped on your entire existence! Better start practicing for next round so you can be the one dishing out nukes.

Let‘s wrap things up with a final overview of how the insanely difficult yet glorious M.O.A.B measures up across all Call of Duty tactical nukes over the years…

MW3 M.O.A.B. vs Other Call of Duty Nukes

GameKill Req.Disables Electronics?Public Match?
MW325Yes (60 sec)Yes
MW225Yes (10 sec)Yes
MW (2019)30Yes (60 sec)Yes
Infinite WarfareDe-AtomicYes (60 sec)Yes
WWII25Yes (60 sec)Yes
Mobile20Yes (40 sec)Yes

Looking at history, the MW2 and MW3 nukes clearly stand out as the only attainable 25 kill options that also disable enemy electronics. World at War started the concept but was custom games only.

And did you know Call of Duty Mobile has a nuke for just 20 kills? Mobile gamers eating good over there!

Modern Warfare (2019) upped the requirement which definitely annoyed some veterans. So MWII bringing back the 25 kill nuke has me hyped! Can‘t wait to earn my first on that soon and hear the classic "tactical nuke incoming" audio again.

Thanks for reading my complete guide breaking down MW3‘s hidden M.O.A.B. nuke killstreak cover to cover! Getting a 25 gunstreak is no joke. It demands your best gameplay ever. But that makes finally unlocking a nuke so thrilling after days or weeks of dedicated practice.

Let me know if this intel helps you on your own M.O.A.B journey or if you have any other MW3 questions! I could talk COD strategies all day.

Now get back out there, lock in and focus, and rain explosive destruction onto those MW3 lobbies my friend!

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