Is There a Perk Limit in Black Ops 2 Zombies? A Thorough Breakdown

Yes, Black Ops 2 Zombies does impose a 4 perk limit for perks bought from machines. However, various methods exist to obtain more than 4 perks – continuing our eternal quest for god-like zombie slaying power! As an avid zombies player, I‘m here to provide a detailed guide to perk limits and selection strategy in BO2.

The Basics: Buying Perks from Machines

In most zombies maps, there are 6 different Perk-a-Cola machines scattered around which provide persistent upgrades or boosts. These include classics like Juggernog, Speed Cola, and Double Tap Root Beer along with map-specific perks like Electric Cherry and Vulture-Aid.

Players are restricted to only having 4 purchased perks active at one time. Attempting to buy a 5th perk from a machine will prompt you to replace one of your other perks, rather than gaining an additional one.

So choosing which 4 complementary perks to buy and equip is an important strategic decision and will vary based on playstyle. More on optimal selections later!

Exceeding the Limit Through Alternative Sources

While 4 perks from machines is the baseline limit, various mechanics in BO2 Zombies make it possible to exceed this.

The primary methods of getting more than 4 active perks are:

  • Perk Bottle Powerup – Randomly spawns a bottle which grants a free random perk. This can take you up to 5 total perks.
  • Side Easter Eggs – Completing certain map-specific challenges rewards players with special perks. Different Easter eggs can reward either persistent perks or temporary ones.
  • Sharing with Teammates – If another player has 4 perks already, they can buy a 5th+ perk from a machine and then you can obtain it from them for free through sharing. Requires cooperation!

Based on these strategies, what‘s the absolute maximum number of perks possible?

Maximum Number of Total Perks Attainable

The maximum possible number of persistent perks a single player can have active simultaneously is 8 perks through combining machines, sharing, and Easter eggs. You can potentially exceed 8 with temporary perk rewards.

This pinnacle of perk-fueled power requires extensive Easter egg hunting and cooperation to achieve!

To illustrate, here is an example perk loadout reaching the 8 persistent perk limit:

Perk MachineJuggernog2X health
Perk MachineSpeed ColaFaster reloads
Perk MachineDouble Tap II2X fire rate
Perk MachineQuick ReviveFaster health regen
Perk BottleElectric CherryStun nearby zombies
Teammate ShareVulture-AidSee items through walls
Side Easter EggPHD FlopperExplosive fall damage immunity
Side Easter EggMule KickCarry 3rd primary weapon

As this shows, hitting the 8 perk ceiling requires utilizing all possible unlock options!

Weighing the Strategic Considerations of Perk Limits

Getting set up with 4+ active perks is extremely powerful. But choices still matter given the inherent limits. Let‘s explore factors to weigh when selecting perks in Black Ops 2 Zombies:

Prioritizing Core Survival Perks First

Staying alive is priority #1. So when initially buying perks, focus on critical upgrades like:

  • Juggernog – to survive more hits
  • Quick Revive – to rapidly heal
  • Speed Cola – for faster weapons handling

Maximizing survival then opens more tactical options as the game progresses.

Valuing Map-Specific Perks

Once you have your core perks, consider the special perks only available on that map through Easter eggs or machines. For example, on Buried you absolutely want to get Vulture-Aid for its scavenging abilities. Understanding these can optimize your build.

Adapting to High Round Strategies

Assessing your weapons arsenal andIntended high round approach should shift needs. If relying on Wonder Weapons like the Ray Gun Mk 2 or Paralyzer, ammo capacity and reload perks have less value. Instead, mobility and utility perks take priority to kite zombies.

Analyzing your loadout and strategy helps choose appropriate perks to excel.

Being Opportunistic with Random Extra Perks

Finally, those bonus random perks from Power-Ups provide exciting opportunities to push your power even further! Having a flexible approach to integrate these as they appear allows reacting to the luck bestowed upon you by the Zombies gods.

Comparing the Power of Key Perks

While personal preference is always an element, empirically some perks provide way more overall value than others in Black Ops 2 Zombies. Let‘s directly compare a few top tier perks and what separates them.

Juggernog2X health for multiple hitsSimply essential for durability – scales through endgame
Speed ColaSuper fast reloads – increases DPS outputSaves seconds on complex & ammo intensive weapons
Double Tap 22X bullet damage – 2X fire rateA staggering damage boost – can max ammo reserves quickly
Electric CherryChain stunning melee AOE effectsMixed value – ranged weapons diminish utility

As expected, our original survival trifecta of Juggernog, Speed Cola, and Double Tap clearly stand out in power and versatility. While situationally strong choices like Electric Cherry bring variability to loadouts.

Let me know your thoughts on prioritizing perks builds in Black Ops 2 Zombies or if you have requests for other topics to cover related to excelling and surviving in this classic game!

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